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In a far away galaxy, lies a sun, orbited by 3 planets. The Gurhal system.
A place inhabited by humans, and their creations,
CASTs, Newmens, and beasts.
For 500 years, there was war among the races,
a seemingly never-ending conflict. Then finally...
An era of peace and prosperity that has lasted for 100 years.
But now, a darkness has awoken, and threatens the Universe.

(Opening Cinema)

Episode 1 Chapter 8: In Mellvore's Wake

(Cutscene) (A bluish SEED form, flashes across the star field at incredible speed and slams into the outer-ring of the Guardian Colony) (End Cutscene)

Food Plant: Block A-1

(Scene: Ethan, Leo, Tonnio) (Ethan rushes into a corridor in the Food Plant, stopping to answer an incoming communication)

  • Ethan: Leo! I've cleaned up the creatures in this area!
  • Leo: Great, there's just a bit more to go. Let's rendezvous. Tonnio and I are one block away. Can you make it?
  • Ethan: Give me a little credit. I've got my official license. I'm the real deal now!
  • Tonnio: Hey! Cut the useless chatter and get over here, pronto!
  • Ethan: What the-? Yeah, you just wait there!

(End Scene)

(Trial Start) (Fight through Block A-1)

Food Plant: Block A-2

  • Tonnio (shouting): You're late, blockhead!
  • Ethan (shouting): What's your problem?
  • Leo (shouting): Save your arguments for later! As soon as we clean up this area, our mission will be over.

(Leo and Tonnio join the party) (Fight through Block A-2)

Food Plant: Block A-3

(Fight through Block A-3) (Trial End)

(Scene: Ethan, Tonnio, Leo, Nav)

  • Ethan: *phew* Looks like we held 'em off!
  • Leo: Good thing it was just a localized attack.
  • Tonnio: Yeah, I'm beat! Let's head back.
  • Leo: That should about do it for clearing up the creatures in this area.
  • Tonnio: It looks like the other areas were cleaned up safely, too.
  • Ethan: It's good the attack was limited to the food production areas.
  • Leo: Yeah, but we could end up with a food shortage on our hands.
  • Tonnio: Well, maybe we can eat SEED!
  • Leo: Hahahaha! Let's head back.

(Scene fades out, then back in on Lucaim Nav talking on his comm unit)

  • Nav: When the A-Photon reactor was shut off, the attack ended. The experiment was a success!

(Scene switches to Ethan, Leo, and Tonnio standing in a separate corridor)

  • Ethan: I'm getting out of here.
  • Tonnio: All right. Good work today!

(Ethan exits)

  • Tonnio: What's your take on Ethan?
  • Leo: He's taking things pretty hard. Karen's good-bye was so sudden. At least he's keeping his head up, though.
  • Tonnio: Yeah, I guess... Still, it wouldn't hurt for him to toughen up a little.

(Scene fades and comes back in with Ethan walking alone down a corridor. He overhears Nav's conversation and hides behind some debris to eavesdrop)

  • Nav: The experiment was a success, Doctor. By maximizing output on the A-Photon reactors, we can lure the SEED to specific points fairly accurately. It did take a while to clean up the mess... But at least we had a minimal amount of damage. I'll see you in the President's chamber.

(Nav exits)

  • Ethan: Headmaster Nav... ...Experiment? Was this attack planned?

(End Scene)

Clyez City: PPT Spaceport: Fourth Floor

  • Ethan: I should probably return to my room.

Ethan's Room

(Talk to Pete)

  • Ethan: I'm home, Pete. Any word about the next mission?
  • Pete: Welcome home, Ethan. You've been working a lot recently. You know, you ought to let yourself relax every once in a while.
  • Ethan: Mind your own business! I've got to keep going. I just have to. I can't explain it, but I do.
  • Pete: Ethan... You mustn't blame yourself for what has happened. And overworking yourself isn't going to do you or anyone any good. There are several news items. Please be sure to check them. Is there anything you'd like to know about?

