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Why are pees called pee? I mean, they don't even have recta or scrotums.
==About me==
Sorry, accidentally deleted the first 3 chapters of this thing. i'll do it again sometime.
==Memoires of "A New Hope"==
anh, msb, return of the berserker,...
==Phantasy star Universe Stats==
Fortefighter 20
Cry0 V1.337
Acrofighter 20
==Photon Art Reviews==
Here I will be reviewing photon arts. The guide on psupedia gives hits, %s and who it's useable by, but there are some key properties in a photon art that are not written down anywhere (that I am familiar with). Therefor, I have taken it upon myself to write this guide, and give a deeper understanding of different PA's.
Note that the grading here is a bit subjective for the moment, a I have not yet gone through the trouble of actually timing PA's and whatnot. I'll be doing most things from memory, also. Therefor, if there are any inaccuracies, please do note them. However, if there is critique on the grades I give PA's in the different fields, you might be so kind as to keep them to yourself.
Each of the PA's I reviewed I have personally trained to lv40, so I know what I'm talking about.
Grading system: In each category the PA can score up to 10 points, and in te end they get a grade out of 100%. if i find the PA to be the best of all PA's in that category, it will get 15/10, and thus, 5 bonuspoints. The categories are the following:
*Damage over time: The amount of damage a PA can rack up over time. This holds into account the amount of targets it can hit, and the PA's accuracy multiplier. It also takes into account how fast the PA does so. This gives an idea of the damage efficiëncy of the PA. This is damage you wil practically be doing.
*Damage over PP: The amount of damage a PA can do in reflection to the PP cost, and thus also the targets it hits. This gives an idea of the brute force of the PA. This is damage you theoretically should be doing.
*Just Attack: How easy this is to just attack (a big time window for the JA), or if this PA gives a significant drop in any other field, if the JA is used.
*Defensive ability: How easy it is to get hit while using this PA; basically, if the PA leaves you open for enemy attacks. This gives an idea on if the PA is agressive (and attacks constantly), or if there are some thwirly moves, which are a waste of time.
*Flexibility: How flexible the PA is. Some PA's can be steered while they are executing, in different degrees. Some PA's move you quite some distances over the battlefield. Some PA's are even so flexible, that you can avoid enemy attacks with them. This gives an idea on how much the PA can move the person over the battlefield. An important property, as this may be used to avoid enemy attacks, while attacking yourself, or if the enemy suddenly moves from his position, still move so that you still hit it.
*Tactical prowess: How the combo of the attack takes into account it's previous moves, and builds up momentum. It holds into account  properties like wipeout, launch, blowaway. (eg if you first launch and then blowaway, that is good, if you first blowaway, and then launch, that is not good)
*Team play: How much the team will appreciate this PA.
*Level speed: How fast it levels. Note that this is a measurement for how long it would take to level, if you just battle with it, not if you use special fast levelling techniques.
*Obtainability: How easily the PA is obtainable.
*Style: How badass or funny the PA is. Hey. This is a critical issue.
===Spears{{Spear icon}}===
====Dus Majarra====
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!Property !! Grade !! Comment
| Dam/Time || {{15 stars}} || A lot of damage in a short amount of time, despite accuracy.
| Dam/PP || {{9 stars}} || Accuracy modifier is on the low side, pretty cheap.
| Just Attack || {{9 stars}} || Easy to learn, and you'll never miss it.
| Defense || {{9 stars}} || Each attack immediately flows over in the next. However, the first 2 attacks have no melee effect.
| Flexibility || {{9 stars}} || The first attack makes it easy to move to the enemy's rear.
| Tactics || {{9 stars}} || Not applicable, but not hinderable either.
| Team Play || {{8 stars}} || Useful everywhere and always. Better not use it when other people try to level though.
| Level Speed || {{10 stars}} || Levels too fast. 'nuff said.
| Obtainability || {{7 stars}} || 30 frags. This should be your first melee frag PA.
| Style || {{10 stars}} || There's nobody I've ever heard say they don't like the look of it. Who needs gravity, anyway?
| [[Total]] || 94% || One of the best you'll get. Top tier competitor.
====Dus Robado====
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!Property !! Grade !! Comment
| Dam/Time || {{8 stars}} || A decent amount of damage in a decent amount of time.
| Dam/PP || {{9 stars}} || Accurate, and normal pp usage.
| Just Attack || {{7 stars}} || Not hard by any means, but you might miss it occasionally, through the small time window and weird timing.
| Defense || {{6 stars}} || Initially and between each part of the attack, there is an opening.
| Flexibility || {{7 stars}} || Not applicable, because it hits everything around you, anyway. if the target runs though, then you won't be going after it.
| Tactics || {{7 stars}} || No blowaway on the first 2 parts (no wipeout either, though), and blowaway on the last, as it should be.
| Team Play || {{9 stars}} || No-one will complain, unless you always blow away. And through it's high number of hits, it might save someone.
| Level Speed || {{9 stars}} || Levels good.
| Obtainability || {{9 stars}} || Cheap to get in the shop.
| Style || {{9 stars}} || Come and taste my spear! Looks pretty good. Major photon effects, too.
| [[Total]] || 80% || Good PA, albeit with a bit of openings.
====Dus daggas====
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!Property !! Grade !! Comment
