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In a far away galaxy, lies a sun, orbited by 3 planets. The Gurhal system.
A place inhabited by humans, and their creations,
CASTs, Newmens, and beasts.
For 500 years, there was war among the races,
a seemingly never-ending conflict. Then finally...
An era of peace and prosperity that has lasted for 100 years.
But now, a darkness has awoken, and threatens the Universe.

(Opening Cinema)

Episode 1 Chapter 9: Hot SOS

Ohtoku City: Central District

(Cutscene) (Ethan and Maya stand in front of the G-Flyer base on Neudaiz)

  • Ethan: Before you go, Doc said to give you this.

(Ethan hands Maya the tracking device)

  • Maya: Thank you.
  • Ethan: Maya, are you sure you're okay with going alone? Want me to go with you?
  • Maya: Ethan, this is my problem! This has nothing to do with the GUARDIANS. You already have your work cut out for you helping the professor.
  • Ethan: Maya...
  • Maya: Bye for now, Ethan. Please, take care of him!

(Maya turns and exits into the G-Flyer base) (End Cutscene)

  • Ethan: Just as Maya said, I've got to become strong for the doctor... First thing... There are still no leads to the location of the Neudaiz confinement system. I guess the GUARDIANS Intelligence Section is working on it. I should probably go back to my room now.

Ethan's Room

(Scene: Ethan, Pete, Dr. Tomrain) (Ethan enters his room and walks up to Pete)

  • Ethan: I'm back!
  • Pete: Welcome back, Ethan. I've gathered some data for you.
  • Ethan: All right, I'll take a look.

(Ethan's Comm unit beeps. He answers it)

  • Dr. Tomrain: Ah, Mr. Waber. You're back.
  • Ethan: Doctor!
  • Dr. Tomrain: It looks like we've pin-pointed the location of the kidnapped Lou unit.
  • Ethan: And Professor Taragi, too?
  • Dr. Tomrain: Unfortunately, they seem to be held at separate locations. Maya is currently tracking down Professor Taragi. Mr. Waber, will you retrieve the Lou unit for us?
  • Ethan: Of course!
  • Dr. Tomrain: Well then, report to GUARDIANS Headquarters as soon as possible.
  • Ethan: I will.

(Ethan hangs up)

  • Pete: It's a step in the right direction isn't it, Ethan?
  • Ethan: Yeah. Well anyways, I'm off!
  • Pete: Be careful.

(End Scene)

(Talk to Pete) (Pete has no "Talk" dialogue in this chapter) (Ask about Endrum Collective Mystery)

  • Pete: It appears certain that the Endrum Collective has a role in the scientists' kidnappings.
  • Ethan: The activation of the confinement system got rid of all those creatures, thankfully. And those Endrum Collective guys haven't been back, either.
  • Pete: Do you think it's because they kidnapped Dr. Taragi?
  • Ethan: Well, maybe... I just feel like there's something else we're missing. It's not like I miss Magashi or anything... It's just kinda creepy when they get this quiet all of a sudden.

(Ask about Confinement System)

  • Pete: There is one confinement system on each planet for a total of three. The locations of the confinement systems on Neudaiz and Moatoob are still unknown. The President seems to feel these three systems hold the key to repelling the SEED.

(Ask again later)

  • Pete: Dr. Tomrain is waiting at GUARDIANS Headquarters.

Clyez City: Guardians Headquarters: Fifth Floor

(Mina) (Before returning to Ethan's Room)

  • Mina: Welcome to the GUARDIANS, defenders of Gurhal's future! There are no missions that you can accept here right now.

(After returning to Ethan's Room) (Scene: Ethan, Mina)

  • Mina: Ethan! Hello!
  • Ethan: Hey, Mina!
  • Mina: What was your mission about yesterday?
  • Ethan: Er... They're making me keep quiet about it. Sorry about that.
  • Mina: Oh, I see. Does it have something to do with that huge RELICS site that appeared on Parum?
  • Ethan: Huh? I wonder... Could be...

Mina: Geez, that's no fair! Oh well. Dr. Tomrain and Lou are waiting in the meeting room.

  • Ethan: Huh? Lou is? But that's...

(End Scene)

Guardians Headquarters: Meeting Room

(Cutscene) (Ethan enters the meeting room and is surprised to see Lou standing there to greet him)

  • Ethan: Lou?! You're okay!
  • Lou: ?
  • Ethan: I'm so glad!
  • Lou: I am serial number Lou 256. You are searching for serial number Lou 178. Lou 178 is still missing.
  • Ethan: What?!

