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(Getting a little JP typing practice while I translate this for a friend.)
m (From Ippo (Izuho Numata, formerly Takeuchi): And done.)
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== From Bo (Tokuhiko Uwabo) ==
== From Bo (Tokuhiko Uwabo) ==
=== 日本語 ===
=== 日本語 ===
世の中激変をくぐりぬけて、まさか、今、オリジナル音源のアルバムが世に出ることは、かなりニュースです。 このCDの発売にあたって尽力された多くの皆さんへ感謝しています。<br/>
世の中激変をくぐりぬけて、まさか、今、オリジナル音源のアルバムが世に出ることは、かなりニュースです。 このCDの発売にあたって尽力された多くの皆さんへ感謝しています。<br/>
今も大切に保管している一本のカセットテープがあります。 ファンタシースター発売から、たしか1ヶ月ほどたったころ、Aさんというファンの方が全曲録音して送ってくれたテープです。手製のケースカバーに入れられたカセットテープに添えられた手紙は、これからも感動する曲をつくってください、といった激励の言葉が書いてありました。 ひとつひとつは印象的で今でも大切にしている思い出のひとつです。<br/>
今も大切に保管している一本のカセットテープがあります。 ファンタシースター発売から、たしか1ヶ月ほどたったころ、Aさんというファンの方が全曲録音して送ってくれたテープです。手製のケースカバーに入れられたカセットテープに添えられた手紙は、これからも感動する曲をつくってください、といった激励の言葉が書いてありました。 ひとつひとつは印象的で今でも大切にしている思い出のひとつです。
当時は、バブル絶頂期に向かって時代はうねり、TVゲームは熱気を帯び、当然ファンタシースターもその熱気無縁ではありません。 その音楽は時代のケミストリーを受け、"BO"なる変換機を通じて現れたと思っています。
当時は、バブル絶頂期に向かって時代はうねり、TVゲームは熱気を帯び、当然ファンタシースターもその熱気無縁ではありません。 その音楽は時代のケミストリーを受け、"BO"なる変換機を通じて現れたと思っています。 それが力強い活力を喚起する作風であった所以であり、聴くべき人達が聴き、感じるべき人達が感じた、と受け止めています。
3Dダンジョンの革新的な表現に大い触発され、文字どおり寝食を惜しんで音づくりに没頭。 そしてWAVEがゲーム機から奏でられ、Aさんとのケミストリーがテープと手紙を生み、そして"心意気のバイブレーション"も一緒に受取った私は、以後それを大きな糧のひとつとして、いろいろな局面に体当たりをすることが出来ました。 運命のバックステージとでも表現しましょうか。<br/>
このCDを聴く度に、当時の様子、様々な人達の顔、などなどが熱気と共に鮮やかに蘇ってきます。 昨日を糧とし、今日を生き、明日へ向かう限り、これを単なるノスタルジーではないと感じとっている方は少なくないと思います。 農業経営に取り組んでいる私にとっても同様です。
=== English ===
=== English ===
It has been 20 years since ''Phantasy Star'' went on sale.<br/>
It has been 20 years since ''Phantasy Star'' went on sale.
Considering how much things have changed over time, it was surprising news to me that the original album was so popular.  With the sale of this CD, I want to express my thanks to everyone for the assistance they provided.<br/>
Considering how much things have changed over time, it was surprising news to me that the original album was so popular.  With the sale of this CD, I want to express my thanks to everyone for the assistance they provided.
Even now, I still have a cassette tape which I carefully watch over.  It's a tape recording of all of the game's music that was sent to me by a fan called "Mr. A" about a month after ''Phantasy Star'' went on sale.  Inserted in the hand-made case cover was a letter which read, "Please compose more moving music like this," and other words of encouragement.  That's only one of the many memories that left such an important impression on me.
Even now, I still have a cassette tape which I carefully watch over.  It's a tape recording of all of the game's music that was sent to me by a fan called "Mr. A" about a month after ''Phantasy Star'' went on sale.  Inserted in the hand-made case cover was a letter which read, "Please compose more moving music like this," and other words of encouragement.  That's only one of the many memories that left such an important impression on me.
At that time, as we approached the climax of a "bubble period," video games were all the rage, so naturally, ''Phantasy Star'' was no different.  I think the game's music, influenced by the chemistry of the time period, is when I took the opportunity to become known as "BO."  This awakened a powerful energy within myself; it was the reason I would hear what others should hear and feel what others should feel.
Of course, ''Phantasy Star'' isn't the only game that I poured my heart into, but it was definitely the first.
The game's innovative 3D dungeons provoked something in me; something that made me literally go without food and sleep to focus on making music.  From then on, I was able to thrive on hearing my music played through game systems, the chemistry with Mr. A and his tape and letter, and "spiritual vibrations" all working together to keep me going, even if fate dictates that I express my work all from backstage.
When I listen to this CD, it brings back vivid aspects of the times, such as the faces of the people I worked with, and so forth.  Yesterday it was sustenance, today it gives life, and tomorrow will have me striving to reach my limits; but I don't think of it all simply as nostalgia.  I see it as being very similar to the struggles with agricultural management.
