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[[Image:Sarin_profile.jpg|thumb|265px|Sarin Serafi: Better picture soon. XD]]
====About Me====
Hello! :3 My name's Sarin Serafi, yet another player on Phantasy Star Universe. I played PSO, but only in offline/multiplayer mode. I had a HUcaseal named Seven, and a FOnewearl and HUnewearl named Cherry. (Not to be confused with the Cherry who plays on PSU: I'll explain in a bit.)
I've loved video games since I was a child. Born in 1980, I was there was Super Mario Bros first got released, and played that and Duck Hunt all the time. XD I've been playing online games for a while, starting with Resident Evil Outbreak in 2004. That's when I met [[User:Chaotist Razor|Chaotist Razor]]! Back then, I was known as cherrybomb, then changed to Cherry Hamilton. After meeting Razor and becoming good friends, then eventually boyfriend/girlfriend, I changed my name to "Chaotist Cherry", which stuck until now.
I also played FFXI in the Hades server, starting in early 2005. My character was a Mithra named Cherryneko. In that time, I accumulated lots of gear for her, including a Sha'ir Manteel, one of the most expensive items for Bards on that game. (Yeesh.) When I left FFXI in December 2006, her jobs were WHM75, BLM75, BRD75, WAR61, RDM43, NIN40, and THF37, among other random lower leveled jobs. She's now in the care of a good friend on Hades, Wild, and remains a staple member of my old Linkshell, AncientParadise. I quit the game because it took up way too much of my time in "real life", and it wasn't fun anymore.
Razor picked up Phantasy Star Universe first, back at it's release in October 2006. Because I hated the way PSO's controls were, I was initially turned off by PSU. After watching him play, and because I missed playing with him (he quit FFXI months before), I decided to pick up the game and try it out too. I got on in November 2006, and created a female Newman named Chaotist Cherry, intending her to be a Force/Fortetecher like Razor's male Newman Fortetecher (FO at the time). I found the job hard to play at first, but with his help, it wasn't too bad. Fully intending to play a Force as my main job, I gathered weapons, spells and made money for her.
Then, we lost internet access for a week and a half in mid November. -_-
Not being able to play online, I decided to play Story Mode and get myself used to the game, so I wouldn't be so lost when our Internet access came back on. I leveled Ethan to 56 as a Hunter and passed the game, then decided to create my own character. I wanted to keep leveling a Hunter, and Razor told me Beasts made the strongest ones, so I created a female Beast. Wanting a tough, yet normal-ish sounding name for her, I settled upon Sarin. (Yes, the nerve agent used as a biological weapon.) I created her offline, and leveled her quickly to 100. I tried out many weapons, including buying S-ranks for her, and got very comfortable with the gameplay.
After our internet access came back, I decided to bring Sarin online! So I used my second character slot for her, and wanting to catch up to Razor's then level 50, speed leveled her there in a matter of days. I had so much fun playing as a Fortefighter, and wanting to complement Razor's Fortetecher when we duo, I decided to keep Sarin as my main character, and my name online as well. This was especially emphasized after seeing another female Newman named Cherry running around, and I didn't want others to get confused and think I was them, and vice versa. (Of course, that's not a problem now, but it was potentially one back when the game was still so new.) The rest is history after that. XD
Later, after Sarin was capped, for fun I created my old HUcaseal on my third character slot, Seven. I changed her look around a little, and made her into a Ranger instead to focus on her strengths. I had created Seven in Extra mode, but hated the way Ranger played. Wanting to give it another shot (no pun intended), I pushed myself to level Seven to Ranger 10, and eventually a Fortegunner. She was only meant to be an alternate I could hop on to play Demons Above and other gunner friendly missions when hunting with Razor, but I ended up capping her job level too. O_O Now, while still an alt, she's become almost as important as my main, and I plan on working on her gear too.
Chaotist Cherry's also become an alt, and is no longer my main character. However, she's still going to be a Fortetecher to focus on her strengths, and later will be a full-time Acrotecher when the expansion is released later this year. ^^ My final character slot is always a human female with my store, and her name changes a lot. I've settled on Mint though, and she will possibly be a Protranser for the expansion. If I get bored enough to level her. .-.
====Character Information====
{{Character Profile
|name = Chaotist Cherry |race = Newman  |gender = ♀ |level = 51 |type = Fortetecher
|name2= Sarin  |race2= Beast |gender2= ♀ |level2= 90 |type2= Fortefighter
|name3= Seven        |race3= Cast  |gender3= ♀ |level3= 84 |type3= Fortegunner
|name4= Mint |race4= Human |gender4= ♀ |level4= 1 |type4= Hunter
|HU = 3 |RA = 0 |FO = 10 |FG = 0 |GT = 0 |WT = 0 |fF = 0 |fG = 0 |fT = 6 |PT = 0
|HU2= 10 |RA2=  1 |FO2= 10 |FG2= 10 |GT2= 0 |WT2= 5 |fF2= 10 |fG2= 0 |fT2=  0 |PT2= 2
|HU3=  5 |RA3=  10 |FO3= 5 |FG3= 0 |GT3= 5 |WT3= 0 |fF3= 0 |fG3= 10 |fT3= 0 |PT3= 0
|HU4=  1 |RA4=  1 |FO4= 1 |FG4= 0 |GT4= 0 |WT4= 0 |fF4= 0 |fG4= 0 |fT4= 0 |PT4= 0

Latest revision as of 04:42, 23 March 2008