| Dam/Time || {{5 stars}} || Too low for a 'heavy' weapon.
| Dam/PP || {{6 stars}} || Accurate, and cheap pp usage. Still weak though
| Just Attack || {{7 stars}} || The JA slows the combo down noticeably. That's a nono.
| Defense || {{6 stars}} || Leaves a lot of openings on the sides.
| Flexibility || {{7 stars}} || Decently aimable, but you won't be going anywhere far.
| Tactics || {{5 stars}} || No melee-effect until the final hit, which takes a while. Not good.
| Team Play || {{7 stars}} || No-one will complain. They might laugh at you though. But you won't save anyone from future harm with this either.
| Level Speed || {{7 stars}} || Levels meh.
| Obtainability || {{10 stars}} || Doesn't come cheaper then this. (except your one free skill...)
| Style || {{9 stars}} || To tell the truth, it doesn't look half bad! Like a frantic attack series with the spear.
| [[Total]] || 69% || Might have been good, once... Now it's overshadowed, though.
===Twin sabers{{Twin saber icon}}===
====Assault crush====
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!Property !! Grade !! Comment
| Dam/Time || {{9 stars}} || A lot of damage in a short amount of time.
| Dam/PP || {{6 stars}} || Not PP friendly. The damage is in the last hit.
| Just Attack || {{7 stars}} || JA slows it down, but not drastically.
| Defense || {{8 stars}} || The attack is fast enough, not to leave you open. However, the first to parts can only make one enemy flinch.
| Flexibility || {{9 stars}} || You move plenty, and fast.
| Tactics || {{8 stars}} || The first 2 parts could have used wipeout, but still a nicely built combo.
| Team Play || {{10 stars}} || Doesn't bother anyone, and only helps with launch.
| Level Speed || {{6 stars}} || Levels 1-20 will make you cry. After that it becomes a lot easier though.
| Obtainability || {{9 stars}} || Buy in store, not cheap though.
| Style || {{15 stars}} || It just oozes badass. Quick swordsmanship, like a ninja (there, I said it). My personal favorite.
| [[Total]] || 87% || Fast, good-looking, damaging. What more do you want?
====Rising crush====
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!Property !! Grade !! Comment
| Dam/Time || {{8 stars}} || A lot of damage in a decent amount of time.
| Dam/PP || {{8 stars}} || PP friendly.
| Just Attack || {{6 stars}} || JA slows it down, to the point of noticable openings.
| Defense || {{9 stars}} || When you start, and when you JA there are openings, however, due to the constant launch, this effect is minored.
| Flexibility || {{8 stars}} || You move around a bit, and the PA can turn somewhat.
| Tactics || {{10 stars}} || Constant launch, allowing for continuous stalling, resulting in blowaway. Brilliant.
| Team Play || {{10 stars}} || Saves lives due to stalling.
| Level Speed || {{7 stars}} || Not as fast as you might think.
| Obtainability || {{10 stars}} || Buy in store, cheap.
| Style || {{8 stars}} || Some acrobatics, and flashy swordwaving.
| [[Total]] || 84% || Very useful and powerful for a cheap shop PA.
====Cross hurricane====
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!Property !! Grade !! Comment
| Dam/Time || {{7 stars}} || A lot of damage over a considerable period of time.
| Dam/PP || {{9 stars}} || Not PP friendly. Accurate and powerful, though.
| Just Attack || {{8 stars}} || JA slows it down, but not drastically. It's slow already anyway.
| Defense || {{4 stars}} || Why not just paint a bullseye on your forehead? Seriously, lots of open time.
| Flexibility || {{8 stars}} || It's reasonably aimable; you ain't going nowhere, though.
| Tactics || {{6 stars}} || It just looks like a bunch of weird moves thrown together. No coherence whatsoever.
| Team Play || {{10 stars}} || Improves if other teammembers keep enemies busy. You do it for them in turn. Definately a team PA.
| Level Speed || {{7 stars}} || Normal.
| Obtainability || {{5 stars}} || 70 frags? Well, I suppose, if you got nothing better to spend 'm on.
| Style || {{9 stars}} || You look like a clown, kicking sephiroth's ass. Both weird, funny and badass at the same time. Still wonder how they pulled that off.
| [[Total]] || 73% || Pretty strong, both in looks and damage output. Leaves you wide open due to it's slowness though.
====Splendor crush====
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!Property !! Grade !! Comment
| Dam/Time || {{5 stars}} || A lot of the damage will go undone, alas. None too fast, either.
| Dam/PP || {{8 stars}} || Normal PP usage.
| Just Attack || {{10 stars}} || JA has nearly no effect on it's execution speed.
| Defense || {{7 stars}} || The first two parts leave you wide on the sides, even though you move around. The last part totally covers you, though.
| Flexibility || {{8 stars}} || The first 2 parts are very agile. The last part lacks any sort of agility, though.
| Tactics || {{4 stars}} || The first two parts are useless, and the last part launches enemies to a place where they can not be touched by the blowaway.
| Team Play || {{6 stars}} || Doesn't bother anyone, and only helps with launch.
| Level Speed || {{6 stars}} || Levels slowly, due to the fact that you won't be making full advantage of the last part's total hits.
| Obtainability || {{5 stars}} || 50 frags? For this?
| Style || {{6 stars}} || The first 2 parts look like you're falling down the stairs. The final hit on the last part has a cool effect though.
| [[Total]] || 65% || Due to inefficiëncy in the execution buildup, this PA is not what it could have been.
===Double saber{{Double saber icon}}===
====Tornado dance====
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!Property !! Grade !! Comment
| Dam/Time || {{9 stars}} || A fair amount of damage, fast.
| Dam/PP || {{8 stars}} || Uses up a significant amount of PP, unfortunately.
| Just Attack || {{5 stars}} || Since this is a one-hitter, trying to JA it takes a huge toll on it's effectiveness.
