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Revision as of 04:01, 8 January 2007 by Arigan (talk | contribs) (Background)

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  • Arigan / Mikan - Internal Affairs, Treasurer
  • Alia / Blues - Head Recruiter, Public Relations
  • Haruhi Suzumiya / Ephemera - Webmaster
  • Vaxillus - Artist


The Primrose Syndicate was founded on October 16th, 2006 by four college students who had gone to highschool together in northern California. We are a loose guild that promotes the community aspects of Phantasy Star Universe more than anything else, and we are generally very relaxed with things and aren't too strict about swearing and the like (we are college students after all). Currently, we are working hard to deliver some very entertaining events for the Phantasy Star Universe community, and are in the process of developing and perfecting stuff like the Fashion Event so that it can be hosted with ease.