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Episode 1 Chapter 05 Colony (script)

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Clyez City First Floor: Central Table

(Arsh Milzu)

  • Ethan: Hello, Mrs. Milzu! Say, your husband is on Neudaiz, isn't he?
  • Mrs. Milzu: Yes, in Ohtoku City.
  • Ethan: When I'm there for my mission, maybe I'll run into him!


  • Ethan: What is your husband's name, Mrs. Milzu?
  • Mrs. Milzu: Kitov Milzu. Look him up if you get a chance!

(Old Man)

  • Old Man: Neudaiz is a nice place, ain't it?
  • Ethan: Where did that come from?
  • Old man: It's been getting around that you've been running around on Neudaiz.
  • Ethan: (This guy must have some good ears!)


  • Old Man: It's been more than ten years since I set foot on Neudaiz. Even that was just a day trip...

(Beast Male)

  • Beast Male: I'd go anywhere to be able to see the Divine Maiden up close! But until I join up with the GUARDIANS I won't be going anywhere.


  • Beast Man: It must be nice to see the Divine Maiden! Just being able to see her would be enough to keep me happy for life!

(Gapard Raz)

  • Ethan: Hey, how about it? Have you thought about what I said before?
  • Gapard: About what?
  • Ethan: About joining the GUARDIANS! Hey, don't tell me you forgot already!
  • Gapard: No, I didn't forget.


  • Gapard: What now?
  • Ethan: Next time we meet, I want an answer, okay?
  • Gapard: Geez! Fine...

(Newman Male)

  • Newman Male: Will you be guarding the Divine Maiden, too? Keep her safe, won't you? The Maiden is very important to the people of Gurhal!


  • Newman Male: Keep the Divine Maiden safe!

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: Have you ever been to Neudaiz? The culture and surroundings are a lot different from here. You'll definitely be surprised. You'll probably get to see the Divine Maiden, too! I want to go to Neudaiz again...


  • Human male: I wish I could meet the Divine Maiden.

Clyez City Second Floor: Shopping Mall A

(Kumil Godes)

  • Ethan: Hi, Kumil.
  • Kumil: Oh, Ethan! hey! I want to ride on a shuttle, too! Take me with you on your mission!
  • Ethan: I can't do that! You're too young to go on missions!
  • Kumil: Hmph! My dad says the same thing.


  • Ethan: What's wrong, Kumil?
  • Kumil: I want to ride on a shuttle.
  • Ethan: Try asking your father.


  • Engineer: The biggest difference between CASTs and machines is CASTs are modeled after people and machines are not. Also, CAST intellect is furnished with the same emotions and consciousness that are found in humans. There's a law restricting the degree of intellect that can be added to machines... It's a comparatively small level. If I were to explain why, it could take a while... Suffice to say, machines would be entangled with the questions of ego and consciousness.


  • Engineer: There is no question that CASTs have the same level of consciousness as humans. But you can't really say the same for machines. It's a tricky subject.

(Mikua Tesran)

  • Ethan: Hey, Mikua. How's it hanging?
  • Mikua: Nothing's hanging anywhere, Ethan.
  • Ethan: It's just an expression.
  • Mikua: So when are you going to introduce me to someone who is more my type?
  • Ethan: I... don't know.


  • Mikua: I'm not getting any younger, Ethan.
  • Ethan: You're being pretty dramatic, Mikua. Aren't you only nineteen?

(Human Girl)

  • Human Girl: Because of the SEED, regular people like me are restricted from traveling. I'm so jealous of Guardians, able to go wherever they want!


  • Human Girl: I wonder if you'd take me shopping at least? No?

(Fat Man)

  • Fat Man: The damage from the SEED hasn't decreased at all. You guys need to try harder! Quit loafing around here and get to work!


  • Fat Man: Get to work!

(Nano Transformer Fan)

  • Nano-Transformer Fan: Nano Transformers use A-Photons. Did you know that? A-Photon crystals are created from photons using a special manufacturing process. Only recently were they successful in gaining vast amounts of energy from enlarged crystals. It's the energy of the future! The amount used by the nano transformer doesn't require large crystals, though.


  • Nano-Transformer Fan: The relationship between A-Photons and nano transformers is surprisingly not widely known.

(Mefon Lead)

  • Ethan: Hello, Mrs. Lead.
  • Mrs. Lead: Oh hello, Ethan. Are you heading to a mission after this?
  • Ethan: All my missions lately have been somewhere you need a PPT Shuttle to reach.
  • Mrs. Lead: The GUARDIANS must keep you awfully busy!