| Defense || {{10 stars}} || You're untouchable (well, nearly) during execution.
| Flexibility || {{15 stars}} || You can actually make a 360° spin.
| Tactics || {{7 stars}} || All blowaway is both good, and bad, depending on the enemy.
| Team Play || {{3 stars}} || Don't use it in teams, unless it's on solid enemies like jarbas or carriguines. I said don't.
| Level Speed || {{10 stars}} || Levels very fast.
| Obtainability || {{3 stars}} || 99 frags. Doesn't come worse then this.
| Style || {{10 stars}} || Whee! I can fly! Looks great, and gets you around the level fast, too.
| [[Total]] || 80% || Has both evident strengths and weaknesses.
====Spiral dance====
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!Property !! Grade !! Comment
| Dam/Time || {{8 stars}} || A fair amount of damage.
| Dam/PP || {{9 stars}} || Cheap on PP.
| Just Attack || {{9 stars}} || Slows it down a bit, but nothing radical.
| Defense || {{9 stars}} || First hit hits a lot of targets and has wipeout, which is sheer brilliance. Other parts leave minor openings at the beginning.
| Flexibility || {{9 stars}} || You move around a lot, and can steer it very well.
| Tactics || {{10 stars}} || A prime example of consecutive melee effects. The only shame is the blowaway on part 2. That can be avoided though.
| Team Play || {{8 stars}} || Multiple blowaways? I guess...
| Level Speed || {{8 stars}} || Levels. Nothing more.
| Obtainability || {{9 stars}} || Cheap in the shop.
| Style || {{9 stars}} || Looks pretty neat.
| [[Total]] || 88% || Excells in all departments. Top notch.
====Gravity dance====
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!Property !! Grade !! Comment
| Dam/Time || {{5 stars}} || Attack with the normal attack.
| Dam/PP || {{6 stars}} || Why does this cost so much PP?
| Just Attack || {{7 stars}} || Slows it down.
| Defense || {{6 stars}} || The first attack leaves you open because it only hits 2 targets. The last part takes a while too.
| Flexibility || {{8 stars}} || Not appliccable, hits all around you. You aint going nowhere though.
| Tactics || {{7 stars}} || No melee effect, except the last attack.
| Team Play || {{9 stars}} || Nice, doesn't hurt the team, and launches.
| Level Speed || {{6 stars}} || Levels slow.
| Obtainability || {{8 stars}} || 36000?! What the...?!
| Style || {{5 stars}} || You look like you're drunk. And not in a good way.
| [[Total]] || 67% || Avoid.
====Absolute dance====
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!Property !! Grade !! Comment
| Dam/Time || {{7 stars}} || It does good damage, but why does it take so long?
| Dam/PP || {{8 stars}} || Too expensive for what it is. But double sabers recover PP fast anyway.
| Just Attack || {{10 stars}} || Actually doesn't worsen the combo whatsoever. Easy to hit, too.
| Defense || {{4 stars}} || Makes you look like a masochist. The final part is nigh-on useless because of this.
| Flexibility || {{10 stars}} || You move around and can steer well.
| Tactics || {{8 stars}} || Ok, in truth, the buildup of melee effects is good, but that is kind of negated by the duration of the last part..
| Team Play || {{9 stars}} || Nice, doesn't hurt the team, and launches.
| Level Speed || {{3 stars}} || They'll have found a cure for cancer by the time this hits 40.
| Obtainability || {{6 stars}} || 50 frags. Not unworthy of it's price. But still too much if you can't be bothered.
| Style || {{8 stars}} || It looks neat.
| [[Total]] || 73% || Bleh. Kind of a useless add-on to double saber PA's.
===Knuckles{{Knuckles icon}}===
====Bogga danga====
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!Property !! Grade !! Comment
| Dam/Time || {{9 stars}} || A very nice amount of damage in a decent amount of time.
| Dam/PP || {{9 stars}} || Cheapest knuckle PA in terms of PP.
| Just Attack || {{8 stars}} || Might be a little tricky to find it at first, but it doesn't create huge openings.
| Defense || {{9 stars}} || When using JA it becomes a little open, but otherwise it's rock-solid defense.
| Flexibility || {{9 stars}} || The last part is flexible, the others less so, but not stiff.
| Tactics || {{10 stars}} || Very good! Knockback and going after it. The only thing that's silly is that the first hit of the last part will hardly ever connect.
| Team Play || {{9 stars}} || Jup, great team PA.
| Level Speed || {{7 stars}} || Not fast.
| Obtainability || {{10 stars}} || Huzzah! Bogga danga for everyone!
| Style || {{9 stars}} || Flashy, fast, and hard-hitting. Nice.
| [[Total]] || 89% || A very good PA. In practice however the final hit has a low efficiency hit rate.
====Bogga robado====
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!Property !! Grade !! Comment
| Dam/Time || {{9 stars}} || A very nice amount of damage in a decent amount of time.
| Dam/PP || {{8 stars}} || PP unfriendly for what it is.
| Just Attack || {{10 stars}} || Easy and no downsides.
| Defense || {{8 stars}} || The beginning and middle leave holes on the side.
| Flexibility || {{5 stars}} || Your reach falls somewhat short at times, and it's not very steerable.
| Tactics || {{7 stars}} || The launch on the second part can be both very good or very bad, depending on the enemy.
| Team Play || {{8 stars}} || More a solo PA. But it doesn't hurt the team.
| Level Speed || {{8 stars}} || Normal.
| Obtainability || {{6 stars}} || 75 frags, but probably worth it.
| Style || {{8 stars}} || Not much robado about it, although the last part is funny.
| [[Total]] || 77% || A good PA, that has it's uses.
====Bogga zubba====
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!Property !! Grade !! Comment
| Dam/Time || {{10 stars}} || A lot of damage, in a shorter time then you'd think possible.
| Dam/PP || {{9 stars}} || Not the kindest of knuckle PA's on PP.
| Just Attack || {{7 stars}} || Since this is a one-hitter, this takes a toll. However, knuckles are fast enough that it matters little.
