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Episode 1

Clyez City Second Floor: Shopping Mall A

  • Human Girl
  • Fat Man

Clyez City Fourth Floor: PPT Spaceport

  • Male Beast

Chapter 2

(Human Girl)

  • Human Girl: Ever since the SEED disturbance, so many of the Linear Lines have been shut down. It's really a hassle. I wish they'd hurry up and finish repairs!


  • Human Girl: I wonder if they'll ever finish repairs on the Linear Line?

(Fat Man)

  • Fat Man: The Koltova from Raffon Meadow are the best! You can't get that kind of quality in the colony. I always look forward to my trips to Parum.


  • Fat Man: But because of the SEED, luxury travel is restricted. To a regular guy like me who just likes traveling, it's a nightmare!

(Male Beast)

  • Male Beast: I see you're planning to go to Parum, is that right? And more than that, it's your first time traveling to the planets, yes? Shall I tell you about Parum, then? When one thinks of Parum, one can't help but thinking of the koltova. If you find yourself in a cafe, be sure to order a tall glass of koltova juice!


  • Male Beast: You got it? Koltova juice. Don't forget!

Chapter 3

(Human Girl)

  • Human Girl: It appears the repairs on the Linear line are due to be completed any day now. But even better than that, I heard they’ve developed a method that will purify the SEED!


  • Human Girl: Oh, come on. I came all this way and now I've got to take a detour!?

(Fat Man)

  • Fat Man: You're in the GUARDIANS with Karen Erra, aren't you? I saw her on the GUARDIANS Bulletin News before. It sure must be nice working with her. She seems so strong and intelligent! I'd like to be instructed by her.


  • Fat Man: To be taught by Karen Erra would be the greatest gift of all!

(Beast Male)

  • Beast Male: On Parum there's a doctrine of CAST supremacy. That's not where the notion of ill-mannered CASTs comes from, but you can certainly say that humans aren't very comfortable with the situation!


  • Beast Male: It's best to live like we do on the G-Golony, in a world with no discrimination.

Chapter 4

(Human Girl)

  • Human Girl: This colony is basically pretty self-sustaining but... I guess it's actually pretty difficult without an influx of good from the planets.


  • Human Girl: It was so much more fun shopping before the SEED showed up!

(Fat Man)

  • Fat Man: I hear there's been an increase in rouge activity. The solar system police's weapons are no match for the rouges'. Plus the Alliance Military is so busy with the SEED, they don't have time for rouges!


  • Fat Man: In times of emergency, public unrest skyrockets. But I guess that just can't be helped.

(Male Beast)

  • Male Beast: Awhile back, I got the chance to ride on a passenger train on Parum. It was exhilarating seeing the ground and the surroundings rush by so quickly. It's not something you can experience on a spaceship. Overall, it was great to be able to partake in the scenery. And it's the only place in the system you can get real koltova kabobs! If you ever try them, I'm sure you'll be hooked from bite one.


  • Male Beast: Everyone should experience a train ride at least once.

Chapter 5

(Human Girl)

  • Human Girl: Because of the SEED, regular people like me are restricted from traveling. I'm so jealous of Guardians, able to go wherever they want!


  • Human Girl: I wonder if you'd take me shopping at least? No?

(Fat Man)

  • Fat Man: The damage from the SEED hasn't decreased at all. You guys need to try harder! Quit loafing around here and get to work!


  • Fat Man: Get to work!

(Beast Male)

  • Beast Male: This time you're going to Neudaiz, aren't you? Neudaiz is the hub of the newmans' unique culture. Just looking around and taking in the strange sights... That'll be enough to keep you from getting bored! The city and the people have this sense of... how do I put it? "refinement" to them. Newmans are, for the most part, and extremely quiet race. Don't frolic about in the streets, as it's considered very rude!


  • Beast Male: I wish I could go to Neudaiz again.

Chapter 6

(Human Girl)

  • Human Girl: So you're going to Moatoob this time? Moatoob is a well-known place for getting hold of the most precious jewels...


  • Human Girl: But it can be pretty dangerous for a person to walk around Moatoob's cities alone.

(Fat Man)

  • Fat Man: Moatoob is nothing but sand and rocks. It's so boring! But the drinks are the best you can get anywhere! Drinks brewed in harsh environments have the boldest flavor. Whoops, you're still too young to drink, aren't you?


  • Fat Man: I wonder if Gawik's pub is still there?

(Beast Male)

  • Beast Male: You're going to Moatoob? You'd better be careful. That whole planet is dangerous! Those crazy beasts are known for their wild temperaments. There are even a lot of non-beast rouges. Be sure to stay on guard!


