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Chronus (Crow-Nus)

Character Names: Chronus / Volcom
Favorite Games: PSU / Kingdom Hearts
PSU Game Server US: Xbox360
Universe Hangout Universe: 01
4th Floor.

About Chronus. ^_^

I am Chronus. No im not a robot lol.
Id like to first say that I am not newish to PSU or PSO. My ID on PSU may say I am...
My old Account was Banned from Xbox Live. So I had to quit and then came back during Firebreak.
I first started playing PSU in January 2006.
I am the Original Chronus from PSO.
Iv been known as Chronus since 2001.
My Gamertag is: x C h r o n u s.
Fake Chronus's Will have Different Gamertag.
I am most likely found sitting by the stairs to the 5th floor on Universe 1, 4th Floor. Most of the time I am gone tho...
I dislike annoying people & Spammers. I will blacklist them on the spot.
I am looking for someone who can Draw Good!
I am wanting my PSU Char to Drawled Out!
Please Msg my GT if you can help me! Thank You.

Character Specifics

Name Race Sex Level Type HU RA FO FiG GT WT FF FG FT PT AF AT
Chronus Newman 114 Fortetecher 1 4 10 1 1 1 1 1 20 1 1 3

My Goals

  • Goals in PSU:
    • Get a Psycho Wand
    • Reach lvl 130
    • Become The Best Techer

My Equipment

  • Weapons
Weapon Type Grinds
  • Armor
Armor Element Percentage
Al-senba Neutral 0%
  • Slot Units
Unit Slot
Har / Quick Head Slot
Giga / Skill PP Save Arm Slot

Stuff about Me IRL...

Well... Im 19 and I live in the middle of no where in Illinois... O Joy Corn!!!
Im in College at Lake Land Community College for Graphic / Webpage Design. Woot.
I love Music. Music makes stress and annoying people go away... ^_^
I also love to play Video Games. Favorite Games: PSU, Chrono Trigger, Wild Arms, Tales of Destiny, Kingdom Hearts, Earthbound, Star Ocean, and Gears of War...
Favorite Music: Rock, Metal, Emo, Screamo, Alternative, Punk Rock, Techno, Jrock, Hip Hop, and Music from Anime.
Yes I watch SOME anime, Mahoromatic, .hack//sign, and Bleach. Those are my Favorite.
I use to love to Skateboard, (Street) but I kinda of grew out of it and dont have much time anymore... lol.
I love to use Adobe Photoshop. (Program Makes Pretty Pictures)
Please Do Not Ask For Sigs. Friends Only!!!
And for people who say I have no life...
Shut Up, lol. I do. Stop judging me.
More Info Can Be Found Here: [1]

Great Website: [2]

Thats All Folks!