One hope I have for this CD is that it will cross the generational gap and form new relationships with new people.
== From Ippo (Izuho Numata, formerly Takeuchi) ==
== From Ippo (Izuho Numata, formerly Takeuchi) ==
=== 日本語 ===
ある日、棚の陰に大きな巻紙が置いてあるのを見つけた。 こんな物は見た覚えがない。 一体何だろうと広げてみると、これは「ファンタシースター千年紀の終わりに」販促用ポスター。 「どうしてこれがここに!?」と驚きながらも、なんとなくそのままにしておいた。 そしてその1週間後、私の元にサントラCDの事を知らせるメールが届いた・・・。
皆様ご無沙汰しております、IPPOです。 ファンタシースター生まれて早20年。 またCDが、しかも元音源版で出る事になるとは夢にも思っていませんでしたので本当に驚いています。 今回、久々にファンタシースターシリーズの曲を聴きながら色々な事を思い出しました。
入社2年目のある日、突然部長室に呼び出されて「ファンタシースターIIIのサウンドはお前がやる事になった」と言われた時、私はそこに並んだ上司達の前で固まっていました。 通常はそういう風に担当が決められる事は無く、わざわざ言い渡される事も無いので、今回は一体何なんだろうかと。 そこで変な汗をかいたものです。 そうやってプロジェクトが立ち上がったものの、私はそれまでRPGを遊んだ事がほとんど無く、企画S君のレクチャーを受けながらRPGをやってみて「学習」する事から始めたという・・・恥ずかしながら本当のハナシ。
そして数年後には千年紀プロジェクト始動。 普通なら私はサウンドルームで作業をするのですが、このプロジェクトだけは千年紀チームのある部署に席を移動するという、これまた異端な形でした。 つまり常にスタッフがすぐ隣にいるわけで、理想的な環境だったように思います。 そうやって細かい所まで把握できたおかげで、「おっさんのダジャレでBGM止めましょう」とか「フレナの歩幅はフォーレンとは違うはずだ」とか、そういう細いネタも生まれました。 ですが決してスケジュールに余裕があったわけではなく、開発室はまさに不夜城。 会社泊まりを避ける言い訳の為に私はハムスターを飼い始め、でも結局そのハムスターを連れて出社するはめになったり・・・その頃の出来事を書くとキリがないほど。 体力的に辛かった反面、とても充実した時期でもありました。 そうやって皆クタクタになりながらマスターアップした直後、会議室でスタッフが一言も話さず、ただ呆然として座っていたのをよく覚えています。
私にとってファンタシースターサウンドは、この仕事を続けている中で最大の思い出であり、そして私の子です。 その子達を今でも好きだと言って下さる方がいることが何よりの喜びです。
=== English ===
One day, I came across a large roll of paper that was lying in the shadows of a shelf.  I didn't remember this thing at all.  I was surprised as I unrolled it; it was a promotional poster for ''Phantasy Star IV:  End of the Millennium''.  "What is this doing here!?" I thought to myself.  For some reason or another, it had been placed and left there.  About a week after that, I received a piece of mail about this soundtrack...
It has been a while since I was last in contact with everyone; I am Ippo.  Twenty years have passed since the birth of the ''Phantasy Star'' series.  To be honest, never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that a CD like this, let alone one featuring the original sound source, would ever see the light of day.  Now, listening to the music of the ''Phantasy Star'' games brings back so many memories.
One day in my second year of working with this company, I suddenly was called into the director's office where he stood me in front of my superiors and told me, "You're going to make the music for ''Phantasy Star III''."  Generally speaking, this method of those in charge deciding and then expressly announcing orders wasn't done, so I was wondering what was going on.  Then I started to sweat.  The project was getting started, and up to that point, I'd never played an RPG, so the designer, Mr. S, lectured me on the game type and even got me started playing some RPGs as a "tutorial."  ...oh, what an embarrassing story!
After several years, the Millennium Project began.  Normally I was expected to work only in the sound room, but this is the only project I've been on where I could move directly into the Millennium Team's office, something that usually is seen as inappropriate.  In short, the reason for this freedom was the belief that always having the staff around you created the ideal working environment.  Being in such close quarters with everyone, you were able to catch a lot of jokes and opinions like "Turn that music off, old man!" and "Demi's pace should be different from Wren's!"  However, our schedule really didn't allow for any extra time; our offices really were like a sleepless city.  I remember using the excuse that I had a hamster at home to care for to get out of having to stay overnight at the office, however that hamster eventually ended up having to come with me to work.  Ah, there are so many things that happened around then I could write about.  Even though it could be very strenuous work, it was still a wonderful time.  I remember times when everyone, completely worn out, would be called to the conference room.  While there, they wouldn't speak a single word, but only stare blankly into space.
As far as I'm concerned, my best memories are from my work with the sounds of ''Phantasy Star''; I see the music as my child.  Even now, I'm proud to say that child is my favorite.
In closing, I want to express my gratitude to everyone involved with the ''Phantasy Star'' series, and to all of the players.  Perhaps sometime we'll meet again.

