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Mission: Divination Escort

Agata Islands: Block A-1

(Cutscene) (Ethan, Lou, and Dr. Tomrain stand in a clearing at the edge of the Agata Islands. A COG Limousine ship descends from the sky and lands. The Divine Maiden, escorted by two bodyguards disembark and approach the party. Dr. Tomrain reaches to shake her hand)

  • Dr. Tomrain: It's an honor to meet you. Thank you for your assistance.
  • Karen: If my powers can help, then that is thanks enough for me. I am at your service.
  • Dr. Tomrain: Well then, shall we begin?

(The Maiden turns to her bodyguards)

  • Karen: I'm sorry, but you two must wait here.
  • Bodyguard: Maiden, it's too dangerous. We must keep our eyes on you.
  • Karen: Thank you, but no. The Guardians will be with me the whole time. I will be in safe hands.
  • Bodyguard: If that is your wish, then I obey. Please be careful.
  • Karen: Thank you.

(She turns to Ethan)

  • Karen: Let us continue. I'm counting on you for protection.
  • Ethan: Of course, Divine Maiden!

(The party exits, leaving the bodyguards behind) (End Cutscene)

Agata Islands: Block A-2

  • Karen: There is a buddhist temple beyond this. Let's head there first.

(Fight your way through Blocks A-1 through A-4)

Kokura Temple: Block A-1

(Scene: Ethan, Karen, Lou, Dr. Tomrain) (When the party enters the abandoned temple, they find it frozen over)

  • Ethan: This is the temple of the sacred grounds? It doesn't seem very popular. This chill...! Could it be? Has it been infected by SEED?
  • Karen: This temple was built for pilgrims and to protect the sacred grounds. many people from the Communion of Gurhal resided within it. But about a month ago, it fell under heavy SEED attack and became uninhabitable. After that, the grounds were purified countless times and eventually were recovered. But with no one around to care for it, the temple deteriorated to what you see before you. The inside is still full of SEED.
  • Ethan: The SEED invaded the sacred grounds, could it mean...
  • Karen: Yes. I think I know what you're thinking, and you're right. The sacred grounds are inside the Agata RELICS site, found by newmans long ago.
  • Ethan: Then could the Neudaiz confinement system be located on the sacred grounds?
  • Karen: No. The thought did occur to me, but when I did a little investigation, there was no information to support that theory. But the sacred grounds have an extremely high photon concentration. If we carry out the rite of divination here, I'm confident we'll be able to target the location of the confinement system. The Agata RELICS site is just ahead after we exit this temple. The temple is filled with SEED-Forms and infected native creatures. Let's be careful!

(End Scene)

(Fight your way from Block A-1 through A-4)

Agata Islands: Outside the Sacred Grounds

(Cutscene) (The party exits the Temple into a clearing before a gigantic cone shaped RELICS site)

  • Karen: That is the Sacred Grounds of Gurhal.
  • Dr. Tomrain: it will take a moment to set up the equipment. If you don't mind, Maiden, would you please wait here?
  • Karen: Yes, certainly.
  • Dr. Tomrain: Mr. Waber. I'll leave it to you to keep watch over the Maiden.
  • Ethan: Yes sir!
  • Dr. Tomrain: Let's go, Lou.
  • Lou: Yes sir.

(Lou and Dr. Tomrain exit. Karen rests herself on a nearby rock)

  • Karen: How've you been?
  • Ethan: Oh, fine, Karen... I mean Maiden.
  • Karen: Oh, it's alright. It's just the two of us here.
  • Ethan: Oh... Okay. ...Karen.
  • Karen: It's been so long since we've talked like this.
  • Ethan: Yeah, you seem so busy with all that Maiden stuff.
  • Karen: Yeah, I've traveled all over... meeting all sorts of people. And I've realized just how many people out there... really do need my help. I can feel myself changing little by little.
  • Ethan: Changing? What do you mean?
  • Karen: Well... that I no longer belong only to myself. I belong to everyone. I can feel this bond with the people... stronger than ever. I was so alone without my mother... And then I lost Mirei... now I have something to fight for.
  • Ethan: Something to fight for...
  • Karen: And Ethan, you're here to fight for me, right?
  • Ethan: Yeah, of course!
  • Karen: Heh heh heh... I'm counting on you.

(A Kagajibari springs from the ground behind them)

  • Ethan: Damn, already?!

(End Cutscene)

(Trial Start) (Defeat Kagajibari) (Trial End)

(Scene: Ethan, Karen)

  • Ethan: Karen, are you all right?
  • Karen: Yeah, it's just hard to move around in this getup.
  • Ethan: I guess you can use TECHNICs now, huh?
  • Karen: Well... I'm still in training.
  • Ethan: Well, they're probably ready by now. Let's go.
  • Karen: ...All right.