(Ask about Photon Sealing)

  • Pete: The mark on Karen's hand is a photon seal. Photon seals were originally believed to be a method of embedding recovery TECHNICs to protect the families of Communion officials. But that data appears to have been falsified by Dohgi Mikuna. In reality, according to the data seized from the old Hakura Temple, use of the magic contained in the seal is forbidden within the Communion. This magic was originally developed to etch recovery TECHNICs into the receiver, but there was also the possibility that deadly attack TECHNICs could also be formed. It's use became taboo and it was quickly banned. It seems Dohgi Mikuna learned the art of photon sealing from ancient documents. The seal affixed to Karen would drain her spirit energy and TECHNIC abilities from her. These energies were then directed to Mirei by way of a seal he affixed to her.

(Ask about the Divine Maiden)

  • Pete: It was announced that the Divine Maiden has fully recovered from her illness and will return to her duties. ...It appears that Karen has taken over for Mirei.
  • Ethan: Yeah.
  • Pete: Please cheer up, Ethan.
  • Ethan: I'll be okay.

(Ask again later)

  • Ethan: Don't you think there was something odd about the latest SEED attack?
  • Pete: What do you mean?
  • Ethan: I overheard Headmaster Nav talking to someone. He was saying something about some reactor or another...
  • Pete: I have no information on that, but it is true that the attack was extremely localized... almost as if it were artificially created. Also, at the same time, near the location of the attack, there is information that strange vibrations were coming from an A-Photon reactor.
  • Ethan: It's all so suspicious! Maybe I should try asking Headmaster Nav about it directly.


  • Pete: Headmaster Nav should be at GUARDIANS Headquarters at about this time.

Clyez City: Central Table: First Floor

(Scene: Ethan, Lumia) (Lumia is waiting for Ethan as he exits the Guardian Barracks)

  • Lumia: Ethan! I heard that there was a SEED attack!
  • Ethan: Yeah, but it's all right.
  • Lumia: They said on the news that the Divine Maiden might come and visit.
  • Ethan: What? The Maiden...? Oh... I see...
  • Lumia: What's wrong, Ethan?
  • Ethan: Nothing's wrong. It'd be nice if you got to see the Maiden again.
  • Lumia: Yeah! Let's go together again!
  • Ethan: All right.
  • Lumia: See you later!
  • Ethan: Later...

(Lumia exits) (End Scene)

Clyez City: Guardians Headquarters: Fifth Floor

(Scene: Ethan, Nav) (Ethan approaches the Guardians Counter and sees Headmaster Nav talking to Mina)

  • Ethan: Headmaster Nav!
  • Nav: Oh, it's you, Ethan.
  • Ethan: I was wondering... About the commotion with the SEED today...
  • Nav: Uh... I'm a bit busy today. Let's talk about it later, shall we?
  • Ethan: That attack.. It was planned, wasn't it?
  • Nav: It's something you shouldn't concern yourself with.
  • Ethan: How can you say that? How can you just expose everyone to danger? I won't be satisfied until I get an answer!
  • Nav: Hehe... You're definitely Olson's son, all right.
  • Ethan: Huh?
  • Nav: No, never mind. All right, you win. Come to the President's chamber. I'll let him know you're coming.

(Nav exits) Ethan: Wait a minute. I still have some things I want to... Uh, did you say the President? Huh?? I... ...

President's Chambers

(Cutscene) (A door slides open and Ethan enters the Presidents chambers. The President and Headmaster Nav are waiting for him)

  • Dalgun: So, you are Ethan Waber?
  • Ethan: Yes sir!
  • Dalgun: I heard about the farm. Excellent job.
  • Ethan: Sir! Thank you, sir!
  • Nav: Which is why you were summoned here, Ethan. We're sending you to Mellvore.
  • Ethan: Mellvore, sir?
  • Nav: Dr. Tomrain has recommended you very highly.