| Defense || {{8 stars}} || The beginning leaves you open (but not really THAT long, unlike anga jabroga), the ending makes you nigh on invincible.
| Flexibility || {{8 stars}} || Not the most steerable, but it has a decent reach.
| Tactics || {{10 stars}} || It hits fast enough to hit the target with all 4 hits before it's to high (because of the launch) so that you can't hit it anymore.
| Team Play || {{10 stars}} || Saves lives and doesn't annoy.
| Level Speed || {{7 stars}} || Not fast.
| Obtainability || {{9 stars}} || Cheap fast one-hit PA? Yes please!
| Style || {{7 stars}} || Not much to look at.
| [[Total]] || 85% || A useful, strong PA.
====Ikk hikk====
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!Property !! Grade !! Comment
| Dam/Time || {{6 stars}} || Press PA button. Go make coffee. Press PA button. Get crackers. Finish PA. It's slow.
| Dam/PP || {{15 stars}} || Most damage per PP. Fully levelled you'll be doing about 30,000 damage per JA button press.
| Just Attack || {{6 stars}} || Not easy to just attack, rather hard actually. However, it has next to no effect on it's speed, since it's slow already.
| Defense || {{3 stars}} || Bottom feeder. Just pray your character doesn't evade the attacks, and just takes them.
| Flexibility || {{9 stars}} || Quite flexible, however the reach is sometimes a bit short.
| Tactics || {{8 stars}} || It would have been better if the first attack had 3 targets, and the second 2. Ah well. Next to no melee effect though.
| Team Play || {{8 stars}} || Sure, why not?
| Level Speed || {{2 stars}} || Near the end you'll be thinking about eating a bullet.
| Obtainability || {{7 stars}} || 30 frags. Worth it?
| Style || {{10 stars}} || Drunken boxing? Yes please.
| [[Total]] || 74% || Funny, but no real strategical value.
===Swords{{Sword icon}}===
====Tornado break====
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!Property !! Grade !! Comment
| Dam/Time || {{8 stars}} || A good amount of damage to a lot of targets.
| Dam/PP || {{9 stars}} || Really low PP cost PA.
| Just Attack || {{8 stars}} || It's a bit tricky to get sometimes, and it does slow it down, althought hat doesn't have big side effects.
| Defense || {{7 stars}} || Both good and bad. It makes a lot of targets flinch, but with JA, it leaves quite the opening.
| Flexibility || {{7 stars}} || Not appliccable, you hit everything around you. You're not going anywhere though.
| Tactics || {{8 stars}} || Make flinch until blowaway. Couldn't be simpler.
| Team Play || {{7 stars}} || Sure, why not? Although you do blow away a lot of targets, which is not always the best of things.
| Level Speed || {{10 stars}} || Due to it's many targets, it levels fast.
| Obtainability || {{10 stars}} || Might as well give it to you for free.
| Style || {{6 stars}} || Not much to look at.
| [[Total]] || 80% || Rather useful sword PA. Won't find many of these around.
====Spinning break====
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!Property !! Grade !! Comment
| Dam/Time || {{8 stars}} || It's really fast, with a good amount of damage. Although you won't hit much of it's potential.
| Dam/PP || {{8 stars}} || Sucks PP like a vampire, due to it's fastness.
| Just Attack || {{10 stars}} || Has next to no effect on the PA. Easy to hit, too.
| Defense || {{7 stars}} || Sides are always unguarded. The jumping around helps.
| Flexibility || {{8 stars}} || Very flexible, but why does it have such a small hitbox? That kills this PA.
| Tactics || {{7 stars}} || Flinch 'till blowaway. But since you move around, this may make you miss, which isn't good.
| Team Play || {{9 stars}} || Oh yeah sure, good team PA.
| Level Speed || {{15 stars}} || Faster then a scatman on crack.
| Obtainability || {{8 stars}} || Available in shop...
| Style || {{6 stars}} || Not much to look at.
| [[Total]] || 86% || Would have been a perfect PA if it wasn't so hard to hit with it's full potential.
====Absolute break====
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!Property !! Grade !! Comment
| Dam/Time || {{10 stars}} || Finally, a good sword PA. Rejoice! The accuracy is a downer, though.
| Dam/PP || {{9 stars}} || Pretty costly on the already low PP swords.
| Just Attack || {{15 stars}} || The JA is very hard to get, but it comes at nearly the exact time of finishing your move, and thus, making this very fast.
| Defense || {{7 stars}} || The first part requires time to charge, as does the last attack. Blowdown on the second reduces this though.
| Flexibility || {{6 stars}} || The first part is flexible and moves your around, but the other ones are stern and require dedicated aim.
| Tactics || {{10 stars}} || Get to their back, blow them down, blow them away. Couldn't be better.
| Team Play || {{8 stars}} || Always useful, but don't overuse in a team.
| Level Speed || {{3 stars}} || They'll have cured cancer by the time this reaches level 40.
| Obtainability || {{3 stars}} || 99 frags, but worth it.
| Style || {{10 stars}} || Link roundhouse slash, lightning fast cross slashes and Blue moon fang. They've digitalised ejaculation.
| [[Total]] || 81% || Top tier PA, despite it's flaws out of the battlefield.
{{AotI version}} 99 [[PA Fragment]]s<br>''Combines weapon and soul, to unleash a flurry of attacks.''<br>{{15 stars}}
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! !! Targets !! Effect
! Part 1
| 2x3 || -
! Part 2
| 3x3 || Blowdown
! Part 3
| 2x1 || Blowaway
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! !! LV1 - LV10 !! LV11 - LV20 !! LV21 - LV30 !! LV31 - LV40
! PP
| colspan=4| 25 (20)
! Att. 1
| 136% - 145% || 146% - 155% || 156% - 165% || 166% - 175%
! Att. 2
| {{grade|p=-}} || 160% - 178% || 180% - 198% || 200% - 218%
! Att. 3
| {{grade|p=-}} || {{grade|p=-}} || 410% - 500% || 510% - 600%
! Acc.
| 50% - 59% || 60% - 69% || 70% - 79% || 80%