(Dr. Tomrain enters)

  • Dr. Tomrain: Good to see you again, Mr. Waber.
  • Ethan: Doctor... What's going on here?
  • Dr. Tomrain: I can't blame you for being surprised. Lou's body frame was mass produced, and I happen to have one of the same model. Hmm, how many...
  • Lou: I am not permitted to answer that question.
  • Dr. Tomrain: Oh, I apologize.
  • Ethan: So that explains it. I thought for a minute there that we'd found her.
  • Dr. Tomrain: They can actually exchange information with each other in realtime through a neural transmitter. However, it appears that the Lou we lost in Parum has been disconnected from the network.
  • Ethan: You thin the Collective's behind this?
  • Dr. Tomrain: Yes, most likely.
  • Lou: For a brief moment however, she reconnected and was able to send out a distress signal. It originated in the Moatoob Desert. And it appears she has further information regarding the Confinement System.
  • Ethan: Does she know where to find one?
  • Lou: It is too difficult to tell from her transmission. It stopped before the download finished.
  • Dr. Tomrain: Mr. Waber, would you go to Moatoob for me?
  • Ethan: Of course!

(End Cutscene)

(Scene: Ethan, Lou, Dr. Tomrain)

  • Lou: I will formally explain our current mission. An intermittent distress signal is being broadcast from the kidnapped Lou unit located in the central region of the East Kugu Desert. It is believed that the unit was on an airship that crashed due to recent sporadic fighting between the Endrum Collective and rouges. Underground in the East Kugu Desert, quicksand deposits are common, and this is believed to be the cause for the intermittent transmissions. I receive the Lou unit's signals so I will be accompanying you as we attempt to recover the Lou unit.
  • Ethan: Got it.
  • Lou: There will be two others accompanying us on this mission. They will rendezvous with us at the Dagora City branch so prepare for departure at once.
  • Ethan: So then... Is there another Lou unit waiting at Dagora City?
  • Lou: Yes, there is.
  • Ethan: Weird.

(End Scene)

Clyez City: Guardians Headquarters: Fifth Floor

(Mina) (After meeting Dr. Tomrain)

  • Mina: Welcome to the GUARDIANS! Protecting the future of the Gurhal System. Oh, Ethan! Your next mission is on Moatoob, right? May the Holy Light guide you!

(Lou) (After meeting Dr. Tomrain, Lou appears)

  • Ethan: You... er... Are there a lot of you?
  • Lou: To put it simply, yes. However, there is only one consciousness.
  • Ethan: Then... Couldn't you all be a little bit nicer?
  • Lou: The amount of data we process is vast, so unnecessary emotions-like qualities have been removed.
  • Ethan: Unnecessary emotions...


  • Lou: A combat unit Lou will be accompanying you on your mission.

(Add Lou to Party)

  • Lou: Understood. ... I have contacted a battle unit Lou.

(Remove Lou from Party)

  • Lou: Understood. ... I have contacted a battle unit Lou.

Holtes City: Guardians Branch

(Sheena) (Before meeting Dr. Tomrain)

  • Sheena: Welcoming to the GUARDIANS, making futures for Gurhal! We have no missions here now that you can accept.

(After meeting Dr. Tomrain)

  • Sheena: Welcoming to the Guardians! Making the future of Gurhal!
  • Ethan: Hello, Sheena.
  • Sheena: Mr. Waber, your mission is at Moatoob!
  • Ethan: I'm just stopping by.
  • Sheena: Be careful when you going. The Holy Light will be guiding you.

(Lou) (After meeting Dr. Tomrain, Lou appears)

  • Lou: You finally figured us out.
  • Ethan: Uh... I knew it all along!
  • Lou: There is no need to hide your ignorance. You know now, and that is all that is important.
  • Ethan: Darn it!
  • Lou: Please retrieve unit number 178.
  • Ethan: Yeah, sure thing. I'll bring her back.
  • Lou: If you can, retrieve her memory. It doesn't matter whether or not you bring back her body.
  • Ethan: Huh? Uh... okay.


  • Lou: Please retrieve unit number 178.

(Add Lou to Party)

  • Lou: Understood. ... I have contacted a battle unit Lou.

(Remove Lou from Party)

  • Lou: Understood. ... I have contacted a battle unit Lou.

Ohtoku City: Central District

(Pavilion of Air Guard)

  • Pavilion of Air Guard: The Divine Maiden is really pushing herself. Her followers seem a lot more energetic and happy nowadays. She's really become a splendid contribution to the people! There's nothing for you to look so worried about!