Latest revision as of 20:27, 27 July 2008

Phantasy Star 1st Series Complete Album liner notes

From Bo (Tokuhiko Uwabo)



世の中激変をくぐりぬけて、まさか、今、オリジナル音源のアルバムが世に出ることは、かなりニュースです。 このCDの発売にあたって尽力された多くの皆さんへ感謝しています。
今も大切に保管している一本のカセットテープがあります。 ファンタシースター発売から、たしか1ヶ月ほどたったころ、Aさんというファンの方が全曲録音して送ってくれたテープです。手製のケースカバーに入れられたカセットテープに添えられた手紙は、これからも感動する曲をつくってください、といった激励の言葉が書いてありました。 ひとつひとつは印象的で今でも大切にしている思い出のひとつです。

当時は、バブル絶頂期に向かって時代はうねり、TVゲームは熱気を帯び、当然ファンタシースターもその熱気無縁ではありません。 その音楽は時代のケミストリーを受け、"BO"なる変換機を通じて現れたと思っています。 それが力強い活力を喚起する作風であった所以であり、聴くべき人達が聴き、感じるべき人達が感じた、と受け止めています。


3Dダンジョンの革新的な表現に大い触発され、文字どおり寝食を惜しんで音づくりに没頭。 そしてWAVEがゲーム機から奏でられ、Aさんとのケミストリーがテープと手紙を生み、そして"心意気のバイブレーション"も一緒に受取った私は、以後それを大きな糧のひとつとして、いろいろな局面に体当たりをすることが出来ました。 運命のバックステージとでも表現しましょうか。
このCDを聴く度に、当時の様子、様々な人達の顔、などなどが熱気と共に鮮やかに蘇ってきます。 昨日を糧とし、今日を生き、明日へ向かう限り、これを単なるノスタルジーではないと感じとっている方は少なくないと思います。 農業経営に取り組んでいる私にとっても同様です。



It has been 20 years since Phantasy Star went on sale.

Considering how much things have changed over time, it was surprising news to me that the original album was so popular. With the sale of this CD, I want to express my thanks to everyone for the assistance they provided.

Even now, I still have a cassette tape which I carefully watch over. It's a tape recording of all of the game's music that was sent to me by a fan called "Mr. A" about a month after Phantasy Star went on sale. Inserted in the hand-made case cover was a letter which read, "Please compose more moving music like this," and other words of encouragement. That's only one of the many memories that left such an important impression on me.

At that time, as we approached the climax of a "bubble period," video games were all the rage, so naturally, Phantasy Star was no different. I think the game's music, influenced by the chemistry of the time period, is when I took the opportunity to become known as "BO." This awakened a powerful energy within myself; it was the reason I would hear what others should hear and feel what others should feel.

Of course, Phantasy Star isn't the only game that I poured my heart into, but it was definitely the first.

The game's innovative 3D dungeons provoked something in me; something that made me literally go without food and sleep to focus on making music. From then on, I was able to thrive on hearing my music played through game systems, the chemistry with Mr. A and his tape and letter, and "spiritual vibrations" all working together to keep me going, even if fate dictates that I express my work all from backstage.

When I listen to this CD, it brings back vivid aspects of the times, such as the faces of the people I worked with, and so forth. Yesterday it was sustenance, today it gives life, and tomorrow will have me striving to reach my limits; but I don't think of it all simply as nostalgia. I see it as being very similar to the struggles with agricultural management.

One hope I have for this CD is that it will cross the generational gap and form new relationships with new people.

