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Protect the Festa 2

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Template:Neudaiz missionIlluminus terrorist attacks during the Holy Light Festa are aimed at Communion headquarters. Return to Ohtoku City to stop them.

Mission requirements and rewards

LV Req. LV Enemy LV Rank S Rank A Rank B Rank C
Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points
C 1 14+ -- -- -- -- -- -- 0 0
B 35 23+ -- -- -- -- -- -- 0 0
A 60 43+ -- -- -- -- -- -- 0 0
PA Fragment x10[1]
  1. PA Fragment rewards for story missions are only awarded once per character.

Enemy information

Enemy name Enemy buffs Ele. Mission LV C Mission LV B Mission LV A
Bysha type-Koh21 Ground -- -- -- -- -- --
Bysha type-Otsu32 Ground -- -- -- -- -- --
Special Ops (Assault) Neutral -- -- -- -- -- --
Special Ops (Solda) Neutral -- -- -- -- -- --
Adahna Degahna Light -- -- -- -- -- --

Item drops

Enemy name Special drops Mission LV C Mission LV B Mission LV A
Bysha type-Koh21
Bysha type-Otsu32
Special Ops (Assault)
Special Ops (Solda)
Normal box
Area drops