Latest revision as of 14:27, 18 August 2008

About me

Sorry, accidentally deleted the first 3 chapters of this thing. i'll do it again sometime.

Memoires of "A New Hope"

anh, msb, return of the berserker,...

Phantasy star Universe Stats

Cry0 Fortefighter 20 Beast

Cry0 V1.337 Acrofighter 20 Cast

Photon Art Reviews

Here I will be reviewing photon arts. The guide on psupedia gives hits, %s and who it's useable by, but there are some key properties in a photon art that are not written down anywhere (that I am familiar with). Therefor, I have taken it upon myself to write this guide, and give a deeper understanding of different PA's. Note that the grading here is a bit subjective for the moment, a I have not yet gone through the trouble of actually timing PA's and whatnot. I'll be doing most things from memory, also. Therefor, if there are any inaccuracies, please do note them. However, if there is critique on the grades I give PA's in the different fields, you might be so kind as to keep them to yourself. Each of the PA's I reviewed I have personally trained to lv40, so I know what I'm talking about.

Grading system: In each category the PA can score up to 10 points, and in te end they get a grade out of 100%. if i find the PA to be the best of all PA's in that category, it will get 15/10, and thus, 5 bonuspoints. The categories are the following:

  • Damage over time: The amount of damage a PA can rack up over time. This holds into account the amount of targets it can hit, and the PA's accuracy multiplier. It also takes into account how fast the PA does so. This gives an idea of the damage efficiëncy of the PA. This is damage you wil practically be doing.
  • Damage over PP: The amount of damage a PA can do in reflection to the PP cost, and thus also the targets it hits. This gives an idea of the brute force of the PA. This is damage you theoretically should be doing.
  • Just Attack: How easy this is to just attack (a big time window for the JA), or if this PA gives a significant drop in any other field, if the JA is used.
  • Defensive ability: How easy it is to get hit while using this PA; basically, if the PA leaves you open for enemy attacks. This gives an idea on if the PA is agressive (and attacks constantly), or if there are some thwirly moves, which are a waste of time.
  • Flexibility: How flexible the PA is. Some PA's can be steered while they are executing, in different degrees. Some PA's move you quite some distances over the battlefield. Some PA's are even so flexible, that you can avoid enemy attacks with them. This gives an idea on how much the PA can move the person over the battlefield. An important property, as this may be used to avoid enemy attacks, while attacking yourself, or if the enemy suddenly moves from his position, still move so that you still hit it.
  • Tactical prowess: How the combo of the attack takes into account it's previous moves, and builds up momentum. It holds into account properties like wipeout, launch, blowaway. (eg if you first launch and then blowaway, that is good, if you first blowaway, and then launch, that is not good)
  • Team play: How much the team will appreciate this PA.
  • Level speed: How fast it levels. Note that this is a measurement for how long it would take to level, if you just battle with it, not if you use special fast levelling techniques.
  • Obtainability: How easily the PA is obtainable.
  • Style: How badass or funny the PA is. Hey. This is a critical issue.


