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| align = 
| backgroundcolor = 
| bordercolor = 
| extra-css =
| textcolor = 
| toptext = 



All of the parameters are optional.


Detailed explanations of the parameters are below.

Parameter Valid values
align left, center, or right (default)
backgroundcolor Any web color (name or #XXXXXX hex format). Defaults to #FFFFFF.
bordercolor Any Web colors (name or #XXXXXX hex format). Defaults to #99B3FF.
extra-css Allows you to provide additional Cascading Style Sheets style information.
textcolor Any Web colors (name or #XXXXXX hex format). Defaults to #000000.
toptext Overrides the standard text and link. Can include wiki-markup.


This code

| align = center
| backgroundcolor = green
| bordercolor = yellow
| textcolor = white
| toptext = example}}




would show this


dreamcast This user has been killing boomas since the dreamcast. PSO

dreamcast This user has been killing boomas since the dreamcast. PSO