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Dagora City: Central District

(Faroi Koid)

  • Faroi: Hello, Mr. Waber!
  • Ethan: Hey, Faroi!
  • Faroi: Mr. Waber, I've decided to go to Neudaiz and work at the Communion.
  • Ethan: That was quick!
  • Faroi: I wish I was smart like a newman and strong like a beast. But somehow I got stuck with the smarts of a beast and the body of a newman!
  • Ethan: I see...
  • Faroi: I'm not very useful.
  • Ethan: That's not true!


  • Faroi: When I talk to you I feel like I don't have to slink in the shadows, though. I feel like it's okay to be who I am!
  • Ethan: That's because it is!

(Emun Ohka)

  • Emun: Mr. Waber, do you have a second?
  • Ethan: What is it, Ms. Ohka?
  • Emun: Something unbelievable has happened! That seedy recruiter that was plaguing the mining business has called it quits. She started working for me now, and she brought a lot of other workers with her! I'm keeping her honest, though.
  • Ethan: That's great!
  • Emun: Did you have anything to do with this?
  • Ethan: Me? No, nothing!


  • Emun: The town's economy is improving! It's a miracle!
  • Ethan: I'm so glad to hear it!
  • Emun: Thank you, Mr. Waber.

(Human Woman)

  • Human Woman: Hey kid! You're just in time! I need your help!
  • Ethan: ...What is it?
  • Human Woman: I want you to become my business partner! I'm too gullible, I guess...
  • Ethan: I can't handle running a business!
  • Human Woman: You just have to be there with me. No matter what you may think of me, I've got it together... I'll pay you double what you're getting now!
  • Ethan: That's not the issue.


  • Ethan: I'm a Guardian, so I don't have time for that sort of thing.
  • Human Woman: If it's about the money, I've got plenty. You should reconsider!
  • Ethan: Sorry, I just can't.
  • Human Woman: That's too bad...

(Fat Beast)

  • Fat Beast: Are you looking for Alfort Tylor? ...You want to capture him? ...Unfortunately I have no idea where he is right now.


  • Fat Beast: If I find out where Tylor is, I'll let you know.

(Bukle Kinron)

  • Bukle: Hey, Ethan!
  • Ethan: Hey, Bukle!
  • Bukle: You finally got my name right! But more importantly... Have you ever seen the master get mad?
  • Ethan: Um...
  • Bukle: I heard that a long time ago, during a big fight, he killed his closest friend. Since then, I guess he stopped nanoblasting for good.
  • Ethan: Is that so?


  • Bukle: I'm eager to try out my nanoblast sometime soon!
  • Ethan: (I doubt it'd be very impressive.)

(Pipi Vol)

  • Ethan: (Her again!)
  • Pipi: Wait up! I got something to talk to you about.
  • Ethan: What?
  • Pipi: Sorry if I've been a jerk to you...
  • Ethan: Uh... that's okay.
  • Pipi: Hanp and I had a long talk, and he showed me the error or my ways. Tell him I'm waiting for him...
  • Ethan: Really!


  • Ethan: (Amazing! Mr. Hanp, how'd you do it?)


  • Ethan: Do you get it yet?
  • Extortionist: You again! I can't believe Tonnio is hanging out with the likes of you...
  • Ethan: Tonnio's a good guy, if only he didn't have that crazy temper...
  • Extortionist: He's always been like that.


  • Extortionist: Tonnio and Liina were like my children, but they abandoned me! What did I do to deserve this?
  • Ethan: You can start over, too, you know...

(Jonb Lead)

  • Ethan: Hey, Jonb!
  • Jonb: Hey, Ethan! Before I got the chance to take a break, I received orders to go home!
  • Ethan: So then you're going back to the colony?
  • Jonb: That's what it looks like.


  • Jonb: So it looks like I'll make it back in time for my mother's birthday after all!
  • Ethan: That's great!

(Old Cast)

  • Ethan: Hey... Are you still alive?
  • Old Cast: Yes. I can't quite seem to die... During the uprising, I killed so many beasts... Now, that beast owner of the bar charges my batteries for me. Thanks to him, I'm not in pain any more, and can simply wait for the end.
  • Ethan: He stopped... His time finally came.


  • Ethan: I don't know what grand battles you saw... but I hope you rest in peace...

Synthesis Shop

(Synthesis Shop)

  • Small Beast: We can finally go into the Kugu Desert! I've got to hurry and take some clients on a preliminary survey.


  • Small Beast: Are they just going to leave the tower there? Well, I guess it will make a decent landmark, won't it?

Gawik's Pub

(Gawik Vopa)

  • Ethan: Hello, Gawik.
  • Gawik: Well, well. Mr. Waber! Thanks for stopping by!
  • Ethan: Can I ask you a question?
  • Gawik: Sure, what is it?
  • Ethan: Why are you always in such a good mood?
  • Gawik: Isn't that a good thing? I think life would be pretty horrible if I were in a bad mood all the time!
  • Ethan: Yeah, I guess so.


  • Gawik: Relaxed and happy, my friend, relaxed and happy. It's the best way to live!
  • Ethan: That's true.
  • Gawik: Way back when, your father was... Whoops, that just slipped out!
  • Ethan: (I guess he did know my dad.)

(Old Beast)

  • Old Beast: Lunga liver is no good... They had some resistance to the SEED infections or somethin'. Now you're not allowed to hunt 'em, except for research purposes. I may be outta luck, but that doesn't mean I'm not still busy! Right now I'm tryin' to think of what I should try to sell next... I guess everything is gonna have its own problems, one way or another. There's no use in letting it get me down though!


  • Old Beast: Everything is gonna have it's own problems one way or another. There's no use in letting it get me down!

(Male Beast)

  • Male Beast: Hey kid! What's with you? We've almost made it and you don't even look happy! I dunno what's botherin' you, but I guess you don't need no reasons or explanations for the way you feel. It's your own business. So forget what anyone else says, and just do what you wanna do!


  • Male Beast: Hang in there, kid!

Dagora City: GUARDIANS Branch

(Solen Hanp)

  • Solen: Ethan, you got a sec?
  • Ethan: What is it, Mr. Hanp?
  • Solen: You know that girl Pipi? I think I'm gonna ask her out on a date.
  • Ethan: ...Are you serious!?
  • Solen: Yes. I feel responsible for her crush on me. Besides, I can't remember ever feeling like this towards anyone.
  • Ethan: Wow!


  • Solen: I said don't laugh! I'm being serious!
  • Ethan: Sorry. Good luck!

(Female Beast)

  • Female Beast: I heard about you wanting to go to the HIVE. I'm sure you're sick of hearing people say "don't be so unreasonable," aren't you? But your wanting to help your friends isn't any more unreasonable than the president telling you that you shouldn't. I won't tell you what to do, but you should follow your heart and do what you feel is right. Then there'll be nothing to regret!


  • Female Beast: Sometimes regrets are more about what you don't do than what you do.