Dus Majarra

Property Grade Comment
Dam/Time Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gifStar-S2.gifStar-S2.gifStar-S2.gif A lot of damage in a short amount of time, despite accuracy.
Dam/PP Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif Accuracy modifier is on the low side, pretty cheap.
Just Attack Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif Easy to learn, and you'll never miss it.
Defense Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif Each attack immediately flows over in the next. However, the first 2 attacks have no melee effect.
Flexibility Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif The first attack makes it easy to move to the enemy's rear.
Tactics Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif Not applicable, but not hinderable either.
Team Play Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Useful everywhere and always. Better not use it when other people try to level though.
Level Speed Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif Levels too fast. 'nuff said.
Obtainability Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif 30 frags. This should be your first melee frag PA.
Style Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif There's nobody I've ever heard say they don't like the look of it. Who needs gravity, anyway?
Total 94% One of the best you'll get. Top tier competitor.

Dus Robado

Property Grade Comment
Dam/Time Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif A decent amount of damage in a decent amount of time.
Dam/PP Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif Accurate, and normal pp usage.
Just Attack Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Not hard by any means, but you might miss it occasionally, through the small time window and weird timing.
Defense Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Initially and between each part of the attack, there is an opening.
Flexibility Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Not applicable, because it hits everything around you, anyway. if the target runs though, then you won't be going after it.
Tactics Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif No blowaway on the first 2 parts (no wipeout either, though), and blowaway on the last, as it should be.
Team Play Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif No-one will complain, unless you always blow away. And through it's high number of hits, it might save someone.
Level Speed Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif Levels good.
Obtainability Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif Cheap to get in the shop.
Style Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif Come and taste my spear! Looks pretty good. Major photon effects, too.
Total 80% Good PA, albeit with a bit of openings.

Dus daggas

Property Grade Comment
Dam/Time Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Too low for a 'heavy' weapon.
Dam/PP Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Accurate, and cheap pp usage. Still weak though
Just Attack Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif The JA slows the combo down noticeably. That's a nono.
Defense Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Leaves a lot of openings on the sides.
Flexibility Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Decently aimable, but you won't be going anywhere far.
Tactics Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif No melee-effect until the final hit, which takes a while. Not good.
Team Play Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif No-one will complain. They might laugh at you though. But you won't save anyone from future harm with this either.
Level Speed Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Levels meh.
Obtainability Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif Doesn't come cheaper then this. (except your one free skill...)
Style Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif To tell the truth, it doesn't look half bad! Like a frantic attack series with the spear.
Total 69% Might have been good, once... Now it's overshadowed, though.

Twin sabers
Twin sabers

Assault crush

Property Grade Comment
Dam/Time Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif A lot of damage in a short amount of time.
Dam/PP Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Not PP friendly. The damage is in the last hit.
Just Attack Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif JA slows it down, but not drastically.
Defense Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif The attack is fast enough, not to leave you open. However, the first to parts can only make one enemy flinch.
Flexibility Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif You move plenty, and fast.
Tactics Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif The first 2 parts could have used wipeout, but still a nicely built combo.
Team Play Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif Doesn't bother anyone, and only helps with launch.
Level Speed Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Levels 1-20 will make you cry. After that it becomes a lot easier though.
Obtainability Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif Buy in store, not cheap though.
Style Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gifStar-S2.gifStar-S2.gifStar-S2.gif It just oozes badass. Quick swordsmanship, like a ninja (there, I said it). My personal favorite.
Total 87% Fast, good-looking, damaging. What more do you want?

Rising crush

Property Grade Comment
Dam/Time Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif A lot of damage in a decent amount of time.
Dam/PP Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif PP friendly.
Just Attack Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif JA slows it down, to the point of noticable openings.
Defense Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif When you start, and when you JA there are openings, however, due to the constant launch, this effect is minored.
Flexibility Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif You move around a bit, and the PA can turn somewhat.
Tactics Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif Constant launch, allowing for continuous stalling, resulting in blowaway. Brilliant.
Team Play Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif Saves lives due to stalling.
Level Speed Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Not as fast as you might think.
Obtainability Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif Buy in store, cheap.
Style Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Some acrobatics, and flashy swordwaving.
Total 84% Very useful and powerful for a cheap shop PA.

Cross hurricane

Property Grade Comment
Dam/Time Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif A lot of damage over a considerable period of time.
Dam/PP Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif Not PP friendly. Accurate and powerful, though.
Just Attack Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif JA slows it down, but not drastically. It's slow already anyway.
Defense Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Why not just paint a bullseye on your forehead? Seriously, lots of open time.
Flexibility Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif It's reasonably aimable; you ain't going nowhere, though.
Tactics Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif It just looks like a bunch of weird moves thrown together. No coherence whatsoever.
Team Play Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif Improves if other teammembers keep enemies busy. You do it for them in turn. Definately a team PA.
Level Speed Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Normal.
Obtainability Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif 70 frags? Well, I suppose, if you got nothing better to spend 'm on.
Style Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif You look like a clown, kicking sephiroth's ass. Both weird, funny and badass at the same time. Still wonder how they pulled that off.
Total 73% Pretty strong, both in looks and damage output. Leaves you wide open due to it's slowness though.

