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Clyez City First Floor: Central Table

(Arsh Milzu)

  • Ethan: Mrs. Milzu, didn't you move to Neudaiz a while back?
  • Mrs. Milzu: My husband felt it was safer here on the colony, so I came back by myself.
  • Ethan: By yourself?
  • Mrs. Milzu: The colony, where I was born and raised, is the easiest place to live, after all!
  • Ethan: Interesting!


  • Ethan: What's the matter?
  • Mrs. Milzu: Oh no, it's nothing. I'm just a bit bored is all.

(Old Man)

  • Old Man: Lately we've been getting a lot of pale-faced weaklings in the GUARDIANS...
  • Ethan: Um...
  • Old Man: If you want to get anywhere with the GUARDIANS, you've gotta put some meat on those bones!


  • Old Man: You wanna go grab something to eat? Of course, you'd be paying...
  • Ethan: N-No thanks...

(Beast Male)

  • Beast Male: I heard there are a number of missing researchers who were investigating the RELICS site. I've got a friend from the archaeological society who is going to go study the RELICS. I'm very worried about her.


  • Beast Male: Is investigating RELICS really worth someone's life?

(Gapard Raz)

  • Ethan: Hey Gapard, what is it you do here, day after day?
  • Gapard: I'm a student and I'm between studies.
  • Ethan: A student? You look so much older than me, though.
  • Gapard: Well, I'm 21...
  • Ethan: You're only four years older than me!
  • Gapard: Yeah, so what's your point?
  • Ethan: I dunno. I guess I thought you were older...


  • Gapard: What now?
  • Ethan: Don't you have anything better to do?
  • Gapard: Mind your own business!

(Newman Male)

  • Newman Male: RELICS are supposed to be the remains of an ancient civilization, right? But what kind of civilization were they? They say they were even more advanced that we are today. So then why did their civilization collapse?


  • Newman Male: What caused the ancient civilization to collapse?

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: It looks like they discovered some RELICS again on Parum. They've been finding a lot of those recently. I can't help but wonder, what exactly are the RELICS? They may be the remnants of an ancient civilization, but I hear they are far more advanced than our technology today! Does that mean we're going backwards?


  • Human Male: What exactly happened to that ancient civilization?

Clyez City Second Floor: Shopping Mall A

(Kumil Godes)

  • Ethan: Hi, Kumil. Your dad's name is Fisul, isn't it?
  • Kumil: You know my dad?
  • Ethan: Yeah, we've met.
  • Kumil: You should make friends with my dad!


  • Engineer: When the Synthesis Shop opens, you should look into synthesizing items. you can do that by using your partner machine. With just some raw materials and a board, your partner can manufacture items for you.


  • Engineer: Your partner machine will undoubtedly be quite useful. There's simply no excuse not to learn about all it's functions and abilities!

(Mikua Tesran)

  • Ethan: Hey Mikua, you don't look very happy. What's up?
  • Mikua: The only guys who ever come talk to me are guys like you. I'm so sick of it!
  • Ethan: So then, who would you want to talk to?
  • Mikua: Hm... I think my type would be a quiet, older beast...
  • Ethan: Geez, well excuse me for being a talkative young human!


  • Ethan: Hey, Mikua!
  • Mikua: Didn't you listen to what I was saying!?

(Human Girl)

  • Human Girl: It appears the repairs on the Linear line are due to b completed any day now. But even better than that, I heard they’ve developed a method that will purify the SEED!


  • Human Girl: Oh, come on. I came all this way and now I've got to take a detour!?

(Fat Man)

  • Fat Man: You're in the GUARDIANS with Karen Erra, aren't you? I saw her on the GUARDIANS Bulletin News before. It sure must be nice working with her. She seems so strong and intelligent! I'd like to be instructed by her.


  • Fat Man: To be taught by Karen Erra would be the greatest gift of all!

(Nano Transformer Fan)

  • Nano Transformer Fan: Do you know how a nano transformer works? An item is instantaneously transformed into a particle state, and stored away. When you retrieve the item, it is instantaneously reverted back to it's normal state. This is an incredible invention. Hey, are you even listening to me? Fine. I'm done. I won't say another word!


  • Nano Transformer Fan: When you feel like listening, I'll continue!

(Mefon Lead)

  • Ethan: Hello, Mrs. Lead!
  • Mrs. Lead: Oh Ethan, how are you? Have you adjusted yet?
  • Ethan: Yeah, for the most part. For my first mission, they sent me to Parum!
  • Mrs. Lead: By the look on your face, I'm assuming it was a successful mission?
  • Ethan: Yes it was, thank you!


  • Mrs. Lead: You're working now, right? You'd better hurry up then!

