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Laia Martinez

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Laia Martinez only appears in network mode story missions (only a few available in the US version so far).

Fact File

Laia Martinez
  • Full name: Laia Martinez
  • Age: unknown
  • Race: Beast
  • Occupation: Guardian, Guardian Instructor
  • Height: unknown, but she's tall.
  • Relations: unknown (?)
  • Voice Actor: N/A or unknown
  • Affilation: Guardians
  • Role in the story: unknown (?)


Laia Martinez is a Guardian "Instructor" for the newcomer Guardians (network mode characters). Not much is known about her since not all of the online story missions have been released yet. She seems to be a very strict, demanding person. She's pretty rash and quick to get angry or start a fight, especially if someone judges her (or is late). Hates scoundrels and liars (as seen on her Partner Card).

She seems to be friends with Tonnio Rhima and Leo (Tonnio even claims she "has a thing" for Leo). She hates Ethan Waber and calls him an idiot. She also seems to be skeptical towards the C.O.G. and its members ("They cause enough of a stink as it is").