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User talk:Mewn

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Revision as of 16:10, 23 October 2006 by ForceSeras (talk | contribs)

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  • \'Mewn acts friendly, but in reality he is pure evil\' - Xiralos
  • \'Mewn you are full of yourself\' - Signum
  • \'Mewn is a ass ^.^\' - Durakken
  • \'Moon WHY R U SUCH A AZZZHOLE\' - Pheromone
  • \'\'\'\'Mewn is dead2me\' - Asim\'\'\'
  • \'ur mad, ugly and nerdy... u IRC hore\' - / Geth
  • \'you\'re act before you think don\'t you?\' - Seras

\'\'\'Sadly, I can\'t remember every comment that is thrown my way, but much love to you all <3\'\'\'

sarcasm2me and tone down the hate2me in this page - Asim It\'s a damn joke, I don\'t hate you >_>;; - Mewn