(Nav points to a holographic communications device. It activates and an image of Dr. Tomrain appears)

  • Ethan: Dr. Tomrain...
  • Dr. Tomrain: We haven't seen each other since Galenigare Mr. Waber...
  • Ethan: No, sir... I'm sorry, sir, that we never found out where they were holding the scientists.
  • Dr. Tomrain: You did what you could. I've been continuing their research since then. The effects of A-Photon on the SEED. We have found numerous reports that I believe have brought some controversial facts into the light, Mr. Waber. I have a theory. Something our reports had hinted at before. The SEED are not actually attacking the planet, rather, they are attracted by A-Photons.
  • Ethan: What do you mean?!
  • Dalgun: Last night's attack by the SEED was not an accident. It was an experiment.
  • Ethan: An experiment?!

(Ethan slams his hands on the President's desk in anger)

  • Ethan: You put all of us... the entire colony in danger for an experiment!?? What is wrong with you, sir!? We're not lab animals! We're putting our lives on the line fighting those things!
  • Nav: You will speak with respect! You are talking to the President!
  • Ethan: How could you do that? I can't be a part of this... I must refuse this mission, sir!

(Ethan turns to leave)

  • Dalgun: Hah hah hah hah! You've got a short temper, just like your father. Ethan if your father was here, he would have said the same. But understand, we are in a state of emergency. Time is precious.
  • Nav: The fate of the entire Gurhal System lies in the balance. You must look at the bigger picture, Ethan.
  • Dr. Tomrain: Mr. Waber, it was critical that we made sure our theory was correct. Dr. Daren convinced me of a dire truth... A-Photons are not the energy solution of the future. But rather, a disaster waiting to happen.

(Ethan thinks back somberly, Dr. Daren's voice echoes in his mind)

  • Dr. Daren: The ancient civilization that developed A-Photons perished. And now our own civilization is on the road to a similar fate. Total annihilation!
  • Nav: I hope that you will reconsider, and help the doctor, Mr. Waber.
  • Ethan: ...Yes sir. I'll do my best.
  • Dalgun: I'm glad to hear that, Ethan. You and Lou will leave for Mellvore as soon as possible.

(Lou enters the scene) (End Cutscene)

(Scene: Ethan, Lou, Nav, Dalgun)

  • Lou: Thank you for what you did during the Galenigare kidnapping investigation. This time I'll join you as one of your party members.
  • Nav: Lou may look slight but she is quite adept in battle. Try not to slow her down too much.
  • Ethan: Headmaster Nav... Be nice! I'm not in training anymore!
  • Nav: Hohoho! You may be a full-fledged Guardian now... But listening in on your superior's conversations isn't exactly what a model Guardian does, is it?
  • Ethan: Headmaster... Did you set this whole thing up?
  • Nav: Huh? What do you mean?
  • Ethan: Don't play innocent!
  • Nav: Hm... I'm not sure... Well in any case, it seems the President has high hopes for you. Don't let him down.
  • Ethan: I can't win, can I?
  • Dalgun: Headmaster Nav, let's leave it at that. When you're young, it's only natural to state your mind.
  • Ethan: Sir.. I apologize for my impudence earlier.
  • Dalgun: All is forgiven. Your eyes... They remind me of a young Olson Waber.
  • Ethan: You... knew my father, sir?
  • Dalgun: Olson was my partner a long time ago.
  • Ethan: I was just thinking that you kind of talk like him!
  • Dalgun: I don't know about that... Listen, this mission is the key to years of research and in turn may decide the future of the Gurhal System. You have your orders, Mr. Waber.
  • Ethan: Yes sir!

(End Scene)

Clyez City: Guardians Headquarters: Fifth Floor

(Scene: Ethan, Hyuga, Lou) (Ethan exits from the elevator leading from the President's office)

  • Ethan: Hm... I should probably invite Hyuga.

(Ethan comms Hyuga)

  • Hyuga: Ah, Ethan! What is it?
  • Ethan: Hey Hyuga, you want to join my mission?
  • Hyuga: I'm a little tied up right now. I've got something that requires my immediate attention. I'm terribly sorry but you'll have to find someone else. Talk to you later!

(Hyuga hangs up)

  • Ethan: Uh... hey! Hyuga! I wonder what he's up to?

