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Clyez City First Floor: Central Table

(Arsh Milzu)

  • Ethan: Mrs. Milzu, we meet again!
  • Mrs. Milzu: ...
  • Ethan: What's the matter?
  • Mrs. Milzu: My husband didn't come back this weekend like he usually does.
  • Ethan: He's on Neudaiz, isn't he? There seems to be a lot going on over there lately.
  • Mrs. Milzu: I suppose.


  • Ethan: Mrs. Milzu, if you're free sometime, please give my sister Lumia a call.
  • Mrs. Milzu: I will. Thank you.

(Old Man)

  • Old Man: How'd you like Parum?
  • Ethan: How did you know I went to Parum?
  • Old Man: I saw you get on that PPT Shuttle.
  • Ethan: (Is this guy stalking me?)


  • Old Man: Yeah, I see a lot...

(Beast Male)

  • Beast Male: My friend from the archeology society... It looks like she learned her lesson about entering RELICS sites... the hard way! What's really inside those RELICS?


  • Beast Male: The RELICS aren't your everyday ruins, are they? Are they some kind of trap or something?

(Gapard Raz)

  • Ethan: You've got a lot of free time on your hands, don't you?
  • Gapard: Will you leave me alone already?
  • Ethan: Maybe you should make use of all that free time and join the GUARDIANS. It's hard work, but it's rewarding and offers a great challenge!
  • Gapard: I'll think about it.


  • Gapard: What's up?
  • Ethan: You should seriously consider what I said before.
  • Gapard: I will.

(Newman Male)

  • Newman Male: According to the police, pirate activity has been on the rise in this sector. They don't think anything of taking someone's life... so if you encounter them, be prepared to possibly lose yours!


  • Newman Male: Watch out for pirate rouges!

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: Watch out for the rouges from Moatoob! They're involved in all sorts of bad things... piracy, underground transactions, smuggling, illegal manufacturing... There are a lot of beasts who make their living by working with the rouges. If you encounter rouges, assume you're in trouble and then hope for the best!


  • Human Male: If you meet a rouge, don't talk back to them. Just run away!

Clyez City Second Floor: Shopping Mall A

(Kumil Godes)

  • Ethan: Hi, Kumil!
  • Kumil: Hi, Ethan! Are you working again today?
  • Ethan: Yup.
  • Kumil: Will you be taking a shuttle?
  • Ethan: Yeah.
  • Kumil: I want to ride on a shuttle too.


  • Ethan: What's wrong, Kumil?
  • Kumil: If you join the GUARDIANS, you get to ride on shuttles all the time, don't you?
  • Ethan: Yeah, I guess so.


  • Engineer: The Illegal modification of machines is a problem. Notably for the rouges, who like to upgrade the battle strength of their machines... There's a law that prohibits excessive armament of over-the-counter machines, because they'll become uncontrollable for the police and for the GUARDIANS.


  • Engineer: But no matter how strict you make the law, I doubt you can prevent people from illegally modifying their machines!

(Mikua Tesran)

  • Ethan: Hey, Mikua. How's it going?
  • Mikua: Don't you have anything better to do than to hang around chit-chatting?
  • Ethan: Geez...
  • Mikua: I'm not sure that we have a lot in common any more, Ethan.
  • Ethan: You're in a great mood...


  • Ethan: What's up, Mikua?
  • Mikua: Nothing, Ethan. Nothing at all.
  • Ethan: Okay...

(Human Girl)

  • Human Girl: This colony is basically pretty self-sustaining but... I guess it's actually pretty difficult without an influx of good from the planets.


  • Human Girl: It was so much more fun shopping before the SEED showed up!

(Fat Man)

  • Fat Man: I hear there's been an increase in rouge activity. The solar system police's weapons are no match for the rouges'. Plus the Alliance Military is so busy with the SEED, they don't have time for rouges!


  • Fat Man: In times of emergency, public unrest skyrockets. But I guess that just can't be helped.

(Nano-Transformer Fan)

  • Nano-Transformer Fan: The nano transformer was originally designed as a military tool during wartime. It was created so soldiers could bring a wide assortment of equipment onto the battlefield. But now it's normal for everyone, no matter how common, to own one.


  • Nano-Transformer Fan: There's nothing as useful as a nano transformer, is there? Nano transformers rock!

(Mefon Lead)

  • Ethan: Hello, Mrs. Lead.
  • Mrs. Lead: Oh hello, Ethan. I heard from my son yesterday. It looks like the SEED are still a big problem, so he won't be coming home any time soon.
  • Ethan: There's a lot happening on Moatoob right now.
  • Mrs. Lead: Yes, but... he's all I've got...