From Ippo (Izuho Numata, formerly Takeuchi)


ある日、棚の陰に大きな巻紙が置いてあるのを見つけた。 こんな物は見た覚えがない。 一体何だろうと広げてみると、これは「ファンタシースター千年紀の終わりに」販促用ポスター。 「どうしてこれがここに!?」と驚きながらも、なんとなくそのままにしておいた。 そしてその1週間後、私の元にサントラCDの事を知らせるメールが届いた・・・。

皆様ご無沙汰しております、IPPOです。 ファンタシースター生まれて早20年。 またCDが、しかも元音源版で出る事になるとは夢にも思っていませんでしたので本当に驚いています。 今回、久々にファンタシースターシリーズの曲を聴きながら色々な事を思い出しました。

入社2年目のある日、突然部長室に呼び出されて「ファンタシースターIIIのサウンドはお前がやる事になった」と言われた時、私はそこに並んだ上司達の前で固まっていました。 通常はそういう風に担当が決められる事は無く、わざわざ言い渡される事も無いので、今回は一体何なんだろうかと。 そこで変な汗をかいたものです。 そうやってプロジェクトが立ち上がったものの、私はそれまでRPGを遊んだ事がほとんど無く、企画S君のレクチャーを受けながらRPGをやってみて「学習」する事から始めたという・・・恥ずかしながら本当のハナシ。

そして数年後には千年紀プロジェクト始動。 普通なら私はサウンドルームで作業をするのですが、このプロジェクトだけは千年紀チームのある部署に席を移動するという、これまた異端な形でした。 つまり常にスタッフがすぐ隣にいるわけで、理想的な環境だったように思います。 そうやって細かい所まで把握できたおかげで、「おっさんのダジャレでBGM止めましょう」とか「フレナの歩幅はフォーレンとは違うはずだ」とか、そういう細いネタも生まれました。 ですが決してスケジュールに余裕があったわけではなく、開発室はまさに不夜城。 会社泊まりを避ける言い訳の為に私はハムスターを飼い始め、でも結局そのハムスターを連れて出社するはめになったり・・・その頃の出来事を書くとキリがないほど。 体力的に辛かった反面、とても充実した時期でもありました。 そうやって皆クタクタになりながらマスターアップした直後、会議室でスタッフが一言も話さず、ただ呆然として座っていたのをよく覚えています。

私にとってファンタシースターサウンドは、この仕事を続けている中で最大の思い出であり、そして私の子です。 その子達を今でも好きだと言って下さる方がいることが何よりの喜びです。



One day, I came across a large roll of paper that was lying in the shadows of a shelf. I didn't remember this thing at all. I was surprised as I unrolled it; it was a promotional poster for Phantasy Star IV: End of the Millennium. "What is this doing here!?" I thought to myself. For some reason or another, it had been placed and left there. About a week after that, I received a piece of mail about this soundtrack...

It has been a while since I was last in contact with everyone; I am Ippo. Twenty years have passed since the birth of the Phantasy Star series. To be honest, never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that a CD like this, let alone one featuring the original sound source, would ever see the light of day. Now, listening to the music of the Phantasy Star games brings back so many memories.

One day in my second year of working with this company, I suddenly was called into the director's office where he stood me in front of my superiors and told me, "You're going to make the music for Phantasy Star III." Generally speaking, this method of those in charge deciding and then expressly announcing orders wasn't done, so I was wondering what was going on. Then I started to sweat. The project was getting started, and up to that point, I'd never played an RPG, so the designer, Mr. S, lectured me on the game type and even got me started playing some RPGs as a "tutorial." ...oh, what an embarrassing story!

After several years, the Millennium Project began. Normally I was expected to work only in the sound room, but this is the only project I've been on where I could move directly into the Millennium Team's office, something that usually is seen as inappropriate. In short, the reason for this freedom was the belief that always having the staff around you created the ideal working environment. Being in such close quarters with everyone, you were able to catch a lot of jokes and opinions like "Turn that music off, old man!" and "Demi's pace should be different from Wren's!" However, our schedule really didn't allow for any extra time; our offices really were like a sleepless city. I remember using the excuse that I had a hamster at home to care for to get out of having to stay overnight at the office, however that hamster eventually ended up having to come with me to work. Ah, there are so many things that happened around then I could write about. Even though it could be very strenuous work, it was still a wonderful time. I remember times when everyone, completely worn out, would be called to the conference room. While there, they wouldn't speak a single word, but only stare blankly into space.

As far as I'm concerned, my best memories are from my work with the sounds of Phantasy Star; I see the music as my child. Even now, I'm proud to say that child is my favorite.

In closing, I want to express my gratitude to everyone involved with the Phantasy Star series, and to all of the players. Perhaps sometime we'll meet again.