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Difference between revisions of "Burn Trap EX"

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m (Turns out the EX traps aren't AOTI-exclusive. I can buy them in ver.1.)
m (Added Image)
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''A new trap model that activates for a set period of time.  Adds burn effects.''<br/>
''A new trap model that activates for a set period of time.  Adds burn effects.''<br/>
{{9 stars}}
{{9 stars}}

Latest revision as of 14:42, 1 October 2009

TRAP BurnEX.png

A new trap model that activates for a set period of time. Adds burn effects.

Item details

  • Burn Trap EXs can only be used by Protransers.
  • A maximum of 10 units can be held at one time.
  • Range +20, TECH -5 when fed to a PM.