(Lou enters from behind Ethan)

  • Lou: Mr. Waber.
  • Ethan: Oh, hi Lou.
  • Lou: This time your partner will be Maya Shidow.
  • Ethan: Oh, really? Maya?
  • Lou: Yes. Research Scientist Shidow will meet you on Parum along with one more person.
  • Ethan: Got it.
  • Lou: When your preparations are complete, please take the shuttle to Parum. I will be waiting there.
  • Ethan: Understood!

(Lou exits) (End Scene)

(Mina) (Before meeting the President)

  • Mina: Mr. Waber! Nice job cleaning up the SEED!

(After meeting the President)

  • Mina: Oh, Mr. Waber! This mission... Do you know what it's all about?
  • Ethan: Hm? What do you mean?
  • Mina: They've been very secretive about your mission and won't give me any details. This has never happened before. Hopefully it's not anything to worry about. Then again, why would they keep it so under wraps unless it was really dangerous?
  • Ethan: Hey, quit freaking me out!
  • Mina: Oh, sorry about that.
  • Ethan: It doesn't matter. Whatever it is, I'll give it everything I've got!
  • Mina: Well, good luck then, and may the Holy Light guide you!

(Scene: Ethan, Hyuga, Lumia) (As Ethan approaches the exit, Hyuga and Lumia enter)

  • Ethan: Hey! What are you two doing!?
  • Hyuga: Ah! Ethan! A-Are you going on your mission now?
  • Ethan: I am! What is Lumia doing in a place like this!?
  • Lumia: Ethan... I'm just...
  • Ethan: You be quiet! Hyuga, I told you not to get involved with my sister! You little...
  • Lumia: Hey! Ethan, YOU be quiet! Hyuga, let's go!
  • Hyuga: U.. Uh...

(Hyuga and Lumia exit)

  • Ethan: Hey! Lumia! Great. Just great! What the heck is going on!?

(End Scene)

(Lou) (Lou appears in the Guardian HQ after you have met Lou in Holtes City)

  • Lou: This is mission is top secret. Do not discuss it with anyone.
  • Ethan: O-Okay. (Lou doesn't seem to have an ounce of faith in me!)

Clyez City: PPT Spaceport: Fourth Floor

(Scene: Ethan, Lou) (Upon approaching the Parum PPT gate, Ethan notices Lou entering from the gate)

  • Ethan: Oh, Lou! Perfect timing! Shall we go together?
  • Lou: No, I still have things to investigate here. Lou is waiting for you on Parum. Please go to Parum by yourself.
  • Ethan: What?
  • Lou: Please excuse me.

(Lou exits)

  • Ethan: Lou is waiting for me... Aren't you Lou...? Why do you always act so weird?

(End Scene)

Ohtoku City: Central District

(Pavilion of Air Guard)

  • Pavilion of Air Guard: You're Ethan Waber, eh? the house I was grew up in was close to the Mikuna household. When Mirei was little we used to play together all the time. But now... You know, Rutsu told me the truth, and I'm glad the new Maiden is a good person... But if you ask me, Mirei will be the only true Divine Maiden.


  • Pavilion of Air Guard: To me, there's always been one, and only one, Divine Maiden.

Ohtoku City: Guardians Branch

(Reyna) (Before meeting the President)

  • Reyna: Thank you for visiting the GUARDIANS, defenders of Gurhal's future. We currently have no missions that you can take on.

(After meeting the President)

  • Reyna: Welcome to the GUARDIANS. Protecting the future of Gurhal. Mr. Waber, I believe your current mission has you on Parum...
  • Ethan: I know. I'm just stopping by.
  • Reyna: Please head back as soon as possible. And may the Holy Light guide you safely.


  • Reyna: Please head back as soon as possible. And may the Holy Light guide you safely.

(Lou) (Lou appears after meeting the President)

  • Lou: Mr. Waber, what about the mission on Parum?
  • Ethan: I know. I'm just stopping by.
  • Lou: If you waste too much time, you'll be late for the mission.
  • Ethan: Yeah, yeah. Don't rush me!


  • Lou: If you waste too much time, you'll be late for the mission.