Splendor crush

Property Grade Comment
Dam/Time Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif A lot of the damage will go undone, alas. None too fast, either.
Dam/PP Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Normal PP usage.
Just Attack Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif JA has nearly no effect on it's execution speed.
Defense Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif The first two parts leave you wide on the sides, even though you move around. The last part totally covers you, though.
Flexibility Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif The first 2 parts are very agile. The last part lacks any sort of agility, though.
Tactics Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif The first two parts are useless, and the last part launches enemies to a place where they can not be touched by the blowaway.
Team Play Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Doesn't bother anyone, and only helps with launch.
Level Speed Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Levels slowly, due to the fact that you won't be making full advantage of the last part's total hits.
Obtainability Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif 50 frags? For this?
Style Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif The first 2 parts look like you're falling down the stairs. The final hit on the last part has a cool effect though.
Total 65% Due to inefficiëncy in the execution buildup, this PA is not what it could have been.

Double saber
Double sabers

Tornado dance

Property Grade Comment
Dam/Time Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif A fair amount of damage, fast.
Dam/PP Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Uses up a significant amount of PP, unfortunately.
Just Attack Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Since this is a one-hitter, trying to JA it takes a huge toll on it's effectiveness.
Defense Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif You're untouchable (well, nearly) during execution.
Flexibility Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gifStar-S2.gifStar-S2.gifStar-S2.gif You can actually make a 360° spin.
Tactics Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif All blowaway is both good, and bad, depending on the enemy.
Team Play Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Don't use it in teams, unless it's on solid enemies like jarbas or carriguines. I said don't.
Level Speed Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif Levels very fast.
Obtainability Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif 99 frags. Doesn't come worse then this.
Style Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif Whee! I can fly! Looks great, and gets you around the level fast, too.
Total 80% Has both evident strengths and weaknesses.

Spiral dance

Property Grade Comment
Dam/Time Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif A fair amount of damage.
Dam/PP Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif Cheap on PP.
Just Attack Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif Slows it down a bit, but nothing radical.
Defense Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif First hit hits a lot of targets and has wipeout, which is sheer brilliance. Other parts leave minor openings at the beginning.
Flexibility Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif You move around a lot, and can steer it very well.
Tactics Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif A prime example of consecutive melee effects. The only shame is the blowaway on part 2. That can be avoided though.
Team Play Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Multiple blowaways? I guess...
Level Speed Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Levels. Nothing more.
Obtainability Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif Cheap in the shop.
Style Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif Looks pretty neat.
Total 88% Excells in all departments. Top notch.

Gravity dance

Property Grade Comment
Dam/Time Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Attack with the normal attack.
Dam/PP Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Why does this cost so much PP?
Just Attack Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Slows it down.
Defense Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif The first attack leaves you open because it only hits 2 targets. The last part takes a while too.
Flexibility Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Not appliccable, hits all around you. You aint going nowhere though.
Tactics Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif No melee effect, except the last attack.
Team Play Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif Nice, doesn't hurt the team, and launches.
Level Speed Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Levels slow.
Obtainability Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif 36000?! What the...?!
Style Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif You look like you're drunk. And not in a good way.
Total 67% Avoid.

Absolute dance

Property Grade Comment
Dam/Time Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif It does good damage, but why does it take so long?
Dam/PP Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Too expensive for what it is. But double sabers recover PP fast anyway.
Just Attack Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif Actually doesn't worsen the combo whatsoever. Easy to hit, too.
Defense Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Makes you look like a masochist. The final part is nigh-on useless because of this.
Flexibility Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif You move around and can steer well.
Tactics Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Ok, in truth, the buildup of melee effects is good, but that is kind of negated by the duration of the last part..
Team Play Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif Nice, doesn't hurt the team, and launches.
Level Speed Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif They'll have found a cure for cancer by the time this hits 40.
Obtainability Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif 50 frags. Not unworthy of it's price. But still too much if you can't be bothered.
Style Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif It looks neat.
Total 73% Bleh. Kind of a useless add-on to double saber PA's.


Bogga danga

Property Grade Comment
Dam/Time Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif A very nice amount of damage in a decent amount of time.
Dam/PP Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif Cheapest knuckle PA in terms of PP.
Just Attack Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Might be a little tricky to find it at first, but it doesn't create huge openings.
Defense Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif When using JA it becomes a little open, but otherwise it's rock-solid defense.
Flexibility Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif The last part is flexible, the others less so, but not stiff.
Tactics Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif Very good! Knockback and going after it. The only thing that's silly is that the first hit of the last part will hardly ever connect.
Team Play Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif Jup, great team PA.
Level Speed Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Not fast.
Obtainability Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif Huzzah! Bogga danga for everyone!
Style Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif Flashy, fast, and hard-hitting. Nice.
Total 89% A very good PA. In practice however the final hit has a low efficiency hit rate.

Bogga robado

Property Grade Comment
Dam/Time Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif A very nice amount of damage in a decent amount of time.
Dam/PP Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif PP unfriendly for what it is.
Just Attack Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif Easy and no downsides.
Defense Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif The beginning and middle leave holes on the side.
Flexibility Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Your reach falls somewhat short at times, and it's not very steerable.
Tactics Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif The launch on the second part can be both very good or very bad, depending on the enemy.
Team Play Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif More a solo PA. But it doesn't hurt the team.
Level Speed Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Normal.
Obtainability Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif 75 frags, but probably worth it.
Style Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Not much robado about it, although the last part is funny.
Total 77% A good PA, that has it's uses.