  • Ethan: Do you live alone, Mrs. Lead?
  • Mrs. Lead: My husband passed away... Let's talk about something else...

Clyez City Third Floor: Shopping Mall B

(Mischec Pord)

  • Ethan: Hey Mischec, what are you grinning about?
  • Mischec: I got to ride on a PPT Shuttle!
  • Ethan: Really, where to?
  • Mischec: I went to see my grandpa on Neudaiz. It was my tenth time!
  • Ethan: Really? Wow, that's great!


  • Ethan: What's wrong, Mischec?
  • Mischec: Next time, I want to go see my dad on Moatoob...

(A-Photon Fanatic)

  • A-Photon Fanatic: A-Photons are the future of energy! But the required reactors are so huge. That's kind of the problem.


  • A-Photon Fanatic: Sooner or later, A-Photon products will flood the scene. Mark my words!

(Photon Fanatic)

  • Photon Fanatic: Aren't A-Photons a cold and mechanical source of energy? Photons are a direct reflection of a person's spirit. Gentle spirit, violent spirit... Photons will demonstrate their power when used with a strong spirit!


  • Photon Fanatic: An energy filled with spirit... What a wonderful thing!


  • Astronomer: There's still no clue as to where the SEED came from. The worst part is, I've been waiting for this since I was a little child... contact with intelligent alien species... I never imagined it would be like this... A bloodbath!


  • Astronomer: Should the SEED be classified as intelligent life? There have been arguments on both sides.

(Endy Fodz)

  • Ethan: Hey, Endy! Guess what? I can finally start doing free missions!
  • Endy: It's about time! I've been doing 'em for ages now.
  • Ethan: I mean... I've been doing them for a while... I'm just... Uh...
  • Endy: Yeah, I'll bet!


  • Endy: Sorry, but I've got to go to Moatoob!
  • Ethan: Really? I still haven't been there yet...

Clyez City Fourth Floor: PPT Spaceport

(Jabutz Secbel)

  • Ethan: Hello, Mr. Chief Manager of Operations!
  • Jabutz: ...
  • Ethan: I don't think I messed it up today.
  • Jabutz: I'm just not in the mood to talk to any Guardians today. I got another impossible transport schedule from Headquarters.
  • Ethan: I see...


  • Jabutz: Piece of junk always breaking down...
  • Ethan: W-What are you talking about?
  • Jabutz: It's nothing. Just hurry up and get on board. I'm finished servicing this thing.

(Keiko Rotta)

  • Ethan: What's the matter?
  • Keiko: What's that supposed to mean? There's nothing wrong with me!
  • Ethan: You just seemed like you were stuck or something...
  • Keiko: How rude. Leave me alone!


  • Keiko: Didn't I tell you to leave me alone?

(Porsh Tuvol)

  • Ethan: Heya, Porsh!
  • Porsh: Oh hi, Ethan. I sure see you around a lot. Where are you always running off to?
  • Ethan: To Parum. Recently all my missions have been there.
  • Porsh: Wow, that sounds great. I've never been there... I'm jealous!
  • Ethan: Hehehe!


  • Ethan: I want to go somewhere on a PPT Shuttle. Not for a mission or anything, just on my own...
  • Porsh: Yeah...

(Male Beast)

  • Male Beast: Awhile back, I got the chance to ride on a passenger train on Parum. It was exhilarating seeing the ground and the surroundings rush by so quickly. It's not something you can experience on a spaceship. Overall, it was great to be able to partake in the scenery. And it's the only place in the system you can get real koltova kabobs! If you ever try them, I'm sure you'll be hooked from bite one.


  • Male Beast: Everyone should experience a train ride at least once.

Clyez City Fifth Floor: GUARDIANS Headquarters


  • Reporter: The Endrum Collective... Magashi... And Dr. Daren? I don't know if I can make it a convincing article without more proof... but I'll do some investigating!


  • Reporter: I'll investigate the Endrum Collective myself.

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: I heard you had a run-in with the Endrum Collective. They try to claim their only focus is RELICS preservation. I don't really know myself.. They are a special unit division, after all. They don't have to answer to anyone. The Allied Military lets them run free, unchecked.


  • Human Male: I'd like to give them a good scare one of these days!

(Fisul Godes)

  • Ethan: Hello, sir!
  • Mr. Godes: Hey, Waber. Since you're in the Mobile Defense Force, are you acquainted with Leo Berafort?
  • Ethan: Sure, I know Leo!
  • Mr. Godes: I thought you might. What a small world!


  • Mr. Godes: Next time you see Leo, tell him I said hello!
  • Ethan: Will do!