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'''Welcome to Keana Falke's page...'''
''"I may be small but I pack a punch (wink)"--Keana''
'''Hunter''':10 '''Ranger''':10 '''Figunner''':8
'''Welcome to Keana Falke's page...'''
''Blood Type:''O Positive
''Eye Color:''Green
''Hair Color:''Black
''Height:'' 3'5"
''Favorite Color:'' Red and Yellow
''Favorite Holiday:''Guardian Colony Christmas and Guardian Colony Thanksgiving
''Favorite Room Theme:'' Jungle
'''Our Mission...'''
There's really not much to tell about me besides the fact that my job ''is'' my life. I work for the Blue Crew Guild a top secret orgainization within the Phatasy Star Universe. I live like many amungst the Guardian Colony however like other races my planet Matoob has been taken over by the Seed. The Seed are in constant regeneration (creating monsters and taking our own people as slaves turning them into thier puppets)which can only be rid of by the photon technology provided by the same makers of our sanctuary the Gaurdian Colony. No one has ever seen the creators however we presume them as our boss and that they are of one of the four races they shelter, or they are a race that has already been exterminated by the Seed. The Seed arrived to our planet like the others on a metorite; the metorite's crash landing killed many including my father Col. Stephen Falke trying to stop the metorite from hittin the planet in fear of distruction of our world and his family. He having the strongest Nanoblast of his troops attempted to push the metorite back into space in hopes that our atmosphere would re-burn the metorite and exploding itself into more manageable pieces for the lower milita to handle before hitting innocents homes. However, being the brut that he was he did not intend however the force and power of the Seed virus that the metorite was carrying and it... paused for a bit... then proceeded to drive straight through my father. I was five years old...
'''My Story...'''
But enough with bad memories, our scientists couldn't even have imagined the wild spread of the Seed. Unfortunatly pride runs too deep in our blood and we even with microscopes were to blind to see how our planet was being torn by this powerful parasite. Our nanoblast and famous strength had always stopped intruders in the past; and even accomplished equal democracy with other planets. But this... never this so evil scheme. Even in our detailed studies today we have yet to know where the Seed comes from... and why was it sent? An invastion of our universe? Not if I can help it!
It wasn't long after that my mother's concerns for my older brothers' well being came between any family ties I had left. The milita was raging war against the Seed and slowly our numbers were becoming smaller and smaller. Therefore they requested a male beast from each household to fight off as many as possible since they were now nearing all of the popular cities. The countyside had been turned to dust with hardly anything left to call Matoob. It was like stepping in an uninhabitable planet in one of your worst nightmares while all types of creatures from every angle attacking you; inslaving you for their untammable master. They were sent to the front the next morning; all of which were slaugtered. News of this rang in the streets and chaos was born to the cities of Matoob. Escaping pods from the richer of society were being launched into space hoping that one of our allies would answer a plea broadcasted in every angle of space. My mother's nanoblast got me just quick enough to put me into our escape pod but wasn't fast enough to save her own life. So there I was floating in space recieving messages from other planets under attack by the Seed.. alone.. in the cold of space. I was out in space for about a Matoob week when we recieved a message saying that there was a place of refuge called the Guardian Colony; they spoke with an accent none of us have ever heard of to this day and none of us have ever sene any of them either. It was a very confusing time for me... I ate for the past week by myself on enough breakfasts, lunches, and dinners for four.. but I was the only one there. I practiced day and night one how to use my nanoblast with the art of nanotaung (a version of fighting and meditation) passed on from the milita.
'''The Guardian Colony...'''
When I arrived they scanned us to make sure not to bring in the contamination. And those who were contaminated were able to take a medication on trial that the newmans and humans worked together to vaccinate the Seed from our bodies. Then after being scanned we relocated with lost family members registered for shelter and were looked at for nutritional interviews by doctors and nurses who knew our body structure and spoke our different languages (along with knowledge of our culture). I met a beast nurse who spoke perfect Beastish with a northern accent (she was one of the rich kids that daddy paid for college), I rolled my eyes when I heard her tounge and answered as polite as I could while not making eye contact with her. Her stature was not the type I got along with in my learning lessons at my Academy. She ran a physical and saw that there was nothing physically wrong with me and wanted to run a phyic evaluation. "My family is dead, I'm trained in nanotaung, and I'm ready for my orders from the milita." I replied in one sentence firmly. "I'm sorry.. she looked down at the floor.. is there something I can comfort you with.." she got up with tears in her eyes to hug me. Immediately I stopped her body with my left findertips grabbed her shirt with left fist and lifted her to my face looking staight into her eyes grinding my teeth and growling, "Have I not passed your examination yet? This is very irritating considering what I've been through. I do not respect you northern born rich beast, tell your supierors that I want to fight NOW!" Throwing her on the ground I broke her glasses and gave her a bruise on her forehead. Trembling with fear on the floor while she watched me jump off the examination table and leaving the room she cried in fear. She cried in fear of my anguish.. my anger.. my revenge.
I was assigned a room to myself since I had no other family. Both my parents were only children so that's why they had me and my brother to look out for each other. I was very thankful for the nurses physical examination even though I didn't really need it. But looking into my mind and touching me without permission was disgraceful to our race. She deserved the punishment I gave her. Maybe she will learn to surcome her emotions and reconsider actions before she thinks. They need a better specialist; however knowingly what happend it's amazing if there will be a planet Matoob left to even utter the words "home world".. or birth right... with that running in my mind I fell fast asleep not caring what punishment I'll recieve for injuring another beast in this new and confusing place.
'''A New Beginning...'''
Early the next morning a cast arrived to take me to the Guardian Headquarters. He was very polite and knew all languages that were programmed into his "mother board" (is what he called it)... the Guardian Headquarters knowing my strength surpassed the fact that I was a child still in learning and the fact that I am not as strong as a male beast and asked a trainer beast to continue with my Academy learning for the time being. His name is Darr a beast master in nanotaung; and would train many good fighters in his time. Our first fight he was expecting an average 10 year old female beasts learning; and got beat on a 20 year old's male beasts learning passed down from my older brother and father to me. I didn't have as much strength but by building my ability in space in gravity much greater than the Gaurdian Colony I was a lot stronger than an adult beast even though I was 10. Darr immediately ran to the Council in charge of headquarters and begged to be my sole trainer and to be trained under the holographic program at the Linear Line immediatly.
'''The Blue Crew Guild...'''
After defeating a B class mission within minutes by myself the next day, Darr took me in front of the council and was made memeber of the Blue Crew Guild after another psychological evaluation from a respectable southern beast who understood my values for the milita, and patience for others with respect he understood the anger I was feeling however I have to talk to him after every mission that it was not done out vengince for my family.. but for the good of our fight for life in the Phantasy Star Universe. I have then understood; vengince is a plauge eating away at you like the Seed. And my understanding from another friend I have made here on the colony it takes full thought of your actions.. until you give up and loose yourself in a battle that you can not win. And when you give up all you can do is watch.. and wish that some one takes your life.. or saves it.
I have since lighten up and hope one day to have a family of my own. But until then I'm a child fighting for those who can't fight for themselves. Yes I do missions that everyone else does from time to time.. but when our own soldiers don't come back I'm sent in with the Blue Crew Guild to help the ones that wish thier life to end.. or to be saved.