  • Mrs. Lead: If you go to Moatoob, let me know. I'll tell my son you're coming!
  • Ethan: Jonb, was it?
  • Mrs. Lead: Yes, that's it.

Clyez City Third Floor: Shopping Mall B

(Mischec Pord)

  • Ethan: Hey, Mischec! How are you doing?
  • Mischec: Great! Are you working now?
  • Ethan: Yeah.
  • Mischec: Hey, have you been to Moatoob? There's where my dad is.
  • Ethan: Really? Maybe I'll run into him someday.


  • Ethan: What's wrong, Mischec?
  • Mischec: If you run into my dad, would you tell him that I'm doing fine?

(A-Photon Fanatic)

  • A-Photon Fanatic: Maiden this and Maiden that. What's all this uproar over one little lady? Holy Light and all that, the era of the photon is over!


  • A-Photon Fanatic: The era of the photon is over!

(Photon Fanatic)

  • Photon Fanatic: I'm not exactly a follower of the Gurhal Faith, but as a spokesperson for photons... I can say with assurance that the existence of the Divine Maiden is a wondrous thing! Our civilization has been around for thousands of years, but photons are something we can no longer live without. So is it really necessary to go out of our way to switch to a cold, machine-like energy... like A-Photons?!


  • Photon Fanatic: It's the Divine Maiden's duty to spread word of the benefits of photons. I, for one, support her efforts!


  • Astronomer: When the SEED first appeared, the Gurhal sun experienced a surge in sunspot activity. But nobody knows why and there's very little data. Now, everyone has focused their attention on what's outside of our solar system. There aren't any scholars left investigating the mysteries of our own sun!


  • Astronomer: If I can get enough data to prove the connection between the SEED and sunspots, perhaps I can turn people's attention towards our sun!

(Endy Fodz)

  • Ethan: Hey, Endy! I just found out I'm going to Neudaiz!
  • Endy: Really!? Man... Well I'm not going to let you beat me!


  • Ethan: Well, I'd better get going. See you later!

Clyez City Fourth Floor: PPT Spaceport

(Jabutz Secbel)

  • Ethan: Hello, Mr. Chief Manager of Operations!
  • Jabutz: Oh, it's you... Ethan Waber.
  • Ethan: Y-You know my name?
  • Jabutz: People are talking. Apparently you're quite the promising new recruit...
  • Ethan: I wouldn't go that far...


  • Jabutz: Hey! Don't let a little talk go to your head! You're famous within maintenance circles now because of the big mess you left the Milate 04 in!
  • Ethan: It's not like I meant to...

(Beast Male)

  • Beast Male: This time you're going to Neudaiz, aren't you? Neudaiz is the hub of the newmans' unique culture. Just looking around and taking in the strange sights... That'll be enough to keep you from getting bored! The city and the people have this sense of... how do I put it? "refinement" to them. Newmans are, for the most part, and extremely quiet race. Don't frolic about in the streets, as it's considered very rude!


  • Beast Male: I wish I could go to Neudaiz again.

(Porsh Tuvol)

  • Ethan: Hey, Porsh!
  • Porsh: Hey, Ethan. Are you going to Parum again?
  • Ethan: Nope. This time they're going to be sending me to Neudaiz.
  • Porsh: Wow! That's great! GUARDIANS sure do keep busy, don't they?
  • Ethan: Yeah...


  • Ethan: I'm always a little nervous the first time I visit a planet...
  • Porsh: Well, good luck!

(Keiko Rotta)

  • Ethan: A young CAST like this doesn't need to be worried about Instant Crash Syndrome... does she?
  • Keiko: Hey, I can hear you!
  • Ethan: Er... Sorry!


  • Keiko: Well, I guess I still LOOK young at least...

Clyez City Fifth Floor: GUARDIANS Headquarters


  • Reporter: You fought Tylor!? I'm glad you made it home safely! Tylor is a big shot, even to other rouges, isn't he? When you defeat Tylor, I'll make that into an article! Tell me first, all right?


  • Reporter: When you defeat Tylor, let me have exclusive rights to the story! Promise?

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: I heard you got into a tussle with some pirates. Well, it's no big deal. Everyone loses sometimes. The question is, how do you come back from such a loss?


  • Human Male: Growth is recovering from and learning from your previous mistakes!

(Fisul Godes)

  • Ethan: Hello, sir!
  • Fisul: Hey, Waber!
  • Ethan: Mr. Godes, do you know Headmaster Nav from the training school?
  • Fisul: Hoho! You must be in the middle of some really harsh training, eh?
  • Ethan: Yeah...


  • Fisul: Tell him to watch out for that ICS for me!
  • Ethan: Even if I tell him, I doubt he'll remember to...