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Episode 1 Chapter 02 Mission (script)
[hide]Mission: Meadow Purify
Raffon Meadow: Block A-1
(Scene: Ethan, Hyuga, Karen) (Ethan and party enter into the Raffon Meadow area)
- Ethan: So this is Raffon Meadow! There's no sign of civilization anywhere!
- Hyuga: I had thought all of Parum was developed and industrialized. But there are still places like this, I see.
- Karen: No matter how much of Parum is artificial... you can't change the fact that it's still sitting on rock and soil. Come to think about it, the GUARDIANS Colony is probably much more artificial than Parum. Hey, you two brought your goggles with you, right? You should check some of the trees. Sometimes you can find ones that are easy to take down.
- Ethan: The goggles can do that? Wow, they sure are handy to have around!
- Ethan (thinking): But why would I want to take down a tree?
- Karen: Oh, never mind. Our client is up ahead. Let's move out!
(End Scene)
(Approach the top of a nearby hill)
(Cutscene) (Ethan and party approach a cargo transport vehicle filled with pig-like creatures)
- Ethan: What's that?
- Karen: It looks like a cargo transporter. It looks like the engine's still running. But I don't see the driver around here anywhere.
(Ethan walks closer to the cargo transporter and looks at the creatures in amazement)
- Ethan: Oooh! Check it out! Hey what is this ugly thing?
- Hyuga: Ethan, you really don't know what that is?
- Ethan: Not a clue. So what it is?
- Hyuga: It's a koltova.
- Ethan: T-That's a koltova?! I drink the juice from something that ugly!
- Hyuga: What planet are you from? Don't you know, the uglier the koltova, the more succulent it's meat is.
- Ethan: Hmm... Well then you are one juicy koltova. He he he
(A desperate looking CAST girl enters the scene from behind the group)
- Norphe: Sorry! A-are you Guardians?
- Karen: That's right. Are you a resident here?
(The CAST girl approaches the group and bows deeply)
- Norphe: Oh, thank goodness you're here! I'm Norphe, the caretaker of this Green Green Farm. Since the SEED attack, the koltovas have been strange...
- Karen: Strangely?
- Norphe: Yes. They've become very edgy and aggressive. When they attacked, we hid in the cargo container. But I don't know where Kalam is. Now he's gone. I've been looking everywhere...
- Karen: Try to calm down. Now, who is Kalam?
- Norphe: He's Mr. Ryme's son, the farm owner. You see, I was hired to help around the farm. But Mr. Ryme was killed during the SEED attacks. Kalam and I have been protecting the farm ever since. If anything were to happen to Kalam.. I... I... I don't know what to do!
- Karen: Don't worry. We'll do everything we can. We'll keep an eye out for him. I'm sure he'll turn up.
- Norphe: Oh thank you for your kindness! Thank you!
(End Cutscene)
(Talk to Norphe)
- Norphe: Did you find Kalam? Please find him quickly! I beg of you!
(Scene: Ethan, Hyuga, Karen) (Before moving on to block A-2, Karen stops the party)
- Karen: Now we're heading to the Ryme grazing lands. En route we may come under attack by SEED-altered creatures. According to our client, even docile koltovas have been attacking people. I'll be following you two, so please take appropriate measures to stay safe.
- Ethan: All right.
- Hyuga: Understood.
(End Scene)
Raffon Meadow: Block A-2
(Upon entering Block A-2, the party are attacked by aggressive Koltova)
- Ethan: Woah! These things really are aggressive!
(Fight through Blocks A-2 through A-4) (Exit to AMF Field Base)
AMF Field Base
(Cutscene) (Ethan and party enter into a makeshift military camp set up by the AMF. Around them are the charred and smoldering remains of local wildlife)
- Ethan: This is unbelievable... The SEED did this?
- Karen: No. This wasn't the work of the SEED. Those burn marks came from Alliance weapons.
- Ethan: What do you mean?!
(Hyuga bends down to inspect a koltova corpse with his goggles)
- Hyuga: This koltova... it doesn't look like it was infected. Look here... see? No, it was killed by a weapon blast.
- Karen: To prevent a second wave of contamination all wildlife in the area have been terminated.
- Ethan: But that's... barbaric.