  • Pavilion of Air Guard: The Divine Maiden is magnificent!

Ohtoku City: Guardians Branch

(Reyna) (Before meeting Dr. Tomrain)

  • Reyna: Thank you for visiting the GUARDIANS, defenders of Gurhal's future. We currently have no missions that you can take on.

(After meeting Dr. Tomrain)

  • Reyna: Welcome to the GUARDIANS! Protecting the future of Gurhal. Mr. Waber, I believe your mission is on Moatoob, is it not?
  • Ethan: I know. I'm just stopping in.
  • Reyna: Do come back soon! May the Holy Light guide you safely.

(Lou) (After meeting Dr. Tomrain, Lou appears)

  • Lou: You finally figured us out.
  • Ethan: Uh... I knew it all along!
  • Lou: There is no need to hide your ignorance. You know now, and that is all that is important.
  • Ethan: Darn it!
  • Lou: Please retrieve unit number 178.
  • Ethan: Yeah, sure thing. I'll bring her back.
  • Lou: If you can, retrieve her memory. It doesn't matter whether or not you bring back her body.
  • Ethan: Huh? Uh... okay.


  • Lou: Please retrieve unit number 178.

(Add Lou to Party)

  • Lou: Understood. ... I have contacted a battle unit Lou.

(Remove Lou from Party)

  • Lou: Understood. ... I have contacted a battle unit Lou.

Dagora City: Guardians Branch

(Scene: Ethan, Tonnio, Leo, Lou) (Leo, Tonnio, and Lou are standing around the mission counter as Ethan enters)

  • Leo: There you are.
  • Tonnio: Yo.
  • Ethan: So "two partners" meant the two of you, eh? Oh yeah, sorry about before...
  • Tonnio: Yeah, no prob.
  • Lou: When everyone is done getting ready we'll head to the East Kugu Desert by G-Flyer.

(Mission "Search for Lou" now available)

  • Tonnio: I've got some stuff I still need to get.
  • Leo: The deserts of Moatoob are pretty harsh. Stock up accordingly.
  • Ethan: Yeah, I will.
  • Leo: Well then, when you're done getting ready, we'll rendezvous at the flyer base. Go on.

(End Scene)

(Mana) (Before meeting Dr. Tomrain)

  • Mana: Hey, this is the GUARDIANS. We defend the future of Gurhal and stuff. We don't have any missions you can take on here. Now now, anyway.

(After meeting Dr. Tomrain)

  • Mana: Hey, this is the GUARDIANS. Protecting the future of Gurhal.
  • Ethan: Hello Mana.
  • Mana: Hey, you looking for Lou, too? Ya know, you might run into that confinement system, too. Look real hard, all right? That chick... she's pretty blunt, but she's got her head screwed on all right.
  • Ethan: I'll find her.
  • Mana: The Holy Light will guide ya!

(Lou) (After meeting Dr. Tomrain, Lou appears)

  • Lou: I cannot discuss the number of active Lou units. That information is classified.

(Add Lou to Party)

  • Lou: Very well. I will contact a battle unit Lou.

(Remove Lou from Party)

  • Lou: Very well. I will contact a battle unit Lou.

Dagora City: Central District

(Talk to Leo)

  • Leo: What is the confinement system, exactly?
  • Ethan: I don't really understand it myself. All I know is that it sure came in handy. It could turn the tides in this war.
  • Leo: I see. Well then, we'd better give this search everything we've got.


  • Leo: We can handle whatever comes our way. That's what being a pro is all about!

(Add Leo to the Party)

  • Leo: I've got a bad feeling about this one. Take extra precautions when stocking up.

(Remove Leo from the Party)

  • Leo: All right then, when you're done getting ready, let me know.

(Talk to Tonnio)

  • Tonnio: I heard you went to the Gates of Denikaya.
  • Ethan: Yeah, I did.
  • Tonnio: Damn. I wanted to see them activate the confinement system!
  • Ethan: Really? Too bad for you, it was really cool! (Of course I was in the RELICS site so I didn't get to see it, either...)


  • Tonnio: Damn. I wanted to see them activate the confinement system!

(Add Tonnio to the Party)

  • Tonnio: You haven't seen anything as hardcore as the Kugu Desert. Galenigare is nothing by comparison!

(Remove Tonnio from the Party)

  • Tonnio: Hey hey, get a move on!

(Start mission: Search for Lou)