  • Beast Male: Moatoob is a planet you can't be careless on!

Chapter 7

(Human Girl)

  • Human Girl: How was Moatoob? ...er, you look like you're in a hurry. Don't let me stand in your way!


  • Human Girl: What's wrong? Aren't you in a hurry?

(Fat Man)

  • Fat Man: So, is Gawik's pub still around? ..You look like you're in a rush. I'll ask you again later!


  • Fat Man: What? You'd better get going!

(Beast Male)

  • Beast Male: Are you going to Neudaiz again? You seem like you're in some kind of rush. Anyways, good luck!


  • Beast Male: What? Aren't you in a rush?

Chapter 8

(Human Girl)

  • Human Girl: I was so surprised! Another SEED attack on the colony... It's been so many months! The Linear Line was finally repaired, too. When are the SEED attacks going to stop, once and for all?


  • Human Girl: The time when we could go on about our daily lives without worry seems like such a distant memory.

(Fat Man)

  • Fat Man: I guess part of the Linear Line is blocked again... And just when there was talk of travel restrictions finally being loosened! Well the chances of that happening now are nil.


  • Fat Man: When will we be able to travel on a whim again?

(Male Beast) (Before meeting the President)

  • Beast Male: What? Aren't you in a rush?

(After meeting the President)

  • Beast Male: Mellvore City? A long time ago I thought about going sightseeing there but I couldn't get past the "wall" to reach the inside. It appears that people have tried to settle there illegally. It was said to be dangerous, so it was made off limits.


  • Beast Male: I've seen it from the sky above the city. It was so strange to see an entire city abandoned and left to rot.

Chapter 9

(Human Girl)

  • Human Girl: The Mellvore tower? What's that? I'm busy enough trying to figure out what to make for dinner every day!


  • Human Girl: I wonder if it's because of the tower that prices are so high?

(Fat Man)

  • Fat Man: What's the story about that huge tower on Mellvore? Before, when I went to Mellvore, I had no idea that they were hiding a tower like that...


  • Fat Man: I never knew there were RELICS sites that huge.

(Beast Male)

  • Beast Male: The first time I went to Moatoob, my bags were stolen. The attitude of the Moatoob police was so irritating! Later on I heard that the police and rouges often work together. I'll never go back to Moatoob again!


  • Beast Male: You couldn't pay me to set foot on Moatoob again!

Chapter 10

(Human Girl)

  • Human Girl: I do hope that those towers will help us bring peace to the Gurhal System! Then we'll be able to go back to normal shopping again, right?


  • Human Girl: Hurry up and use those towers! ...I can't take it anymore!

(Fat Man)

  • Fat Man: They found a tower on Moatoob like the one in Mellvore? How many of them could there be?


  • Fat Man: When the SEED are gone, I want to see those towers up close!

(Beast Male)

  • Beast Male: Huge towers at the RELICS... Before the SEED showed up, I'd been to plenty of RELICS sites, but never saw anything like that! I bet it's even more impressive from up close!


  • Beast Male: But what could those towers be used for?

Chapter 11

(Human Girl)

  • Human Girl: Do you really think we'll have peace soon? Honestly? I really hope we can rely on the GUARDIANS. Please bring us peace!


  • Human Girl: Please bring us peace!

(Fat Man)

  • Fat Man: The reason I like traveling is I like being able to get a taste of what it feels like to see beyond my own perceptions. You've experienced so much since the time you knew nothing but colony life, right? Fun times and difficult times... If so, then you should be able to understand my feelings when I say that I'm utterly addicted to traveling!


  • Fat Man: When you are activating the confinement system, I'm sure that will be an experience unparalleled by anyone else's!

(Male Beast)

  • Male Beast: When the battle has been won, the SEED should be all gone, isn't that right? And then we will at last have peace!


  • Male Beast: When we are at peace, I think I'll go on a trip!

Chapter 12

(Human Girl)

  • Human Girl: Peace at last... I just can't believe it!


  • Human Girl: In a while I'm sure it will finally hit me.

(Fat Man)

  • Fat Man: Once the HIVE is destroyed, it looks like the flight restrictions will finally be lifted! Thanks to all the hard work you guys do!


  • Fat Man: I will finally be able to travel to my heart's content!

(Male Beast)

  • Male Beast: Everything is finally over. It looks like there are still a few SEED left, but I'm sure they will be cleaned up in no time. Life will be good again. Thank you for that!


  • Male Beast: You guys really did well!