(The group turns to face an AMF Striker tank as it approaches)
- Ethan: Look. What is it?
- Karen: An Alliance tank.
(A tall and imposing CAST in full AMF regalia exits the tank)
- Curtz: This area is off limits. It is under quarantine. Identify yourselves immediately.
- Karen: We are Guardians here on a purification mission.
- Curtz: I am the commanding officer of the 177th brigade. Fulyen Curtz. Can't you see that this zone is being sterilized? There is no need for purification.
- Karen: Yes, but we have a report of a missing child in the area. Have you seen a little boy?
- Curtz: Hmph! I didn't know that the GUARDIANS also offered babysitting services. You better find him quick, or hope that he's flame retardant.
- Ethan: Aren't you our allies? There's a kid in danger out there! Don't you care if he lives or dies?!
(Curtz pushes Ethan away forcefully)
- Curtz: Hmph! I will not endanger the entire planet for the sake of a single child! The contamination must be stopped at all costs.
- Ethan: Why you...!
(Ethan tries to rush Curtz, but Karen holds him back)
- Karen: Cool it! Remember what I said. I apologize for my comrade. Is it possible to delay sterilization until after we've found the child?
- Curtz: Contamination has already begun to spread up ahead, and we anticipate another attack.
- Karen: Leave the responsibility of the contamination to us.
- Curtz: Very well. However, if you find yourself in danger, send up a flare. We will provide help if we can.
- Karen: Thank you for your cooperation. Let's go!
(Ethan gives Curtz a cold stare. Curtz watches at they depart)
- Curtz: Hmph... novices...
(End Cutscene)
(Scene: Ethan, Hyuga, Karen)
- Ethan: What's HIS problem?
- Karen: I'm sure you ran into the same attitude in Holtes City, too. Within CASTs, there are those who regard humans and newmans as inferior races. Some even go so far as to advocate a CAST supremacy. And even though Parum, which is primarily under CAST control, prohibits such discrimination, the reality is that below the surface, the most intense discrimination occurs here. A lot of them are even members of the Alliance Military Force. Of course, there are also many CASTs who oppose those ideas. But for the most part, those CASTs generally migrate to the GUARDIANS Colony.
- Hyuga: Because at the GUARDIANS Colony all races are equal, correct?
- Karen: That's what the president... Well, that's what the GUARDIANS dictate... You know... There are some bad things out here that we're rarely exposed to from inside the colony. But sometimes I find it necessary to step out from the sterility of the colony... and face the truths of the world, whether they be harsh or pleasant. At least they're real.
(End Scene)
(Cast on the Hillside)
- CAST: This is the AMF base camp. There's no way you Guardians are coming in here.
(Cast by Locked Doors)
- CAST: Beyond this point we are conducting AMF military operations. If you don't want to get caught in a bombing raid then I suggest you stay away!
(Exit to Raffon Meadow: Block B-1)
Raffon Meadow: Block B-1
(Scene: Ethan, Hyuga, Karen) (The party ascends to the top of a small hillock and get a view of white agricultural structures in the distance)
- Hyuga: Excuse me, but what is that?
- Karen: It appears to be "Green Green Farm."
- Hyuga: It looks nothing like the farms on the colony.
- Karen: That's because here they take pride in breeding their animals in more natural surroundings.
- Ethan: What's that?
(End Scene)
(Cutscene) (The party watches as a strange tentacled SEED form spirals through the air)
- Karen: Oh no! The SEED!
- Ethan: That one's... odd. Never seen it before!
(The SEED form crashes down onto the distant plains and sprouts what looks like a flower blume. Karen activates her goggles to inspect it more carefully. She see jets of reddish-black infection streaming out)
- Karen: The contamination is spreading too quickly. It's replicating like a virus. We don't have any time to lose. Let's get moving!
- Ethan & Hyuga: Yes, ma'am!
(End Cutscene)
Raffon Meadow: Block B-2
(Scene: Ethan, Hyuga, Karen) (Ethan and party enter the field where the SEED form landed. The soil is charred and molten in places. The sky is choked with clouds of smoke)
- Ethan: Is... Is this what the SEED are doing?