Revision as of 04:40, 8 June 2007

Welcome to Keana Falke's page...

"I may be small but I pack a punch (wink)"--Keana

Hunter:10 Ranger:10 Figunner:8

Blood Type:O Positive

Eye Color:Green

Hair Color:Black

Height: 3'5"

Favorite Color: Red and Yellow

Favorite Holiday:Guardian Colony Christmas and Guardian Colony Thanksgiving

Favorite Room Theme: Jungle

Our Mission...

There's really not much to tell about me besides the fact that my job is my life. I work for the Blue Crew Guild a top secret orgainization within the Phatasy Star Universe. I live like many amungst the Guardian Colony however like other races my planet Matoob has been taken over by the Seed. The Seed are in constant regeneration (creating monsters and taking our own people as slaves turning them into thier puppets)which can only be rid of by the photon technology provided by the same makers of our sanctuary the Gaurdian Colony. No one has ever seen the creators however we presume them as our boss and that they are of one of the four races they shelter, or they are a race that has already been exterminated by the Seed. The Seed arrived to our planet like the others on a metorite; the metorite's crash landing killed many including my father Col. Stephen Falke trying to stop the metorite from hittin the planet in fear of distruction of our world and his family. He having the strongest Nanoblast of his troops attempted to push the metorite back into space in hopes that our atmosphere would re-burn the metorite and exploding itself into more manageable pieces for the lower milita to handle before hitting innocents homes. However, being the brut that he was he did not intend however the force and power of the Seed virus that the metorite was carrying and it... paused for a bit... then proceeded to drive straight through my father. I was five years old...

My Story...

But enough with bad memories, our scientists couldn't even have imagined the wild spread of the Seed. Unfortunatly pride runs too deep in our blood and we even with microscopes were to blind to see how our planet was being torn by this powerful parasite. Our nanoblast and famous strength had always stopped intruders in the past; and even accomplished equal democracy with other planets. But this... never this so evil scheme. Even in our detailed studies today we have yet to know where the Seed comes from... and why was it sent? An invastion of our universe? Not if I can help it!