Dagora City: Guardians Branch

(Mana) (Before meeting the President)

  • Mana: Hey, this is the GUARDIANS. We defend the future of Gurhal and stuff. We don't have any missions you can take on here. Not now, anyway.

(After meeting the President)

  • Mana: Hey, this is the GUARDIANS. We protect the future of Gurhal.
  • Ethan: Hell, Mana.
  • Mana: Hey, ain't your mission on Parum? This ain't no time to be slacking off, right?
  • Ethan: I'll be heading back soon.
  • Mana: If you don't take care of your missions I'll come after you myself! May the Holy Light watch your rear!


  • Mana: If you don't take care of your missions I'll come after you myself! May the Holy Light watch your rear!

(Lou) (Lou appears after meeting the President)

  • Lou: Mr. Waber, what about the mission on Parum?
  • Ethan: I know. I'm just stopping by.
  • Lou: If you waste too much time you'll be late for the mission.
  • Ethan: Yeah, yeah. Don't rush me!


  • Lou: If you waste too much time you'll be late for the mission.

Holtes City: Central Square

(Scene: Ethan, Maya, Lou) (Ethan exits the PPT spaceport to find Maya waiting in the Central Square)

  • Ethan: Maya!
  • Maya: Oh Ethan!
  • Ethan: What is this mission about?
  • Maya: I have no idea. They called me in all of a sudden, with no explanation.
  • Ethan: Huh.

(Lou approaches from the East District)

  • Lou: You're both here.
  • Ethan: Huh? Lou... Did you get here before me?
  • Lou: Yes. I've been here the whole time.
  • Ethan: No, but... we just talked at the colony...
  • Maya: Yeah, whatever. More importantly, tell us about this mission.
  • Lou: We will be traveling to the abandoned city of Mellvore. Dr. Tomrain is conducting an investigation there. We will also be escorting an additional person who is necessary for the investigation.
  • Ethan: And who is this person?
  • Lou: You will find out soon enough. We are to meet him in front of the Mellvore wall. We will be departing soon. Form a party and we will depart from the flyer base.

(Mission "In the Ruins" available)

  • Maya: Got it! Well then, see you later Ethan!
  • Ethan: See ya.
  • Lou: Here is my partner card.

(Receive Lou's Partner Card)

  • Lou: I have some things to check up on before the mission.
  • Ethan: All right.

(Lou and Maya exit)

  • Ethan: Let's see what the locals have to say about Mellvore...

(End Scene)

Clothing Shop


  • Norphe: Oh, Mr. Waber. The ranch is back on track! But there are people who look down on me because I live with a human... and because I work in a pasture. Still, I'm doing my best to form a bridge between CASTs and humans!


  • Norphe: It would be nice if the CASTs and humans on Parum could live in friendship like they do on the colony!

Holtes City: East District

(Talk to Maya)

  • Maya: This is my first time to see Mellvore, too. I wonder what's waiting for us there.

(Add Maya to the party)

  • Maya: We'll head to Mellvore by G-Flyer, correct?

(Remove Maya from the party)

  • Maya: What? You shouldn't keep a lady waiting too long, you know.

Holtes City: Guardians Branch

(Sheena) (Before meeting the President)

  • Sheena: Welcoming to the GUARDIANS, making the futures for Gurhal! We have no missions here now that you can accept.

(After meeting the President)

  • Sheena: Welcoming! Protecting Gurhal for always!
  • Ethan: Hello, Sheena.
  • Sheena: Mr. Waber is hello. I heard somebody set up us the important mission.
  • Ethan: It looks like it.
  • Sheena: You know what you doing. Take off every Holy Light.


  • Sheena: You know what you doing. Take off every Holy Light.

(Lou) (Lou appears after meeting the President) (Talk to Lou)

  • Lou: This is a top-secret mission. Do not speak of it to anyone.
  • Ethan: I know!

(Add Lou to the party)

  • Lou: Well then, let's get moving to Mellvore.

(Remove Lou from party)

  • Lou: What are you doing? We must begin the mission as soon as possible.

(Start mission: In the Ruins)