- Karen: That thing we saw before, falling from the sky... They fall to the ground and extend their roots. Then they sprout buds all over the place until they blanket the ground. The buds sprout and release virus-like pollen into the air contaminating the local life. That's where they get the name SEED. It's how they propagate. As the SEED-Virus encroaches on life forms, it alters them, changing them permanently into brutally aggressive creatures. Sadly, there's no chance of recovery. The fortunate thing is that the SEED-Virus doesn't seem to affect our distinct physiology. We have no information on where they come from or why. This is our enemy. From here on out is SEED-infected territory. Due to contamination, there are a number of auto-locked security fields in place. To remove the auto locks, we've got to remove the source... by purifying the SEED in the area and retrieving those Info Keys. In order to find Kalam, it's probably a good idea to split up the purification duties.
- Hyuga: What exactly is the purification process?
- Karen: In order to purify an area, we've got to destroy the SEED-Cores in that area.
- Hyuga: Destroy the SEED-Cores... And how, exactly, does one go about doing that?
- Ethan: That's simple, right? Just swing that big sword of yours as hard as you can! Make mincemeat of 'em!
- Karen: If only it were that simple!
- Ethan: Huh?
- Karen: Surrounding the SEED-Core are flower-like SEED-Blewmes, which form a special barrier around the core. These blewmes are completely impervious to regular weapon attacks. The only thing that will make our weapons effective is if we have an extremely potent heat source.
- Hyuga: Is that what the Alliance Military Force is doing with those bombs?
- Karen: Yes, that's one way to deal with the problem. But as Guardians, we cannot readily accept any means that will cause such horrific destruction to nature. It contradicts the core belief of the Guardians. To protect people, and the planets and stars where they make their homes. For that reason a special tool, the photon eraser, was created. But even with this tool, you can't directly attack the blewmes. If you can expose the root-like SEED-Zoma, the blewmes will wither. Then you can attack the SEED-Core directly. I took the liberty of preparing photon erasers for both of you. Here are your photon erasers.
(Receive Photon Eraser)
- Karen: All right, listen up. This is how you go about the purification of the SEED.
(SEED purification tutorial)
- Karen: If you are unclear on anything, inquire as often as necessary. First, try to purify the SEED-Core ahead. First, use the goggles and find those Zoma! If you find a Zoma, expose it to the photon eraser.
(End Scene)
(After you find and destroy one Zoma)
- Karen: Great, like that! Now find the rest of the Zoma.
(After you find and destroy all Zoma)
- Karen: The blewme is withering! Destroy the SEED-Core!
(After you destroy the SEED-Core)
- Karen: All right, it looks like you've got the hang of things. Let's split up the work and get these SEED-Cores purified. Then we'll make our way to the grazing lands. Oh, there's something I forgot! It has been confirmed that the alteration of the surrounding life forms is intensifying. Make sure you are fully prepared for anything we may encounter.
- Ethan: Understood!
(Trial Start) (Destroy SEED blewmes throughout Raffon Meadow Blocks B-2 - B-3)
Green Green Farm
(Scene: Ethan, Hyuga, Karen, Kalam) (As the party climbs up another small hillock, they gather around the pieces of a broken sign)
- Ethan: Is this the ranch we're looking for?
- Karen: Green Green Farm... That's what it looks like.
- Ethan: What happened here?
(A small boy in yellow appears some distance from the party)
- Ethan: Huh? A laser fence?
- Kalam: You guys came here to kill our koltova, didn't you!? Well, I won't let you! Get outta here!
(The boy then rushes off. Ethan tries to give chase, but is stopped dead by a laser fence's activation)
- Ethan: Woah, hey!
- Karen: So that's Kalam...
- Ethan: He ran off into the forest. What is that kid thinking!?
- Karen: He probably went to find the koltova that ran off.
- Hyuga: But there's no way to bring them back to normal!
- Ethan: He isn't gonna listen to reason now... We'd better go get him!
- Hyuga: Yes, but how do you propose we get past that laser fence?
- Ethan: Don't just stand there. Help me think! We've got to get out of here before it's too late!
(The party is attacked by infected koltova. After they are defeated, the fence dissipates)
- Ethan: The fence is down!
- Hyuga: These fences were originally installed to keep the koltova in place. Do you suppose that if there are no animals left, the fence simply shuts itself off?
