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Acrobatic Combat
Here's the scenario I encountered.
Console: Xbox 360 (Online)
Mission: Electronic Brain C http://psupedia.info/Electronic_Brain
Target: SEED-Ardite http://psupedia.info/SEED-Ardite
Personal Race: CAST http://psupedia.info/CAST
Personal Type: Acrofighter http://psupedia.info/Acrofighter
Equipped Weapon: Survivor http://psupedia.info/Survivor
So here's what happened. I charged the SEED-Ardite and locked onto with the Left Bumper control, then started smashing X to attack. It resulted in my character rapidly shifting around the SEED-Ardite, while simultaneously keeping me facing the SEED-Ardite and properly registering my attacks on it. If I disengaged my Lock-On prior to my attacks landing, I would teleport to the oposite side of the SEED-Ardite, facing away from it. This would occur against every SEED-Ardite I would encounter. Can anyone verify if this occurs to them as well, and also whether this is supposed to happen or not? ChaseNetwork 05:52, 15 November 2011 (EST)