It wasn't long after that my mother's concerns for my older brothers' well being came between any family ties I had left. The milita was raging war against the Seed and slowly our numbers were becoming smaller and smaller. Therefore they requested a male beast from each household to fight off as many as possible since they were now nearing all of the popular cities. The countyside had been turned to dust with hardly anything left to call Matoob. It was like stepping in an uninhabitable planet in one of your worst nightmares while all types of creatures from every angle attacking you; inslaving you for their untammable master. They were sent to the front the next morning; all of which were slaugtered. News of this rang in the streets and chaos was born to the cities of Matoob. Escaping pods from the richer of society were being launched into space hoping that one of our allies would answer a plea broadcasted in every angle of space. My mother's nanoblast got me just quick enough to put me into our escape pod but wasn't fast enough to save her own life. So there I was floating in space recieving messages from other planets under attack by the Seed.. alone.. in the cold of space. I was out in space for about a Matoob week when we recieved a message saying that there was a place of refuge called the Guardian Colony; they spoke with an accent none of us have ever heard of to this day and none of us have ever sene any of them either. It was a very confusing time for me... I ate for the past week by myself on enough breakfasts, lunches, and dinners for four.. but I was the only one there. I practiced day and night one how to use my nanoblast with the art of nanotaung (a version of fighting and meditation) passed on from the milita.

The Guardian Colony...

When I arrived they scanned us to make sure not to bring in the contamination. And those who were contaminated were able to take a medication on trial that the newmans and humans worked together to vaccinate the Seed from our bodies. Then after being scanned we relocated with lost family members registered for shelter and were looked at for nutritional interviews by doctors and nurses who knew our body structure and spoke our different languages (along with knowledge of our culture). I met a beast nurse who spoke perfect Beastish with a northern accent (she was one of the rich kids that daddy paid for college), I rolled my eyes when I heard her tounge and answered as polite as I could while not making eye contact with her. Her stature was not the type I got along with in my learning lessons at my Academy. She ran a physical and saw that there was nothing physically wrong with me and wanted to run a phyic evaluation. "My family is dead, I'm trained in nanotaung, and I'm ready for my orders from the milita." I replied in one sentence firmly. "I'm sorry.. she looked down at the floor.. is there something I can comfort you with.." she got up with tears in her eyes to hug me. Immediately I stopped her body with my left findertips grabbed her shirt with left fist and lifted her to my face looking staight into her eyes grinding my teeth and growling, "Have I not passed your examination yet? This is very irritating considering what I've been through. I do not respect you northern born rich beast, tell your supierors that I want to fight NOW!" Throwing her on the ground I broke her glasses and gave her a bruise on her forehead. Trembling with fear on the floor while she watched me jump off the examination table and leaving the room she cried in fear. She cried in fear of my anguish.. my anger.. my revenge.

I was assigned a room to myself since I had no other family. Both my parents were only children so that's why they had me and my brother to look out for each other. I was very thankful for the nurses physical examination even though I didn't really need it. But looking into my mind and touching me without permission was disgraceful to our race. She deserved the punishment I gave her. Maybe she will learn to surcome her emotions and reconsider actions before she thinks. They need a better specialist; however knowingly what happend it's amazing if there will be a planet Matoob left to even utter the words "home world".. or birth right... with that running in my mind I fell fast asleep not caring what punishment I'll recieve for injuring another beast in this new and confusing place.

A New Beginning...

Early the next morning a cast arrived to take me to the Guardian Headquarters. He was very polite and knew all languages that were programmed into his "mother board" (is what he called it)... the Guardian Headquarters knowing my strength surpassed the fact that I was a child still in learning and the fact that I am not as strong as a male beast and asked a trainer beast to continue with my Academy learning for the time being. His name is Darr a beast master in nanotaung; and would train many good fighters in his time. Our first fight he was expecting an average 10 year old female beasts learning; and got beat on a 20 year old's male beasts learning passed down from my older brother and father to me. I didn't have as much strength but by building my ability in space in gravity much greater than the Gaurdian Colony I was a lot stronger than an adult beast even though I was 10. Darr immediately ran to the Council in charge of headquarters and begged to be my sole trainer and to be trained under the holographic program at the Linear Line immediatly.

The Blue Crew Guild...

After defeating a B class mission within minutes by myself the next day, Darr took me in front of the council and was made memeber of the Blue Crew Guild after another psychological evaluation from a respectable southern beast who understood my values for the milita, and patience for others with respect he understood the anger I was feeling however I have to talk to him after every mission that it was not done out vengince for my family.. but for the good of our fight for life in the Phantasy Star Universe. I have then understood; vengince is a plauge eating away at you like the Seed. And my understanding from another friend I have made here on the colony it takes full thought of your actions.. until you give up and loose yourself in a battle that you can not win. And when you give up all you can do is watch.. and wish that some one takes your life.. or saves it.

I have since lighten up and hope one day to have a family of my own. But until then I'm a child fighting for those who can't fight for themselves. Yes I do missions that everyone else does from time to time.. but when our own soldiers don't come back I'm sent in with the Blue Crew Guild to help the ones that wish thier life to end.. or to be saved.