- Karen: Let's hypothesize later. We've got to go get Kalam. Let's go, you two. Move out!
- Ethan: Yeah, but will that little brat actually let us bring him back?
(End Scene)
(Fight through Blocks C-1 to C-2 chasing after Kalam. Exit to Block C-3)
Raffon Meadow: Block C-3
(Cutscene) (Ethan and party enter a wide open field with a large SEED-Blewme)
- Karen: That looks like the alpha SEED over there.
- Ethan: So... We gotta purify it, right?
- Karen: Yes, so long as there's no surprises.
(A large structure built into the rock-wall nearby catches Ethan's eye)
- Ethan: Wow! What is that?
- Karen: It's a Relics site.
- Ethan: Relics?
- Karen: They are ancient ruins that are thousands-of-years-old, found scattered throughout the Gurhal system. It appears that the SEED are often found near Relics sites...
- Hyuga: I've never seen one in person before...
- Karen: There is still so much we can learn from them. This may require further investigation. We'll contact headquarters about it later. For now, we have a job to finish!
- Hyuga: Yes, ma'am!
(Karen and Hyuga walk away, but Ethan lingers staring at the structure)
- Hyuga: Come on Ethan. Keep with the program.
- Ethan: Oh, yeah. Yeah, hey, wait up!
(Suddenly the ground begins trembling)
- Hyuga: Huh?!
- Ethan: Oh no! What is that?!
(A humongous koltova known as a Gol Dova appears and advances on the party menacingly)
- Hyuga: Is that a koltova?! How did it get so big?!
- Karen: It looks like it's mutated from all the contamination! Be careful!
(Fight and Defeat the Gol Dova)
- Ethan: Whew! Man, that was pretty tough.
- Kalam: Unh...
(Kalam pushes his way past Ethan and rushes to the fallen Gol Dova)
- Kalam: Stop it! Get away form my dad's koltova!
- Ethan: Your dad's? That thing over there is from your farm?
- Kalam: Can't you see?! It's got our farm's brand on it's horn! This is my dad's koltova, okay! So leave us alone! Go on and get outta here!
(The Gol Dova stirs and stands up behind Kalam. Ethan rushes in)
- Ethan: Hey, watch out, kid!
(Ethan rushes in and grabs a struggling Kalam)
- Kalam: What're you doing? Lemmie go!
(Ethan picks up the child and starts running. Karen readies her gun)
- Karen: It's still alive?
(Ethan passes Kalam off to Hyuga)
- Ethan: Hyuga! Look after him! Here!
- Hyuga: Ok!
(Ethan begins taunting the Gol Dova, drawing it attention away from Hyuga an Kalam as they flee)
- Ethan: Hey! Over here! Over here!
(The Gol Dova charges Ethan, who runs past Karen)
- Ethan: I'll distract it, so you can shoot it!
- Karen: A-All right!
(Karen fires at the Gol Dova to no effect, it passes her by without slowing down)
- Karen: Waber!
- Ethan: Aaaaah!
(Ethan runs to an outcropping of rocks and begins to climb. The Gol Dova crashes into the rock-face, causing a large boulder that Ethan is perched atop to fall backwards towards the ground)
- Ethan: Aaaaaack!
- Karen: Waber! Hey, are you okay?
- Ethan: Ugh... Yeah... I think...
- Karen: You reckless fool. What were you thinking?!
(Kalam breaks from Hyuga's grasp and rushes to the rock face. His father's koltova lies buried beneath the rubble, dead and oozing) (End Cutscene)
(Cutscene) (The party has returned to the starting point outside of the contamination zone with Kalam in tow. It is sunset now, and Norphe hurries along to meet them)
- Norphe: Kalam!
- Ethan: Look, someone's glad to see you.
- Norphe: I can't thank you enough for this.
- Ethan: Ah, don't worry about it. It was nothing.
- Hyuga: Didn't look like "nothing" to me.
- Norphe: It's dangerous to wander off like that! I was so worried...
- Kalam: I promised my dad that I'd protect his koltovas! But that's something a CAST would never understand!
(Kalam pushes Norphe away and runs)
- Norphe: Kalam!