(Karen and Ethan exit) (End Scene)

The Altar of Divination

(Cutscene) (Ethan and Karen approach Dr. Tomrain and Lou who are working on holographic computer panels which are displayed before the altar)

  • Dr. Tomrain: Maiden, if you'd be so kind.
  • Karen: Yes...

(Karen turns to Ethan, who nods in approval. She approaches the altar, and is bathed in a bright glow as her clothes change to ceremonial robes. Streams of light rise from the ground and envelop her as she begins the divination)

  • Karen: Ah yes. I can feel the light gathering...

(From above, streaks of light pierce the sky, signifying an impeding SEED attack)

  • Ethan: Damn! They found us!
  • Dr. Tomrain: It's too dangerous to continue! We must stop this now!
  • Karen: No, let me finish! We haven't gone this far for nothing! I must continue. For the sake of Gurhal! The future depends on us!
  • Ethan: You let me deal with this!! I'll be by your side... Go ahead! Lou, let's go!
  • Lou: Yes!

(Ethan and Lou exit) (End Cutscene)

Agata Islands: Block B-1

(Scene: Ethan, Lou) (As the pair enter Block: B-1 they are confronted with the twisted landscape of Fire SEED infection)

  • Ethan: I can't believe the SEED have spread this far already!

(Lou closes and locks the gate behind them)

  • Lou: This should slow down it's progress toward the sacred grounds, but it's only a matter of time before security here is breached.
  • Ethan: Damn it, after ice comes the flame SEED!
  • Lou (shout): !
  • Ethan: What is it, Lou?
  • Lou: Hold on for a moment, please. I've received a satellite update on the current state of infestation for this area. The infestation is growing at an unprecedented speed. The sacred grounds will be in danger soon at the current rate of infestation.
  • Ethan: ...What should we do?
  • Lou: There are six SEED cores in this area. If we can purify them all, we should be able to hold off any further infestation. But, if we should fail... the Maiden, along with the sacred grounds, will probably be swallowed up by the SEED.
  • Ethan: No way. I won't let that happen! I made a promise to Karen, that I would protect her!
  • Lou: Even so, at this time, and at this scale... It is almost as if someone is intentionally creating this infestation...
  • Ethan: You think this is some sort of conspiracy, like someone is manipulating the SEED? That's kind of a strange thing for a CAST to say, what with no supporting proof... Well, before we worry about that, let's focus on stopping this current infestation!
  • Lou: ...Yes. Understood.

(Ethan and Lou exit) (End Scene)

(Trial Start)

(Fight through to Block B-3. After destroying each SEED-Core, Ethan comments)

  • Ethan: Great, I got one!
  • Ethan: That makes two!
  • Ethan: Number three!
  • Ethan: And four!
  • Ethan: Just one left!

Agata Islands: Block B-3

(Destroy the final SEED-Core) (Trial End)

(Cutscene) (Another bright object streaks across the sky and crashes to the ground nearby. Dr. Tomrain comms Ethan)

  • Dr. Tomrain: Mr. Waber! There's more over here! Come quickly!
  • Ethan: Yes sir!

(Ethan and Lou exit) (End Cutscene)

(Scene: Ethan, Lou)

  • Lou: To return to the sacred grounds, it would be faster to continue ahead rather than turning back on the path we came on.
  • Ethan: Wait there, Karen. I'll be there soon!

(End Scene)

Agata Islands: Block C-1

(Scene: Ethan, Lou, Bruce) (As Ethan and Lou enter block C-1, they come upon Bruce standing next to his cargo carrier)

  • Bruce: Welcome!
  • Ethan: Bruce!?
  • Lou: Bruce, it is dangerous here. And it is also against the rules for you to be here.
  • Bruce: Always a stickler for the rules, aren't ya? Well, rules are made to be broken, my little friend. Besides, somebody's got to keep an eye out for ya!
  • Lou: This isn't any of your concern.
  • Bruce: You're breaking my heart, Lou. Well, let's save the chit-chat for later. You've got to get to the sacred grounds quickly, right? Stock up and get supplied here before ya go!
  • Ethan: Thanks, Bruce.
  • Lou: This mission being classified, I shall leave this out of the report.
  • Bruce: Thanks, doll! I knew you had it in ya!

(End Scene)


  • Bruce: You'd better hurry. I've got a bad feeling about this one...
  • Ethan: Bruce...

(As Ethan advances into the block, he is attacked by machines)

  • Ethan: Endrum Collective's battle machinery! What are they doing here!?
  • Lou: ...

(Attempt to exit to Block D-1)

  • Lou: This is the wrong way to the sacred grounds.