Bogga zubba

Property Grade Comment
Dam/Time Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif A lot of damage, in a shorter time then you'd think possible.
Dam/PP Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif Not the kindest of knuckle PA's on PP.
Just Attack Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Since this is a one-hitter, this takes a toll. However, knuckles are fast enough that it matters little.
Defense Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif The beginning leaves you open (but not really THAT long, unlike anga jabroga), the ending makes you nigh on invincible.
Flexibility Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Not the most steerable, but it has a decent reach.
Tactics Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif It hits fast enough to hit the target with all 4 hits before it's to high (because of the launch) so that you can't hit it anymore.
Team Play Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif Saves lives and doesn't annoy.
Level Speed Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Not fast.
Obtainability Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif Cheap fast one-hit PA? Yes please!
Style Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Not much to look at.
Total 85% A useful, strong PA.

Ikk hikk

Property Grade Comment
Dam/Time Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Press PA button. Go make coffee. Press PA button. Get crackers. Finish PA. It's slow.
Dam/PP Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gifStar-S2.gifStar-S2.gifStar-S2.gif Most damage per PP. Fully levelled you'll be doing about 30,000 damage per JA button press.
Just Attack Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Not easy to just attack, rather hard actually. However, it has next to no effect on it's speed, since it's slow already.
Defense Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Bottom feeder. Just pray your character doesn't evade the attacks, and just takes them.
Flexibility Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif Quite flexible, however the reach is sometimes a bit short.
Tactics Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif It would have been better if the first attack had 3 targets, and the second 2. Ah well. Next to no melee effect though.
Team Play Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Sure, why not?
Level Speed Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Near the end you'll be thinking about eating a bullet.
Obtainability Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif 30 frags. Worth it?
Style Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif Drunken boxing? Yes please.
Total 74% Funny, but no real strategical value.


Tornado break

Property Grade Comment
Dam/Time Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif A good amount of damage to a lot of targets.
Dam/PP Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif Really low PP cost PA.
Just Attack Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif It's a bit tricky to get sometimes, and it does slow it down, althought hat doesn't have big side effects.
Defense Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Both good and bad. It makes a lot of targets flinch, but with JA, it leaves quite the opening.
Flexibility Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Not appliccable, you hit everything around you. You're not going anywhere though.
Tactics Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Make flinch until blowaway. Couldn't be simpler.
Team Play Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Sure, why not? Although you do blow away a lot of targets, which is not always the best of things.
Level Speed Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif Due to it's many targets, it levels fast.
Obtainability Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif Might as well give it to you for free.
Style Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Not much to look at.
Total 80% Rather useful sword PA. Won't find many of these around.

Spinning break

Property Grade Comment
Dam/Time Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif It's really fast, with a good amount of damage. Although you won't hit much of it's potential.
Dam/PP Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Sucks PP like a vampire, due to it's fastness.
Just Attack Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif Has next to no effect on the PA. Easy to hit, too.
Defense Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Sides are always unguarded. The jumping around helps.
Flexibility Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Very flexible, but why does it have such a small hitbox? That kills this PA.
Tactics Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Flinch 'till blowaway. But since you move around, this may make you miss, which isn't good.
Team Play Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif Oh yeah sure, good team PA.
Level Speed Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gifStar-S2.gifStar-S2.gifStar-S2.gif Faster then a scatman on crack.
Obtainability Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Available in shop...
Style Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Not much to look at.
Total 86% Would have been a perfect PA if it wasn't so hard to hit with it's full potential.

Absolute break

Property Grade Comment
Dam/Time Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif Finally, a good sword PA. Rejoice! The accuracy is a downer, though.
Dam/PP Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gif Pretty costly on the already low PP swords.
Just Attack Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gifStar-S.gifStar-S2.gifStar-S2.gifStar-S2.gif The JA is very hard to get, but it comes at nearly the exact time of finishing your move, and thus, making this very fast.
Defense Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif The first part requires time to charge, as does the last attack. Blowdown on the second reduces this though.
Flexibility Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif The first part is flexible and moves your around, but the other ones are stern and require dedicated aim.
Tactics Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif Get to their back, blow them down, blow them away. Couldn't be better.
Team Play Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif Always useful, but don't overuse in a team.
Level Speed Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif They'll have cured cancer by the time this reaches level 40.
Obtainability Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gifStar-Grey.gif 99 frags, but worth it.
Style Star-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-C.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-B.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-A.gifStar-S.gif Link roundhouse slash, lightning fast cross slashes and Blue moon fang. They've digitalised ejaculation.
Total 81% Top tier PA, despite it's flaws out of the battlefield.

Ambition of the Illuminus 99 PA Fragments
Combines weapon and soul, to unleash a flurry of attacks.

Targets Effect
Part 1 2x3 -
Part 2 3x3 Blowdown
Part 3 2x1 Blowaway
LV1 - LV10 LV11 - LV20 LV21 - LV30 LV31 - LV40
PP 25 (20)
Att. 1 136% - 145% 146% - 155% 156% - 165% 166% - 175%
Att. 2 - 160% - 178% 180% - 198% 200% - 218%
Att. 3 - - 410% - 500% 510% - 600%
Acc. 50% - 59% 60% - 69% 70% - 79% 80%