If you are looking for Information about PSU Clementine, Go check their Wiki
From The re-PSUPedia
Hi there, I'm Bordeaux.
I've been a player of Phantasy Star Universe since January 2008 and am currently playing on the Japanese PC servers. I usually tend to solo, but I don't mind having random parties every once in a while. I like helping out newbies, as well.
Also, I'm kinda new to this wiki thing, I'll jazz up my page as time goes on.
Character Information
Overview of Online Characters
Name | Level | Gender/Race | Type | Comments |
mint | 95 | Female Newman | Fortetecher 20, Masterforce 1 | Main character |
Proxy | 46 | Female Human | Acrotecher 8 | Secondary character |
tea | 57 | Female CAST | Guntecher 6, Fortegunner | Storage |
spice | 30 | Female CAST | Fortefighter 1 | Storage |