Agata Islands: Block C-2

(Cutscene) (Lou and Ethan enter a clearing. As they do so, a bright object from the sky impacts the ground in a fireball. From out of the flames emerges Magashi, twisted and consumed by the SEED)

  • Ethan: Magashi?! You're supposed to be dead!
  • Magashi: Unfortunately for you, though my prior body was destroyed the power of the SEED has brought me back again! To kill you!
  • Ethan: What?!
  • Magashi: Now you will pay for what you did to me!! Prepare to die!

(Magashi leaps in attack at Ethan) (End Cutscene)

(Start Trial)

  • Ethan: I've never heard of the SEED infecting CASTs!
  • Lou: ...?

(Defeat SEED-Magashi) (End Trial)

(Cutscene) (SEED-Magashi stand before Ethan, injured but not defeated)

  • Magashi: Hehehe... Grr... You have grown strong... But you haven't won yet!

(SEED-Magashi leaps into the air, escaping) (End Cutscene)

(Scene: Ethan, Lou)

  • Ethan: He got away! What the heck is going on!? Did he have something to do with those machines from before!?
  • Lou: I don't know. I suppose it's possible.
  • Ethan: But never mind that! Do you think this SEED attack was Magashi's doing?
  • Lou: I cannot say.
  • Ethan: What is he trying to do!?
  • Lou: I do not know.
  • Ethan: Is that all you can say? Think for a second!
  • Lou: I will only say what I know for certain. If we rush into speculation, we could play right into their hands. Please calm yourself, Mr. Waber. Now we must focus our attention on more immediate matters. Specifically, we must ensure that the divination is preformed successfully. If we can't do that, then it is unlikely that we will be able to accomplish anything.
  • Ethan: ... You're right, Lou. I'm sorry. I... I guess I let myself get worked up.
  • Lou: Forget it. Soon we will have the results of the divination. Let's return to the doctor's location.
  • Ethan: Yeah, okay.

(End Scene)

The Altar of Divination

(Cutscene) (Karen continues on with the divination uninterrupted ritual as Ethan and Lou return to the altar room)

  • Ethan: Karen!

(The particles of light flow around Karen even more intensely. They flow up from her body to form a glowing, pulsating, singularity above her head. The light expands as the divination begins. Scene changes to a dark landscape filled with armies of Strateria as they march against the advancing SEED force. They enter combat, trading blows and destroying one another. The scene changes to show legions of Strateria as far as the eye can see marching while SEED forms fall in great numbers from the sky. The scene changes again to multitudes of rank and file Strateria standing guard in the shadow of a confinement system tower. The scene finally changes back to the Altar of Divination, as the light fades from Karen's form)

  • Dr. Tomrain: Excellent! We got everything we needed!
  • Lou: The results were better than anticipated. You may stop now.
  • Ethan: You've done it, Karen! Thanks...

(Karen collapses, exhausted)

  • Ethan: Karen!

(Ethan rushes to Karen's side and holds her)

  • Ethan: Karen!
  • Karen: Ethan... Ethan, I'm glad I could help...
  • Ethan: You hang in there! You hear me?!
  • Karen: Do you think Mirei would be pleased?
  • Ethan: Yes. Of course...

(Karen loses consciousness)

  • Ethan: Karen! Karen!!!!!

(End Cutscene)

(Ending Cinema)

Chapter 11 Episode Preview

  • Narrator: At last the time of the Unification Point draws near. Assigned to protect the Moatoob confinement system, Ethan and his companions encounter an intolerant Fullyen Curtz, who refuses to work with them. Will the plan to stop the SEED succeed with such hostility between supposed allies? Next time on Phantasy Star Universe: Unification Point.

Chapter 11 Alternate Episode Preview

  • Ethan: Professor Tomrain, what should I do?
  • Dr. Tomrain: What's the matter, Mr. Waber?
  • Ethan: I'm never gonna see Karen ever again...
  • Dr. Tomrain: Hmm... That is a problem, yes. Lou, what do you think?
  • Lou: There is a 99% probability that you will never see her again.
  • Ethan: Huh?! See! She's gone... forever...
  • Dr. Tomrain: Don't be so defeatist Waber. The power of science will help us.
  • Ethan: Really, Professor?
  • Dr. Tomrain: Yes. First, we'll use the confinement system to send you to an alternate dimension.
  • Ethan: Are you for real?
  • Dr. Tomrain: Yes, yes. And then, we'll do the same with the Communion of Gurhal and Karen!
  • Ethan: And then?
  • Dr. Tomrain: So then, we end up creating a little pocket dimension for just the two of you to be together for all time.
  • Ethan: That's crazy! Are you sure you're not getting senile Professor?
  • Dr. Tomrain: How rude! I certainly am not! Here, I'll prove it to you by doing the preview. Ahem... Next time on Phantasy Star Universe: Unification Point. There... now then, what were we talking about?
  • Ethan: You ARE going senile!