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Photon Fortune

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Revision as of 10:04, 5 November 2006 by (talk) (Luck Log English servers)

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Luck (星霊運) in PSU is not a character stat, but rather something influenced by chance. Every day at 12:00 AM (JST for the Japanese servers, PST for the English ones), a certain amount of Luck is assigned to all eight possible combinations of genders and Races. These come in four varieties:

  0     ☆☆☆
Luck1.gif 1 ★☆☆
Luck2.gif 2 ★★☆
Luck3.gif 3 ★★★

Within games, only the leader's Luck influences the game. Luck affects the odds for positive results for the following activities:

  • Weapon Grinding
  • Item drop rates (details unknown)
  • Rare item drop rates (details unknown)
  • Rare enemy appearance rates (details unknown)
  • Critical Rate (details unknown)

Luck Log English servers

When adding a new day, please copy-paste the line of question marks before editing. Thanks. <3

Luck Log
Race Humans Newmans Casts Beasts

Template:Luck row Template:Luck row Template:Luck row Template:Luck row Template:Luck row Template:Luck row Template:Luck row Template:Luck row Template:Luck row Template:Luck row Template:Luck row Template:Luck row Template:Luck row

External Links

PSU Luck Log (Japanese version)

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