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Dagora City: Central District

(Faroi Koid)

  • Faroi: Hello, Mr. Waber!
  • Ethan: Hey, Faroi!
  • Faroi: Mr. Waber, how do you do a nanoblast?
  • Ethan: Well... It's something you have to learn, isn't it?
  • Faroi: I wonder if I could do it if I learned how?
  • Ethan: It's impossible for newmans, though.
  • Faroi: But my dad was a beast. I'm not a regular newman!
  • Ethan: Really!?


  • Faroi: Are you surprised?
  • Ethan: Yeah... a little!

(Emun Ohka)

  • Emun: Mr. Waber, do you have a moment?
  • Ethan: What is it, Ms. Ohka?
  • Emun: Well the truth is, I'm in trouble... There's this annoying recruiter who's been making it really hard for me to get workers. She's horrible! She takes a 90% commission from her workers... so now everyone is afraid to sign up to work in ANY mine, including mine! It's extortion!
  • Ethan: Wow, that's a huge cut!
  • Emun: That's why I always tell people that I employ directly.


  • Emun: If that recruiter doesn't quit her horrible ways, this town's economy will plummet!
  • Ethan: Is there anything I can do about it?
  • Emun: I don't know... just... Do something?

(Human Woman)

  • Human Woman: Hey kid! You're just in time! I need your help!
  • Ethan: What happened?
  • Human Woman: My bag is gone! It was full of the money I was going to use to buy mining rights!
  • Ethan: You've got to keep things like that close to you at all times. I sympathize with you, but you probably won't be getting it back.
  • Human Woman: What a dangerous city this is!
  • Ethan: It's different than the colony, that's for sure!
  • Human Woman: Yeah, I know.


  • Human Woman: It's all right. I still have some money left. It was an expensive lesson, but I'll reflect on it.
  • Ethan: I see.

(Fat Beast)

  • Fat Beast: The Vol brothers? Ah, that absurd trio... They think they're big shots because they're on the Landeel now. They aren't very tough, though. A long time ago there were a pair of legendary rouges called the Vol brothers. Those three goons go by the same name... but their influence is nothing compared to the originals!


  • Fat Beast: The real Vol brothers were two very dangerous men. Those three are like kittens by comparison.

(Bukle Kinron)

  • Bukle: Hey, Ethan!
  • Ethan: Hey, we meet again!
  • Bukle: So I guess you're pals with Gawik at the pub, eh?
  • Ethan: I wouldn’t say we're pals exactly... (What was his name again?)


  • Bukle: What's your relationship with the boss?
  • Ethan: I told you we aren't pals. I just stopped into his pub...
  • Bukle: I see.
  • Ethan: (Hm... I can't remember who this guy is...)

(Pipi Vol)

  • Ethan: Hey, you said you're Pipi Vol, didn't you? Are you related to those Vol brothers?
  • Pipi: Don't you dare mention those twerps' names in front of me!
  • Ethan: They sure are twerps!
  • Pipi: Those imposters took the name of a great pirate group from long ago and I was using it first! If they're your friends, I'll take you down right now!
  • Ethan: T-They aren't!


  • Pipi: If you know where those three are, you'd better tell me now. I'm gonna destroy 'em!
  • Ethan: I have no idea.
  • Pipi: You better not be hiding 'em from me!


  • Extortionist: What, you got another problem?
  • Ethan: I didn't say anything. You feeling guilty about something you did?
  • Extortionist: Of course not!


  • Extortionist: If I lose face, then someone is gonna have to pay up!
  • Ethan: This is going nowhere...

(Jonb Lead)

  • Ethan: Hey, Jonb!
  • Jonb: Hey, Ethan!
  • Ethan: Jonb, you've been on Moatoob for a long time now, haven't you?
  • Jonb: It's already been five years! I think I've had enough. I'm pretty tired of it...


  • Jonb: Working from Headquarters is probably the best. You get to go all over the system!
  • Ethan: Yeah, it's pretty nice.

(Traveling Cast)

  • Ethan: Okay, that's enough... I'm not even surprised when I see you any more.
  • Traveling Cast: Yeah, really!
  • Ethan: Are you really on a trip?
  • Traveling Cast: I am.
  • Ethan: ...Are you a reporter following me to a RELICS site or something?
  • Traveling Cast: Hehe! I can't tell!
  • Ethan: You're gonna have to tell me sooner or later...


  • Ethan: So, where are you going?
  • Traveling Cast: This time I'm going to take a tour of the desert.
  • Ethan: The desert is pretty harsh...

(Old Cast)

  • Ethan: What's the matter?
  • Old Cast: You're an obstinate one, aren't you? I'm AWOL from the Alliance Military. Can't you just leave me alone, please?
  • Ethan: Honestly?
  • Old Cast: What would be the point about lying about something that would get me in trouble? Just let me die here!


  • Ethan: Do you plan to stay here until you die?
  • Old Cast: My battery should be gone soon. Then it'll all be over...

Synthesis Shop

(Small Beast)

  • Small Beast: Why do you look so down? Your girl leave you or something? Moatoob is the best place for shops to help get your mind off that kind of thing. Lemme introduce you to a good shop!


  • Small Beast: It's nice to be young. There's so much to look forward to!

Gawik's Pub

(Gawik Vopa)

  • Gawik: Well, well, Mr. Waber! You always come back even though I won't serve you! Must be the pleasant atmosphere that keeps you coming back!
  • Ethan: Uh... you think?
  • Gawik: Sure! You don't need to drink to enjoy the company of men, do ya?
  • Ethan: I guess not!


  • Gawik: You know, drinking's bad for you anyway.
  • Ethan: That attitude probably won't help your business, you know.

(Old Beast)

  • Old Beast: What's that big tower that appeared on Parum? Quit looking at me like that! Are you trying to make a fool out of me? Just because I'm old doesn't mean I can't beat you, boy! So, you gonna tell me about that tower or what? Huh? Is it a secret or something? Don't mock me!


  • Old Beast: If you try to make a fool out of me, you're lookin' for trouble on a stick, boy!

(Beast Male)

  • Beast Male: Hey, kid! I haven't seen you for a while! What's the matter... all burned out? Doesn't matter to me! Doesn't matter how tired you get, or where you guys run off to die. That's got nothing to do with me!


  • Beast Male: Why don't you run off to some battle somewhere!

Dagora City: GUARDIANS Branch

(Solen Hanp)

  • Solen: Hello, Ethan.
  • Ethan: Hello, sir.
  • Solen: That punk was giving you a hard time, wasn't she?
  • Ethan: You saw? It would've been nice if you gave me a hand...
  • Solen: It's hard to deal with women, isn't it?
  • Ethan: Yeah...


  • Solen: That punk needs to be taught some manner! She is kind of cute, though, don't you think?
  • Ethan: You think so?

(Female Beast)

  • Female Beast: You just happened to be in Mellvore? The ancient civilization used that tower to eradicate the SEED, didn't it? But the SEED came back. So does that mean that the seal was broken? And is there a limit on the confinement system?


  • Female Beast: You guys are trying to reinitialize the seal one more time, aren't you?