Clyez City Third Floor: Shopping Mall B

(Mischec Pord)

  • Ethan: Hey Mischec, how are you doing?
  • Mischec: I'm fine. Aren't you tired though?
  • Ethan: Not at all!
  • Mischec: Good luck with your missions!
  • Ethan: Thanks!


  • Ethan: What's wrong, Mischec?
  • Mischec: I want to hurry up and grow up so I can join the GUARDIANS, too.

(A-Photon Fanatic)

  • A-Photon Fanatic: From here on out, it's all about A-Photons! Unstable mystical energy photons... Pshaw! They're already yesterday's technology!


  • A-Photon Fanatic: I can't wait for a world full of A-Photon products!

(Photon Fanatic)

  • Photon Fanatic: Photons really are convenient. The best thing about them is how they reflect your own spirit energy back at you. The more strength you assert, the strong the resulting energy is. It's truly the stuff of dreams.


  • Photon Fanatic: A-Photons, after all, were born from photons. That's why photons are the best!


  • Astronomer: If it were something like a meteor's orbit... then calculating the origin of the SEED would be a simple task! However, it's difficult to get an accurate reading by radar from the SEED. Their orbit is extremely unusual. The SEED can far surpass any spaceship. They are extremely mobile.


  • Astronomer: It is physically impossible to examine every single inch of the Gurhal System... My head hurts.

(Endy Fodz)

  • Ethan: Hey, Endy! I just recently rode on a PPT Shuttle for the first time!
  • Endy: Really? Where'd you go?
  • Ethan: To Parum. On a mission.
  • Endy: Nice! I heard you got partnered up with Hyuga Ryght. Did you manage to clear all your mission objectives?
  • Ethan: Of course!


  • Ethan: You, me, and Hyuga should all hang out sometime soon.
  • Endy: Yeah, tell him I said hi!

Clyez City Fourth Floor: PPT Spaceport

(Jabutz Secbel)

  • Ethan: Hello, Manager of Operations Secbel!
  • Jabutz: ...
  • Ethan: ... Mr. Secbel?
  • Jabutz: Chief Manager of Operations! Get it right!
  • Ethan: Sorry...


  • Ethan: Sorry about before...
  • Jabutz: Mistaking someone's position is a clear sign of disrespect!
  • Ethan: Sorry...

(Beast Male)

  • Beast Male: On Parum there's a doctrine of CAST supremacy. That's not where the notion of ill-mannered CASTs comes from, but you can certainly say that humans aren't very comfortable with the situation!


  • Beast Male: It's best to live like we do on the G-Golony, in a world with no discrimination.

(Porsh Tuvol)

  • Ethan: Hey, Porsh. Where were you before you came here?
  • Porsh: I was at the PPT Spaceport on Moatoob.
  • Ethan: Really? A while back I rode on a PPT Shuttle for the first time, but I've never been to Moatoob.
  • Porsh: It's not that great a place...


  • Ethan: I think from now on I'll be riding the PPT Shuttle a lot. See you around!
  • Porsh: Yeah, you too.

(Keiko Rotta)

  • Ethan: Huh? Wasn't this the gate for Parum?
  • Keiko: Unreliable Guardian! The Gurhal System doesn't stand a chance with you defending us!
  • Ethan: Excuse me?


  • Keiko: You humans are all the same...

(Linear Line PPT Gate Attendant)

  • Linear Line PPT Gate Attendant: This gate is for the Linear Line Platform. When traveling to mission locations here in the GUARDIANS colony, you can access the Linear Line from this gate.

Clyez City Fifth Floor: GUARDIANS Headquarters


  • Reporter: What are RELICS like? I've never seen an actual RELICS site. If you ever get the chance to see one, tell me all about it! I'll write an article about it.

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: You went to Parum? The CAST-run system isn't necessarily bad...But as long as they continue to look down their noses at other races, the tense atmosphere of Parum will stay the same.
  • (Again)
  • Human Male: Just as there are many different kinds of people and opinions, there are CASTs who feel differently, as well. I'm sure you'll be exposed to this eventually.

(Fisul Godes)

  • Ethan: Hello, sir!
  • Mr. Godes: Hey, is that you, Waber? You're the son of that Olson Waber, aren't you?
  • Ethan: You knew my father?
  • Mr. Godes: I didn't know him personally, but I did know of him. He was well-respected in his day.
  • Ethan: Right.


  • Mr. Godes: By the way, you know my daughter Kumil, correct?
  • Ethan: Oh, yeah!
  • Mr. Godes: It would appear she is quite fond of you.
  • Ethan: Oh. Uh... That's interesting!