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PSP:GSM-05M Tirentos

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Phantasy Star Portable This article pertains to an item, mission or other feature available exclusively in Phantasy Star Portable.

GSM-05M Tirentos
LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19  ?  ?  ?  ? --
20-39 Gatling Gatling Gatling Soda Caliba AMF HQ Recovery C, Stolen Weapon C
40-59 Beam Vulcan Beam Vulcan Card Fante Soda Hazzo AMF HQ Recovery B, Stolen Weapon B
60-79 Yasminakov 0002 Yasminakov 0002 Card Regina Soda Joggi AMF HQ Recovery A, Stolen Weapon A
80-99 Muzzlefever Muzzlefever Card Regas Soda Riban AMF HQ Recovery S, Stolen Weapon S
 ? All missions listed above.