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Vol Curry
From The re-PSUPedia
Revision as of 17:51, 8 September 2011 by Monster man dan (talk | contribs)
This article contains information on content which has not yet been released outside of the Japanese PC servers. This content should be introduced to the Xbox 360 servers in a future update. |
(Curry made by the self-proclaimed successes, the Vol Bros. It hasn't been taste-tested for poison, so you may be taking your life in your own hands!)
Item details
- This material currently is available only on the Japanese PC/PS2 servers.
- The Japanese name of this item is ボル・カレー.
- This material can be obtained via the Stamp Gacha in the exchange mission (Stamp Shop).
- This item is account-bound, and therefore cannot be dropped, traded or sold on the player market.
- This biomaterial can be traded in at RSD Drop-off for 50 DP.
Drop information