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GUARDIANS Chronicle 2

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GUARDIANS Chronicle 2

GUARDIANS Chronicle 2 is an event for the Japanese PC/PS2 servers which began March 3, 2011, and ran through April 14, 2011[1]. The Xbox 360 version of this event began March 30, 2012, and is scheduled to run through June 7, 2012.

Project "GUARDIANS Chronicle" -- a plan to create new training simulations by transforming the battles and military operations of the GUARDIANS into virtual reality.

Many extremely useful simulators were completed during the previous run of this project. Taking this into consideration, the upper divisions of the GUARDIANS have decided to set the second part into motion. Through a wide variety of training simulators programmed for this project, the renowned power and experiences of the protectors of Gurhal will be passed on, and the promise of a peaceful future will be tied directly to the records of the fierce battles of the past!

Event overview

As with the original GUARDIANS Chronicle, GUARDIANS Chronicle 2 resurrects popular missions from past events, bringing with them greater challenges and new rewards. This event features missions from the Winter Mission Carnival, The Great Arms Race and Shred the Darkness.

Event missions

The following missions will be available for the duration of GUARDIANS Chronicle 2, unless otherwise noted.

Prologue mission

Main missions

Recruitment missions

Event rewards

Unlike the original GUARDIANS Chronicle and many other events, an overall enemy kill count will not be kept. Instead, total kills will be recorded on an individual basis. As you rack up points from kills (one point per enemy), you will be able to use these points to purchase items from the event's prologue mission, many of which have been unavailable since their debut in a previous event.

External links

Reference notes

  1. Jump up The Japanese PC/PS2 version of this event originally was scheduled to run through March 31, 2011, however due to service delays caused by the massive earthquake which struck Japan on March 11, the event was extended by two weeks.