- Ethan: Hey, Kalam! Wait!
- Hyuga: You might need some help there, Ethan.
(Ethan and Hyuga chase off after the boy. Norphe, somber, stays behind with Karen)
- Norphe: Kalam...It was foolish of me to think I could take the place of his parents... But I... I don't know what to do now...
- Karen: You know, I lost my parents when I was about the same age, too. At the time, I felt like I was all alone in the world. It was almost too much to bear. But, with the help of people who supported me, I was finally able to get on with my life. Kalam's sad and alone. He doesn't know how to deal with it. He's pushing you away because he's confused and angry. Kalam needs someone who loves him. It doesn't matter whether you're a CAST or not. What matters is making sure Kalam knows he's not alone.
(Ethan and Hyuga bring the struggling boy back, as Norphe rushes to meet them)
- Kalam: Go away! I don't need you! I don't need anyone!
(Norphe embraces Kalam)
- Kalam: Lemme go! What're you doing?! Lemme go, you stupid!
- Norphe: But I promised Mr. Ryme that... I promised your dad I'd look after you...
(Kalam now embraces Norphe in return and they both begin crying) (End Cutscene)
(Cutscene) (The G-Flyer sails through the sky on the way back to Holtes City)
- Ethan: Man. I could get used to this. Helping people out, putting things right! Which reminds me, ma'am. I was wondering what you said to Norphe back there?
- Karen: Nothing that concerns you.
- Ethan: Okay...
- Hyuga: So, when did you join the GUARDIANS, ma'am?
- Karen: This is my third year. I got my license when I was 14.
- Hyuga: Huh?
- Ethan: What?! Lemme see... You're the same age as us?! You're only 17?!
- Karen: That's right... So I guess you can call me Karen from now on. But don't expect me to make it any easier just because we're all the same age. Is that clear?
- Ethan & Hyuga: Yes, ma'am.
(G-Flyer zooms off into the sunset) (End Cutscene)
(Ending Cinema)
Chapter 3 Preview
- Narrator: Ethan and his companions, together with the archeologist Dr. Dorson, head to the Relics, only to find De Regan's nest. What terrible secret do the Relics hold? And what does Dr. Dorson know? And who is the mystery man who reveals himself? Next time on Phantasy Star Universe. Relics.
Chapter 3: Alternate Preview
- Hyuga: Hello, my name is Hyuga. If there are any single ladies out there, how do you feel about a little date?
- Ethan: Hey, Hyuga! This isn't the time or place for that.
- Hyuga: Oooh Ethan. A guy's prerogative, is a guy's prerogative. Don't you get that?
- Ethan: You're the one who doesn't get it. You don't care what's going on as long as you're flirting.
- Hyuga: All of life's encounters are seen to by the Holy Light. I can't let those go to waste!
- Ethan: Try saying that to our instructor.
- Hyuga: Karen?! I-I'l pass, thanks.
- Ethan: Ah ha ha. What's the matter, Hyuga? Chicken?
- Karen: What are you two going on about?
- Ethan: Oh! Nothing. Hyuga was just talking about asking you on a date, ma'am.
- Karen: A.. date...
- Hyuga: Ethan, don't be so shy! Ethan's just embarrassed to admit that he wants to ask you out, ma'am.
- Karen: Oh, I see... You both want to go out with me.
- Ethan & Hyuga: Uhhh....
- Karen: Don't you think I'd prefer men who don't slack off from doing their duty?
- Ethan & Hyuga: Yes, ma'am!
- Karen: And what IS your duty?
- Ethan & Hyuga: Giving the preview for the next chapter, ma'am!
- Karen: And don't you think you could be doing a better job of it?
- Ethan & Hyuga: Yes, ma'am...
- Karen: I am not going to go on a date with anyone with that work ethic. Am I understood?
- Ethan & Hyuga: Yes, ma'am!
- Karen: For punishment, say "Relics" three hundred times.
- Ethan & Hyuga: Yes, ma'am! Relics Relics Relics Relics Relics Relics Relics Relics Relics Relics Relics Relics
- Karen: Next time; Phantasy Star Universe, Relics. See ya then.
- Ethan & Hyuga: Relics Relics Relics relics relics relics relics relics........